

Chapter 12

Aunt May didn't get much sleep with the panic of the night before. First, she had been worried that Peter was out so late at night, even sending Uncle Ben out to find him. She had wanted to come along but he refused to take her out so late.

Then he and Peter came back several hours later with talk of there being a shooting, with Peter and Ben almost dying. With all of that stress weighing on her mind, May got absolutely no sleep that night. She was afraid that something else may happen if she were to. Especially because Peter had signed up for a wrestling tournament and that was the reason he was out so late to begin with- Who knows what else he'll do?

'At least I have one sensible kid.' May thought as she walked over to Xavier's closed door, the one she had opened the night before. She sighed as she opened it up again. Only to find Xavier sleeping on the bed with Cindy curled up into his chest under the blankets.


May closed the door. "I'm not dealing with this right now. I'll talk to him later… At least they're wearing clothes." Aunt May decided to make a tactical retreat.


[Congratulations host for completing a hidden mission!]

[Hidden Mission 27: Save Uncle Ben]

[Reward: 100 Shop Tokens]

"Huh?" Xavier was rudely awoken by the system's announcement minutes after Aunt May left the room. It took him a while before he had the sense of mind to read the notification.

'So there's hidden missions in the system. The Tokens are nice, that means I have about what… 1080-ish?" He reached off to the side and plucked his phone off the charger. While reaching, he realized that he currently had a Cindy Moon shaped koala attached to his arm.

"... When did I get into bed with her? And why is she so attached?" Apparently Xavier was so tired from the stress that had been lying on him and the exhaustion from his first web swinging trip that he forgot he crawled into bed with her. Looking at her sleeping so soundly he relaxed a little, thinking chances are that May had already found them and let them be. He had no idea how true that was.

An hour later, Cindy began to stir. Xavier had let her sleep cuddled up to him, as he scrolled on his phone the whole time. Peter opened the door and peeked his head in. "Hey, Xavier, you guys up yet? Breakfast will be ready soon."

"I am but she isn't." That made Peter realize that the two of them were cuddled up. A manic grin, that you'd think only appeared on Xavier's face, spread across Peter's lips. "Ohhhh. I see. You two confirm the marriage already?"

"Get out." Xavier took one of this nonsense, throwing a pillow at Peter but he closed the door before it could reach him. Unfortunately his movements had woken up Cindy as he noticed when he looked down at her rosy red face. She looked up at him, clearly embarrassed, before jumping off the bed with surprising spryness.

Seeing this, Xavier could see her almost like a rabbit running away from a predator. That made him laugh. "Haha, hey come back here." He chased her around for a few minutes before catching her, holding her in place against the wall.

He just stayed silent for a moment, staring into her eyes. Xavier leaned in closer to her, Cindy looking up at him like a cornered animal "..." Xavier held the stare a little longer before pulling away, grabbing some clothes.

"Wah?" Cindy was utterly confused. Hearing that Xavier looked behind him as he walked into the bathroom, already peeling his shirt off, "Come on and get dressed or we'll be late for breakfast." He said, looking at her with a knowing smirk, before he closed the door behind him.

"...I'm gonna kill him."


During breakfast, the two were teased relentlessly by Peter. That was until Aunt May lost her marbles at him for being out so late. She let everything out, even drilling into him the fact that he almost got Ben killed- if it weren't for that masked man in the street, it would have happened. Xavier and Cindy stayed silent during this time, she knew what happened from Xavier.

Peter lost all of the zeal that he had. He knew that he had messed up. Peter had fallen into his habit of making jokes when he's stressed out, only to distract himself. Unser May's verbal assault, he swore that he would never let this happen again.

A while later, Xavier was searching the Shop for anything that may help him in the near future. Honestly, there were far too many opinions. But at least he had a surplus of extra Tokens. First, he decided to collect some of the more important gadgets that he would need. Things that were less important than a suit but needed to function as 'Spider-man.'

The first thing he bought was a set of ear pieces that were moldable. The main factor of these was the communication- Obviously- but also the police radio function. That way he and Peter could go where they were needed. The next was a laptop that had a few special functions. These included complete anonymity and automatic connection to any available network nearby. Both of these were common items so they only cost 25 Tokens- The ear pieces were 15 because there were multiple.

Now that he had gadgets, Xavier started looking into the suit. Obviously, he had the suit builder, but he still needed supplies. For Peter, he looked into fabrics that wouldn't hinder his ability while also serving as some protection. He decided for him to use the Advanced suit from the games. This time he used some special fabric that would harden when hit with enough force. All together- about 30 Tokens.

Now for the more important order of business- Xavier's suit. After a lot of contemplating, he decided to go for a similar look, but red and blue just didn't fit him. Plus, the only fabrics he found that worked with his ability were either gray or black. He decided on a darker gray base with the usual black webbing. That wouldn't look very good with only the white eyes being a highlight, so he used a special golden metal for the advanced spider symbol. Costing a combined 40 Tokens.

When he fed the materials into the builder, what shot out was a gray-black suit with golden highlights spread throughout. The gold spread out from the spider symbol via small crisp lines that spread up to his limbs through the tips of the spider. It wasn't obnoxious and faintly cupped his features like the white eyes. The only parts that had a very noticeable amount were the hands and feet, where the sleek lines degraded into chaotic vein-like structures that all combined at the tips of his fingers and toes.

Now he had a thought- How could he carry the suit with him at all times? Xavier thought of a few ideas. The first being a jacket that could transform into the suit, but what if he lost it? He scrapped that. Next was a necklace. That was a juicy idea. It could be small, easily hidden and not easily lost either.

In the Shop, he found a Rare Transformation Orb that would turn the suit into a necklace similar to the ones from Wakanda. That cost another 50 Tokens, which almost made Xavier tear up with how fast his tokens were disappearing, but a finished necklace was made. In the end, the necklace was small and inconspicuous, being a sleek black metal wire with a small gray adornment on it. It was a dark gray with a golden tip that spread onto the gray like veins, and it was shaped two diamonds, one small on the top and the bigger shape at the bottom. Together, they looked like a spider's abdomen.

[Status: Xavier Parker]

Lvl: 1

Ex: 0/100%

Shop Tokens: 885

Str- 18

Agi- 20

Vit- 14

Dex- 19

Wil- 12

Int- 16

Cha- 11

(10 is the average human adult.)


[Meditation- Adept]


[Organic Webs- The ability to produce and shoot organic webs.]

[Spider's Body- Having been changed by unknown means, the body now has the physicality of a spider. This includes strength, speed, senses and more.]

[Shadow- The ability to expand and take control of the shadows around the user. Starting at Lvl 3, the user can make the shadows interact with physical objects. Cost: Mental Energy]



It sort of looks like the Kilomonger suit as far as the body highlights look like. Other than that it looks like a gothic version of Peter's suit. To any who would have wanted suits like the Iron Spider, Xavier currently has no need of the extra appendages. He's currently more worried about getting everything basic ready before jumping to the advanced stuff- Plus he'd have to build it himself and he currently can't do that.


I swear I will get ahead of my own publishing schedule one day....

... Eventually.

TLWcreators' thoughts
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