

[Thank you all so much for giving my book a chance and I am so glad that this book was able to get an exclusive with Webnovel. Please, I need your support through reviews, chapter comments and in whatever it is that you can. Don't be stingy with it, please. I will gladly go through them and answer any bothering questions. Also, I apologize ahead for any grammatical error. I am trying to find my way around that. I don't have money to pay a professional editor to edit my chapters for me so I just do it myself, lol.

Anyway, this book is bound to go over a hundred chapters and close to two hundred and fifty thousand words or more if possible and please continue reading because I have a surprise for you when we get to the hundredth and eight chapter (108) but for those who are reading this diligently, it won't probably be a surprise to you when I reveal it but still, I would like to know at the end if it was indeed surprising to you or not. I will see you in the comment and review section]


People were allowed into a huge hall where an ongoing event was taking place. The attendees were dressed flamboyantly and were wearing fashionable masks on their faces. Their security was tightened as well as one could see men dressed in black standing around.

The ladies and gentlemen found their way in after their cards of invitation were checked. A young dazzling lady made her appearance in front of one of the masculine men who was wearing a stern face.

She smiled, trying her best to hide the nervous smile on her face. The man stared at her for a while and she became uncomfortable.

"You can as well stop staring now. It's annoying. Are you sexually harassing me?" She scolded him.

"I am sorry, Ma'am. Please come in." He shifted backward and the lady walked in with her head raised high. She looked around suspiciously and adjusted her dress before picking a cup of champagne from a passerby. The waiter carrying the tray stood behind her.

"I hope you are ready." He suddenly spoke from behind her and she almost choked before turning around quickly. Her eyes met with the waiter's and they widened quickly. The waiter tilted his head to the right a bit as if hinting something to her.

"You have to prove yourself." He added.

"But…but I can't…"

"Stick to the original plan. Don't be suspicious and don't fail. We have no time to waste. This is an opportunity for you. My eyes are on you. Don't disappoint our Boss." He instructed calmly and slowly. She locked eyes with him again before he walked away after that. She gulped and rubbed her sweaty palm on her dress.

She looked around and sighed heavily before going into the midst of the crowd. The people were laughing and chatting with each other as the occasion was yet to start. She had to do this. She kept telling herself that she could.

As she stopped walking to take a rest from unnecessary strolling, she overheard two men discussing.

"Do you think he is going to come?"

"Who? Him?" The second man questioned and scoffed before sipping his champagne.

"He is unpredictable. No one knows when he is going to move or not move. This occasion isn't even worth his attendance so I think not." He responded.

The first man nodded and looked forward. Just then, the mysterious lady suddenly received a call from her phone. She pressed the Bluetooth device stuck to her ear.


"The target is leaving the premises as predicted. To your left and make sure not to miss him." The order came in and she did as told.


Standing in front of a mirror was a man whose upper body was only shown. He seemed to be fixing his tie and behind him was another man dressed in black holding his jacket. Their faces were kept hidden as it was a partly dark room.

"Boss, they won't be expecting your visit."

The man collected the jacket from him and put it on.

"Is the mission ongoing now?"

"Yes, boss."

"Good, that's enough. Let's move it." He ordered and the mysterious man wore his hat alongside a pair of dark sunglasses before heading out of the building. The car was opened for him to enter and soon, it was driven away from the vicinity.


"Stop there! You! Stop!" A man called out in frustration and indeed to shoot the running away girl. He fired a bullet but missed her. The girl's heart skipped a bit as she continued running without looking back, her whole body was shaking more after hearing the sound of the gunshots.

"You, fool! Don't shoot!"

She was able to get past a route inside the hall and lost the chasers. While still running, she collided with someone but was pushed backward in a harsh manner and she fell to the ground.

"Ouch." She yelped.

She looked at the person but couldn't see his face. Her mouth was partly opened, but before she could say anything she heard the shouts of the men from behind.

She stood up and bowed a bit before running past the stranger in a rush. The mysterious man gritted his teeth and snapped his fingers.

"Dismiss them." He ordered and walked ahead. The security men ran past them.

By the time they got into the hall from the other side, everywhere was in chaos as a man's unconscious body filled with blood was carried out.

"Oh, my. What happened?"

"Search for them! We have spies around here. No one is leaving!" The order was given and it became rougher.

The mysterious man smirked and turned his back on the situation.

"It was indeed not worth coming. It's done, let's leave."

"Yes, boss."

The two of them walked away back into their car and it zoomed off.

Nice to have you here, I hope you find this abode wonderful enough for your dwelling.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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