
MY Perfect Life As A Reincarnation!

Tatsuya saved someone from a rushing car and as a result he is the one who died. He has a lot of regrets before he died.But then, The God of Reincarnation, and the God of love helped him to give another chance to live. They also gave him an exceptional abilities(will be tackled in chapter 1). Will he be able to fullfil his dreams and desires to his new life? lets find out!!!! (If the owner saw his art on my cover. Pls tell me and I will change it if you don't want your art on my novel. Thanks!)

Preyz07 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


A few moments later of waiting, A girl dashed at Tatsuya and hugged him tight from the back.

It surprised him a bit and a second later recomposed himself as he knew who was hugging him from behind.

"So how was you day?", Tatsuya asked to Sakura without looking behind.

"Muuu... It's all boring... I'd prefer to stay at home with you.", Sakura replied as she moved herself to sit at Tatsuya's lap while hugging his neck.

"You know, there's a lot of people here right?", he said pointing at a noticeable jealous look of Akari and Takuya.

"So what? it's not like we're doing something improper! I'm just hugging my precious little brother!", She said as she pouted at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya flicked her forehead." You must still take care of your image here in school. You know that everyone admires and looks up to you right? What would they say if they saw you being childish in broad daylight infront of your little brother that acts more mature than you?".

"Hmph. Your still my precious little brother! And I don't care what people say as long as it doesn't hurt you!", Sakura declared.

Tatsuya sighed and just shrugged it off as he knows he can't win.

"By the way This is Akari and Takuya. They are my friends and classmates. You should greet them."

Sakura just gave them a glance and nod before turning her attention to Tatsuya. But when her sight by passed Akari's huge breasts she instantly glared at it as if it was a threat which earned an awkward feeling for the poor girl.

"Hi! Sakura-senpai, I'm Takuya your f-future hus- ehem, your acquaintance and I hope future friend. N-nice to meet you!",Takuya introduced himself again as he held out his hand for a handshake.

Sakura just glanced at him again and nodding before turning her gaze back to Akari without shaking Takuya's hand.

"H-hello I-im Akari Nice to meet you!", Akari bowed slightly out of nervousness.

"Hmph! What size is it?!", Sakura asked with a little jealousy on her voice.

"Wh-what? Wh-what size?"

"Your breast! what size?!"

shocked by the question. Akari didn't know how to respond immediately.

"I asked you what size?!", Sakura asked again.

" F-cup", Akari responded with embarrassment as she look down to hide her blushing face.

"Wow..." Takuya muttered.

"Hmph! Size does not matter! mine is D-cup and has a perfect softness and texture and firmness. That is what matters. Maybe yours is now sagged as you carry them. Am I right little brother?", Sakura said as she showed off hers infront of Tatsuya.

Akari is about to cry now because of embarrassment and harsh words of Sakura so she just looked down still and hide her face with two hands.

"Your so rude sister! don't talk things like that infront of others and think about the words your saying before you say it as it may hurt others feelings!", Tatsuya said as he stood up removing Sakura from his lap and walked to Akari and sat beside her hugging her by her shoulders.


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