
My Soul System: I Have Much Mana in the Apocalypse!

[Soul found] | Consume it will give you a certain amount of mana. [Do you want to absorb it?] [Yes] [No] Arthur White came across a screen of a system that reminded him of a video game after he had killed some assassins who were after his life and wondered, what the hell was going on? Just a few hours ago, he was on the moon, fulfilling his longed-for dream, and minutes after fulfilling it, he saw how an immense tree appeared in space and connected the dimensions. That was the moment when he died without a chance to save himself. This filled him with remorse and confusion, but he awoke again, and this time, with a mission, also with a misfortune. Once a businessman with money, now a slave with power and potential. Now, he woke up as a hunter in an apocalyptic world, with gods threatening the peace of his loved ones. In a land that is no longer as before, with a real threat looming over their heads and an apocalypse impossible to avoid, Arthur White vowed to increase his power as much as he can to prevent the death of his beloved and understand what his destiny is. Therefore, without hesitation, he pressed 'Yes'. *** English is not my native language and I am a person who is just learning the language, so you might find grammatical mistakes, I apologize for them.

SrCaffeine · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

You are still as beautiful as ever

In the middle of the cold night. Arthur had woken up at some point. 

The moment he opened his eyes, he could see Sophie sleeping on top of him. Although the night was quite cold, the warm feeling of her body was pleasant. Besides, everything he had experienced had given him the feeling that he wouldn't see her for an eternity, so he decided to hug her and stay that way for a moment.

"You are still as beautiful as ever." He whispered as he stroked her hair. She was sleeping peacefully in his arms, her head on his chest.

The blood all over her body and the tears on her face had broken Arthur's heart. He felt guilty for making her care to this extent.

*Beep *

*Beep *

Sophie's cell phone began to ring, disturbing the peace of the moment.

Quickly, Arthur rummaged through Sophie's pockets until he found her phone. After glancing at the screen, he could see that she was calling it was her mother. However, he wasn't going to answer it. He might end up waking her up, so he put the phone on silent and put it away.

After a sigh, he looked at Sophie's face, despite being completely blotchy, she looked very beautiful in his eyes.

"I can't leave you like this, or you'll end up getting sick." He whispered as he brushed aside a lock of her beautiful face.

As he stood up, he was amazed at the state of her body. He had expected a rather slow recovery that would take several months. But now he was completely healthy. He even felt much better than before.

"You are wonderful." Although he had no proof, he did not doubt that this was her doing, although he was curious as to how she did it, this was not the time to ask.

After making a few movements to test the state of her body, he approached her, took off her blood-stained glasses, and released her hair. As soon as he released it, beautiful brown hair fell down, giving her a beautiful. Angelic appearance.

He then proceeded to carry her like a princess being very careful not to wake her up, and carried her up to the room on the second floor. Completely ignoring the blood and destruction of the house, he couldn't care less at the moment.

Once they reached the room, he took off her blood-soiled clothes and laid her down on the bed, covering her with a blanket. Then he lay down next to her, although he didn't know how long. He was unconscious. He still felt tired, so he ended up sleeping next to her in an instant.

The next morning. Arthur was awakened, by a soft sensation pressing against his body.

"Good morning." Sophie's soft voice echoed sensuously next to his ear.

At the sound of her voice, he turned to see Sophie holding him tightly.

She no longer had blood marks, no sweat. In fact, she smelled great, her hair was damp, and she was covered only by a white shirt that belonged to him.

The shirt was a little big on him, and he had the first button undone, revealing his two beautiful mountains, which were currently being pressed against his body.

"Good morning," Arthur replied with a warm smile.

"You've showered." Arthur tried to keep talking as if nothing had happened. Sophie's beautiful green eyes, however, began to moisten quickly.

"I-I thought I'd never see you again." Sophie's soft voice cracked.

"I'm sorry," Arthur replied, as he wiped her tears away with his hands.

"It won't happen again."

"You promise?"

Arthur smiled. "I promise."


After enjoying a good time together, they both started to feel quite hungry, so they ended up going down to the kitchen to eat.

Since the dining room table was completely destroyed. they both sat down at the counter in the middle of the kitchen to eat.

Arthur had taken a shower while Sophie was preparing something to eat, so he was no longer dirty, in cabio Sophie was still dressed in Arthur's shirt, only now she was also wearing a bra and shorts underneath. She felt comfortable that way.

"So, what happened to you, why have you been missing all this time?" Sophie asked.

"All this time? How long did I disappear for?" he was confused.

"You've disappeared for four months since the incident."

"For four months?" he repeated in confusion. After all, in his eyes, it had only been one day. How could it possibly have been four months?

"Really, you're not aware of anything?"

"No, from my perspective, it had only been at most two days. I really don't understand what's going on."

"Why did you end up like that? When I found you in that state, you worried me too much, and... The house what happened to it?"

"Well, after I got to the moon..."

Arthur then proceeded to tell Sophie everything that happened. From the moment he got to the moon and also when he saw that his ship was abandoning him, then he saw that huge tree appear. Also, when. He died, But to his surprise, he woke up in a strange forest where a beautiful woman greeted him. Everything that woman told him and the supposed blessing she was giving him.

"That woman was the one who told me I could come back to life and showed me what this world was going to look like in the future. Although after I said goodbye to her, a strange girl appeared, although I don't remember much afterward. I do remember that she was very annoying..."

He then began to tell her how he woke up here and how he defeated the thieves.

Meanwhile, Sophie listened attentively to his story, amazed at all he experienced. In such a short time. At some points in his story, like when he told how he had died, she felt her heart rise in her mouth because she didn't like the idea of losing him.

"I see," Sophie took his hand tenderly as she reached over to hug him. "You've been through a lot."

Arthur accepted Sophie's embrace, with emotion, "What about you? What happened in the last few months? How could you heal me?" Arthur let out a small smile and continued, "Are you a goddess or something?" Sophie smiled shyly at Arthur's joke and then began to recount starting from what happened on earth

"After the media had reported what happened with your ship, large strange-looking portals began to appear in different parts of the world everyone was shocked by this, but after a day millions of creatures and beasts began to come out of these portals massacring whole countries and taking, the same as their territory."

Hearing this, Arthur began to remember the images the strange woman had shown him before sending him here.

"Countries quickly went on alert, and many governments fell. Then people with unique abilities appeared trying to fight these portals. However, they were not very successful. These people were called, 'The Awakened,' and if you're wondering how I managed to heal you. Well, it's because I'm one of them."

Sophie raised one of her hands with her palm pointing to the ceiling, and after a few seconds, several water particles began to appear above her until they formed a sphere of water.

"The ability I woke up with allows me to create and control water out of thin air, at the same time. I have I can use this water to heal wounds."

Sophie lifted her chest and while looking at Arthur out of the corner of her eye said "And believe it or not, my healing magic is one of the rarest and most powerful abilities."

She said with a proud smile. It was evident on her face that she felt proud of her ability and even more so now that she had managed to save her beloved with it. She was thanking Heaven for granting her such a good ability at this moment.

Arthur smiled when he noticed her pride and stroked her hair a little, "Undoubtedly, my Sophie has always been amazing." He said smiling, words that took her by surprise but gave her an indescribable feeling in her heart.

After blushing for a moment he continued, "Each of us awakened ones rely on a sort of video game-like system. Although I didn't quite understand how it worked at first, it made things a lot easier for us. Although I was still level 1 before I came here. I was thinking of becoming a hunter to fight the portals and heal the wounded."

"Hunter?" Arthur asked confused.

She nodded to Arthur's question, "Although there are several awakened, not all of them were willing to fight, so they started to organize a system with the awakened who want to fight or help and called them hunters. These people fight every day against the portals. Oh, I almost forgot, there are also small portals where weaker beasts appear. These are used by hunters to increase their level. Some people became very powerful in this time, though it's still not enough... every day the beasts take more territory."

The sadness in Sophie's last words was noticeable.

"I see. I can see that a lot of things happened here too"

After talking for quite some time, the night took them by surprise, without realizing they had spent several hours talking to each other, they decided to take a shower and go back to bed to rest.