

I just can't stop looking at him, his smile, stare, the way he looks at her, I want that.

My obsession with Jay nstarted when I transferred here in Fareview high, the first time I laid eyes on him was in class. When I saw his face I couldn't stop staring, his brown eyes, pink lips and slender figure.

One thing about me is I am attracted to a certain type of males, the ones who give a f boy kinda vibe, but no one needs to know that.

He didn't look like that type at first, he was quiet, kinda unti-social, didn't have many friends, I liked that. Every time we sat in class together he would always come to the back where I sat, any doubts or worries i had would disappear every time I saw him. One time I caught him staring in my direction, until now I still wonder if he was staring at me or my best friend. But lets keep that answer unsaid.

 Every class we went he would always sit close to me and my bestfriend, that's one of the reasons why I liked the classes we had together. He was the reason why I liked coming to school. Why does the time move faster when you are with the one u like? I didn't really stare at him for long because I was afraid of making I contact and I'm pretty bad at that.

He would participate in all our classes together, that made me like him more but, that didn't last eventually he joined a larger crowd. The little things he did that made me feel liked faded. Further in the month I realised that he was no longer the J I liked, he wasn't that quiet person any more. Its like his friends brought out his bad boy side.

His friends were people I wouldn't recommend to be his friends, all attractive people but still not people to follow.

I would turn away when I see him talking to other girls, he wasn't flirting or any thing but his, the way he looks at them, hold them drives me crazy, I should be the one he is holding not them. Is it jealousy? I don't think so, why couldn't he just be like before? And the thing is I still like him; I just get annoyed when I see him. Especially with her