
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

The redemption

Stuart was taken back. He knew that his son hated him to the core. But what shocked him was the coldness in his voice. It sent chills across his body. He had goose flush all over his trunk.

Stuart looked up to clearly see whether it was his son or that he was seeing things. But when he saw the person in front of him, he couldn't help but make slit eyes. The person before him was definitely his son. But he was different. The aura that he emitted was different. He was not the same emotional teen. He had a distinct mannerism. A distinct glow in his eyes.

"Son...what are you saying? I came here for you. I was worried that you might take extreme measures after our fight yesterday." Stuart said trying to bring his hand to Adam's shoulder in an attempt to show his fatherly love.

Adam moved away from that touch and said " Do you think I would take my life just because I had a fight with the likes of you. You are overestimating yourself." Adam gave a soft chuckle.

"I also heard that you and Julie broke up yesterday. I'm sorry. You should be in a terrible state of mind right." Stuart said changing the topic as he was ashamed by the answer to his previous question.

"As if you care. People like you and her are just pathetic. You don't show love to the person that puts you before themselves." Adam said remembering his mother was also in a similar situation like him.

"I'm sorry Adam. I should not have done that last night. I was out of control..." Stuart tried to explain.

Adam cut his explanation midway and said " Do you think you still have control of your life anymore. You lost it the day you married that bitch of yours."

Stuart couldn't respond back as he allowed him to vent his anger.

"Anyways, I don't have time to waste on the likes of you. Just get lost. I need to be alone now." Adam said in a dismissal tone.

"Adam, I know that you are mad at me but I'm here to get you back to our home." Stuart said in a pleading tone.

"That's not gonna happen. I'm not ready to enter that hell again." Adam said.

"Adam...please understand. Lissie is worried about you and even Elisa is worried about you and asked me to get you back." Stuart said hoping that Lissie's name would change his decision.

Adam put his head back and laughed out loud. He then said "What? That bitch asked me to come back? For what? To torture me again and eventually kill me with her hands?"

"Adam don't be like this. I know that you don't like her. But try to get along with her. She is a nice person if you get to know about her." Stuart said pleading for Elisa.

" I don't know how can you be this ignorant at your age. You don't realise she's with you just for your money. Once she extracted every penny from you, she will leave you in the road." Adam said with hatred.

"Anyways, I need to be alone now. I will decide whether to come or not later. Just leave this place. will you." Adam said as he had to activate his system as quickly as possible.

Stuart was happy. Now he finally found his son. He also believed that he convinced him a little.

' He said he will consider. That's enough.' he thought.

" Alright. Take your time to recuperate. You have gone through a lot Adam. I will be leaving now. Remember that there will be a family waiting for you." Stuart said as he left the mansion.

'If I ever step into that house, it would be only for Lissie. She's my only family left in this world.' Adam thought.

After he confirmed that Stuart had left the mansion premises, he dashed towards his grandma's room unable to hold his curiosity about the activation.

Once he reached the room, he pushes the bookshelf and aligned his eyes before the iris scanner. Then he went into the secret tunnel and down the spiral staircase.

Once he reached the bottom of the staircase, he asked Adelaide " Okay I have reached. What should I do to activate the system?"

[Now repeat after me ' qerj pans syn dahb ikura omal vedh' ]

Adam repeated the exact words. Then he waited for few moments.

Then the same raised platform as before raised ahead of him. He then placed the torch on it to light it. Similar 7 point star appeared around him.

[Now place the map over the flames.]

Adam moved towards the flame and held the map above the flames. When he took his hands off the map, the map started floating on the air. Then it started to turn into black smoke as it burned slowly.

Once the map was burnt completely, Adam felt some change started developing in his body .

"What's happening? Why do I feel pain all over my body?" he asked

[ Now your body is transforming into a beginner level state. You will feel a little pain as your muscles and bones are restructuring themselves to give you an improved physique.] Adel answered.

After about 30 minutes of enduring the pain, Adam felt the difference. He was quite muscular but not bulky. He was able to feel the strength in his hands when he clenched it. Surprisingly, his body felt weightless given the improved physique.

Adam understood that he finally activated the system!

He then quickly ascended the spiral staircase and got out of the secret tunnel to reach Elizabeth's room.

Once he was before the full body mirror near the dressing table, he quickly removed all his clothes and stood stark naked.

He was shocked to see the difference. He was no longer having an average built and average look. Everything changed .

The bruises in his face were all gone. His skin became more clear and had sharp facial features. He had a chiselled jaw line. In short he had become more handsome than he was before. His hair length though remained the same, till the eyebrows.

'Looks like I need to visit the barber.' he thought .

His neckline was defined. It didn't have a single extra fat in it.

His chest was somewhat toned and muscular. He could see that his chest had a somewhat chiselled look to it. Although it was not that prominent.

He had 4 packed abs. Although it was not well cut, it had some definite shape to it. Much better than any high school boy.

He could see his biceps and triceps were thicker. It was in good shape.

He also noticed that his leg muscles grew thicker. His quadriceps were having a sharp featured to it.

On the whole, Adam had transformed into a completely different person. He was stronger and more handsome than before.

'I think this is my redemption' he thought as he puffed out his chest and curled his lips in a smile that had lot of meanings hidden in it.