

DANIEL CLIFFORD (35 years) Jean Aideen's best friend as a famous actor in New York City, really loves Jeany his first love. Since Jeany decided to marry Jian, the man she loves so much, Daniel's life has been thrown into darkness. Daniel became a cigarette addict and heavy drinker as well as drug user for years, making Daniel suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Dhenisa Zee (23 years), a young doctor who was chosen by her senior doctor to care for and take care of Daniel's health, so that unconsciously love has grown in the heart of Dhenisa who will marry Justine. How is the story of the continuation of the love life of a Daniel? will his love end sadly for the second time?

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the most beautiful in my life

Loving you is the most beautiful thing in my life, not in my past days which were always dark without feeling loved.

Loving you is the beginning of my courage to survive, because I believe with your love I can get through the silence in this dark world of mine - Alverio Axell.

Sheren sat on a bench in front of the operating room door where Axell had a fractured collarbone and a broken left leg due to a pinch. As for his heart for some reason after the collision, Axell's heart moved back to normal.

"Nara, should you go home and rest? I'll call Uncle Ardham to pick you up okay?" Nara said in a hoarse voice and his eyes looked puffy.

"I called him, Mami and Papi on the way here, after that I went home with them all." Annara replied patting Sheren's shoulder.

"Thank you Nara, one day I will definitely help you to achieve your happiness." Sheren said that he would help meet Annara with Ryu.