

DANIEL CLIFFORD (35 years) Jean Aideen's best friend as a famous actor in New York City, really loves Jeany his first love. Since Jeany decided to marry Jian, the man she loves so much, Daniel's life has been thrown into darkness. Daniel became a cigarette addict and heavy drinker as well as drug user for years, making Daniel suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Dhenisa Zee (23 years), a young doctor who was chosen by her senior doctor to care for and take care of Daniel's health, so that unconsciously love has grown in the heart of Dhenisa who will marry Justine. How is the story of the continuation of the love life of a Daniel? will his love end sadly for the second time?

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"Your mother used your father's love to gain strength to take revenge on my father Jian. Are you also going to use my love for revenge Haruka?" Bubu asked teasing Haruka.

Haruka looked at Bubu with a hurt look, but Bubu quickly grabbed Haruka's back and hugged her tightly.

"I'm just kidding Haruka, hopefully we can strengthen each other instead of taking advantage of each other." Bubu said rubbing Haruka's back affectionately.

"If I may ask, I don't want to be born by a mother who only wanted me to be born to be an instrument of her revenge. The father who loved me so much could not free my soul if my mother was still around, and that left my father faced with two choices, kill my mother, I will live, or not killing mother then I will slowly die." Said Haruka who couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

"And your father chose your mother and let yourself slowly die." Bubu said guessing Haruka's father's thoughts.