
My Parent's Regressed to Prevent me from becoming a Villain

A certain individual whispers. "No matter any timeline he always ended up destroying the whole earth." the entity who began to observed all Seojun fates on a panel that displayed. The entity wondered which path he will let Seojun go eventually after many times of tries. He ended up on the last resort. That is he will turn back time however he will use something that even Seojun would give up doing his goals. That is he made the parent's the one who regressed to take care of Seojun.

Taicho_Kuro · Urbain
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11 Chs


"Seojun" is the name I received from my beloved parents.

If you were to ask me how much I loved them, well, if they told me to destroy the world, I would do it. Eradicating humanity has always been my principle because that's the purpose for which I was born into this world.

The sweet times with my parents are gone now. The two people I treasured so much, who gave me so much love, are now in my arms.

"Did you finally come back, son?" a woman's voice reached my ears.

The woman in my arms hugged me as if I were the most precious being in the world, protecting me against the people around her.

"LEE MINYE! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" a man's voice was heard, and my mother weakly turned around and smiled.

"I just want to be with my son for the last time. Can you please hear my plea?" a voice filled with sadness and resolution came from my mother, who looked up and gazed at my face.

"No matter what happens, you're still my own son, Seojun," she softly ruffled my hair.

Now, thinking about it, what was happening right now? I'm sure I was just at home, eating dinner with my mom and dad.

And... I don't remember what happened after that.

"Ugh, why?"

A cold-blooded voice was heard by the people around me.

It was a confused question.

*Sigh* "You're still clueless, no matter how many years have passed. You are still my son... You are my son, that's the only reason," my mother's weak voice replied.

Looking at her state, I saw myself in her blue aqua eyes. It reflected my face.

My eyes are red. I have two black horns, and my face is covered in black and red lines.

What is this?

"SEOJUN! If you are still him, free your mother!" a man wearing a black suit shouted, bringing me back to reality.

"I see... I remember it all now." The man in the black suit made me recall all the nightmare experiences I had been through.

"You bastards from the Hero Association... Haven't you gotten tired of bothering my life? First, you killed my father... Second, you abducted me... tortured me, and raised me like a human weapon... And now this?" My anger rose, and my heart throbbed just looking at my mother's state.

Judging by the situation, my mother had protected me from the Hero Association.

My body was different. My human form had turned into a demon. I had two black wings, and my head was adorned with various black and red lines.

But above all, there was only anger.

All I want now is to kill these bastards.

[That's right, kill them all.]

A devilish voice was heard in my head, tempting me to follow its orders.

Yeah... Let's kill them all.

But my mother suddenly looked at me, grabbed my head with both her hands, and said,

"Seojun... Don't be swayed by the words of that devil. This will be my last day anyway... That's why, just listen to me once."

[No, don't listen to that human. Are you just going to watch how your mother dies? Without seeking revenge on the people who harmed her?]

'That's right... however...'

While thinking, a man appeared behind me with a sword and stabbed me in the back... Or so I thought...

My mother used all her energy just to defend me from the enemy.

The sword pierced her, and blood dripped around it.

"It can't be happening..."


I quickly grabbed the enemy's head and crushed it in my palm.

It felt like smashing a watermelon because of the amount of blood.

"With just one hand... he killed an A-rank hero..." a horrified voice from the side was heard.

I pulled out the sword from my mother's hand, leaving a large hole in her body.

"No, this can't be happening..."

My mother weakly raised her hand, wiped my tears, and smiled.

"Farewell, my son..."



I felt dozens of metallic objects pierce through my insides at the same time.

It was not painful. I didn't feel pain from being pierced by dozens of swords in my back. However, I felt a different pain.

It was the pain of losing my own mother. It was happening again. I had lost my father once... Now my mother...

"I... hate this world."

[That's right, if you destroy it, there will be no problems.]

Destroy, huh... It's not a bad idea... My beloved ones are now gone. What's the point of living? Yes... Let's destroy this world.

I raised one hand while looking atmy mother and focused on gathering demonic energy.

"This is bad! DON'T LET HIM FINISH IT!"

A group of humans tried to stop me. However, a shadow flew onto SeoJun's back and slashed all the humans attacking him.

Within seconds, all their necks were separated from their bodies.

"Your majesty," the shadow knelt before me.

"Igris, huh... I didn't know you were still by my side."

"I, Igris, will never leave you, my Majesty. My loyalty has been reserved solely for you since the moment I was born. However, is this your choice?"

"Yes, perhaps this is what I am fated to be..."

"If that's the case, I, Igris, will disappear with you. It has been an honor to serve you." The shadow stood up, placed his hands over his heart, and bowed to me.

"The honor is mine, Igris. Well, I have finished chanting my spell. It's been nice meeting you."

"The same goes for you, Majesty." The shadow knelt before me, and I turned my head towards the horrified people.

"Bringing me into this world was the worst decision you humans ever made. Now, begone."

The demonic energy grew larger and shot into the sky, and in a matter of seconds...

The whole world exploded into bits..... 

—End of Prologue