
A Package from Adelle

Nick was confused, by the man what did he mean his sister left something in her will? Why did she even have a will, she was only 19 and still living with our parents. Nick snapped out of confusion and looked at a what the man held. A package roughly wrapped, the man forced the box into nick's hands and walked off. I guess he's in a hurry and i was to deep in thought. "Hold on i have some questions!"

The man slammed the car door shut and drove off with squealing tires just as Nick was a few feet from the silver reused car. "Well, that's not suspicious at all"

Nick's neighbor was looking at him again, that guy constantly snooped into Nick's life. So nick swiftly headed back inside and closed the door. Knowing incidents in the past his neighbor would call the police after "witnessing a drug deal". Nick sighed and headed to his kitchen and set the package on the counter he would open the box later. Right now, Nick needed to head to work.

The box has been on Nick's mind for the whole day, along with many questions. Why did his sister have a will with something addressed to Nick. Why did the man who deliver it dressed fancy, but drove a beat up old Mercedes Benz. What even happened to his sister, recalling the funeral it was closed casket and no one not even his mother told him how his sister died.

"MR.WOLF" Nick snapped out space and looked at his manager. It was an old hag who looked like a witch, with an honest resemblance to the witch from Snow White. His sister loved that movie, he used to watch all kinds of old movies with her when she was a kid. "I know you have just lost your sister, but you have been gone for to long we are behind schedule and you need to repair the machines." The machines the hag referred to was anything from computers to consoles, and even the rare car engine. Nick worked as a repair man for a company called rebuild. The place would repair anything someone wanted, Nick even once had to repair an old spotlight for a submarine.

Nick was the best "engineer" so he knew his manager would yell at him to get to work, once he returned from his "vacation" she called it. He is fine with it he got paid way above minimum wage and he loved it. So shrugging of the hags nagging, he finished work after a hour or two, and headed home.

You should read synopsis for a little background on first chapter, and first couple chapters will be information filler

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