
My Soul System: I Have Much Mana in the Apocalypse!

[Soul found] | Consume it will give you a certain amount of mana. [Do you want to absorb it?] [Yes] [No] Arthur White came across a screen of a system that reminded him of a video game after he had killed some assassins who were after his life and wondered, what the hell was going on? Just a few hours ago, he was on the moon, fulfilling his longed-for dream, and minutes after fulfilling it, he saw how an immense tree appeared in space and connected the dimensions. That was the moment when he died without a chance to save himself. This filled him with remorse and confusion, but he awoke again, and this time, with a mission, also with a misfortune. Once a businessman with money, now a slave with power and potential. Now, he woke up as a hunter in an apocalyptic world, with gods threatening the peace of his loved ones. In a land that is no longer as before, with a real threat looming over their heads and an apocalypse impossible to avoid, Arthur White vowed to increase his power as much as he can to prevent the death of his beloved and understand what his destiny is. Therefore, without hesitation, he pressed 'Yes'. *** English is not my native language and I am a person who is just learning the language, so you might find grammatical mistakes, I apologize for them.

SrCaffeine · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

I'm sorry

At that moment, Arthur gave a creepy grin, "I want to see you try." Then he grabbed the military man's hand, trying to move it. But it wouldn't move, even though he had tried with all his might.

This seemed to anger Arthur even more.

"Crimson hand."

He had activated the ability using only ten mana. And soon, his hands began to burn in a beautiful crimson fire. Although, it was not very powerful, it. Made the temperature rise even more.

This surprised the military man, who had begun to feel the heat in his hand. Arthur was holding. He was still holding it, easily though. Since these military men were mostly awakened, and the association. Association hunters were not weak.

At that moment, the military man's hand began to tighten its grip even more.

At this point, Arthur was already starting to feel pain. So, he increased the amount of mana he used for the crimson hand.


[Mana: 630]

He knew he wouldn't last long because the mana consumption was too much, so he would try to finish everything as fast as possible.

Quickly, he flipped his body out of the military man's grip and tried to thrust his fist with Crimson's hand active, in the direction of the military man's face. However, his blow was easily parried. The military man had parried Arthur's attack with his hand.

As his blow impacted against the military man's hands, his hands went numb. Arthur felt as if he had been hit by a wall with all his might.

'What the hell why is he so tough.' Arthur thought with a complicated expression.

The military man smiled arrogantly. "Seriously, you thought you could defeat me with that."

The military man had become noticeably more arrogant when he saw that his comrades were watching him.

After saying this, the military man closed his grip, preventing Arthur from escaping, then stretched him in his direction hard to put him in a necklock and stop him completely.

But he would never expect that, in the middle of the movement, Arthur's fist would catch fire even more, completely consuming his arm in flames.

This caused her to release her grip, dropping Arthur to the side due to the force with which she stretched him.

Though he managed to roll over and settle quickly before falling to the ground due to the military man's strength, Arthur went crawling several meters.

His legs were dragging on the concrete while his hands were melting the ground in his path.

When his body stopped, Arthur looked up to see the soldier.

When he saw him, the serviceman was waving his hand casually until he managed to extinguish the flames. As they died down, Arthur could see that the military man's arm and hand were covered in rocks. He appeared to have a rock glove that reached up to his elbow.

"I'm starting to get tired of you."

Although he couldn't see his face because of the mask, Arthur could have sworn he was wearing a smirk at that moment.

This pissed him off even more.

He then began to look around. Arthur realized that he would end up losing unless a miracle happened, although the latter was highly unlikely.

He quickly looked around at the other military men around there seemed to be about 10 of them, and each one seemed to be enjoying their battle.

Although they didn't seem intent on intervening, he did not doubt that if he finished off whoever was in front of him, they would all jump for him.

After observing Sophie, he sighed with a relieved but saddened sigh.

She was crying inconsolably, although no military man seemed to have any intention of bothering her. He had put her in this situation, and he had made her cry again. He would never forgive himself for worrying her like this again.

However, there was no turning back now. The military would not let him go easily even if. He no longer wanted to fight. And if he fled with her. He ran the risk of them coming after her as well.

After a moment's thought, Arthur calmed down a bit.

Then he looked at the military man standing casually in front of him and realized.

The difference in power between someone high level and someone level 1 was too great.

But he wasn't going to give up without even trying.

"I'm sorry, Sophie." He whispered, though no one else could hear him.

[You wish to consume the soul.]


He had made up his mind. He wanted to see how big the level difference was. And to do that. He had to do it with everything he had.

After consuming the soul he had stored in the system, Arthur started a lunge from where he was he wanted to finish this before he got hit by the big headache he brought from consuming the soul.

He pushed with his hind legs, and while his hands pushed the ground with Crimson's hand, still active. They blew chunks of concrete ignited in flames due to his ability.

Moving with his four limbs and crimson eyes, Arthur looked like a beast at that moment.

He had made up his mind he would approach as fast as possible. He could, and when he could, attack it with all the mana he had left.

"Good. I like your idea let's get this over with." He said arrogantly, realizing that Arthur was coming to end it all with his next attack.

When Arthur was only a meter away from him, the military man brought his right leg forward and hit the ground hard.

At that moment, a column the size of a fist came out of the ground and hit Arthur's face hard, lifting him a few feet off the ground.

'Huh?' He thought in confusion, as he was lifted by the blow. He would never have expected to receive such an attack. He didn't even know it was possible.

As Arthur's body began to fall again due to gravity, the military man raised his knee and struck Arthur's head, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

Not content with this. The military man settled in and finished the succession of attacks with a mace-like blow with his right hand, covered with a rock glove, hitting him mercilessly in the back, causing the body to fall violently against the ground due to the force of the attack.

Several murmurs of excitement sounded from the military men watching the fight. They were happy with the outcome of the battle, after all, one of their own had won with great ease.

"ARTHUR." Sophie's worried cry was heard amongst all the murmuring,

Seeing her beloved unconscious on the ground, she quickly ran to him to heal him.