
A suuden vacation

Then Liza when she was going out of the company she was

surrounded by bodyguards of the CEO and was surprised, then the CEO come out

from his car with his assistance jack and mica and manager Rebeca was with them,

Liza was shocked to see all of them, the CEO told her there is no way for her

to escape and they have evidence for stealing such important files because they

recorded everything she did and it better to handle herself to the police without


Then mica shouted to her how she could do that, she never

wanted to believe that the traitor was her but even though she did not want every

time mica was suspicious of her.

Liza was the last one

who get off from work and everyone were thinking that she is really hard worked

but in reality she was staying late in order to steal the files and bring them

back early in the morning before anyone come to work. And she was the one who

dirtied mica desk and played with the video evidence and she was the one that

take picture of the CEO with mica in the restaurant and followed them to take

those pictures and the one who told the reporters about their relationship and

the contract and handed the picture to them.

Liza felled to the ground and started crying and said it was

not her choice to do such thing she did not want to hurt anyone or to cause

problem all she went is to save her family.

The CEO said that he knew that someone like her cannot do

such thing because the information that she stole is about the financial

information and the next project that will be done by the company and other

things that rival company will try to steal and for her to know that the

password are stored in his phone the one who is ordered her must know him so

well to do such things.

Mica asked Liza to

tell her who s this person who is treating her and her family to stole such

information, Liza refused and said even if you do know who is he, you cannot do anything he is someone you cannot hurt even if you want to the CEO.

His assistance jack stepped in and said "there is no use for

your refusal and all the information you are holding are fake we knew from the

start you were the traitor we were just playing along with you, so we just

waited for you to act on your own and faked the information and you steal a fake information so you better work

with us or and tell us who is this person and we will set you free and help

your family or you will get in jail for stealing ."

Manager Rebeca "we will protect you no need to be afraid"

Liza thought there is no better choice but to cooperate with

them and accepted what the jack told her , the CEO ordered jack to take Liza to

safe place and to investigate everything about her, while Liza was about to get

in the car mica was looking at her with sad expression .

Mica "you too are liar, I thought we are good friends"

Liza "I do not blame you if you hate me, but our friendship

was real for me but I did not have choice but to do as I am ordered"

Mica "it not your fault you were ordered to do such thing and

I do not hate you for that but you made me remember that I cannot trust anyone"

Then while mica was talking with Liza suddenly a car passed

so fast and hit Liza and threw her body so away from the place and the car

escaped so fast mica was shocked and her face was covered by blood from Liza

when the car hit her, mica run toward Liza.

Liza body was covered by blood ,the CEO was afraid when he saw

mica covered by blood and kept saying if she is ok, mica said she is ok but

save Liza please while crying. They called the ambulance and moved Liza to the

hospital to the surgery section immediately.

After waiting for six hours the doctor come out of the

surgery room and told them that she lost a lot of blood and her hand are broken

and she received a dangerous hit in her head and they did their best to save

her but the chance of her to live is only thirty percent.

Upon hearing this words mica cried and begged the doctor to

help her and that she is the only friend she have and then fainted ,the CEO hold

her before she fall to the ground.

After the doctor examined mica he told the CEO that the

reason of her faint was fear of what happened and she suffer from stress and her

body is become so weak and she need rest

as much she can.

That night the CEO stayed with mica in the hospital, while he

asked jack to take care of the company for him for week. So he left all the

work to his assistance jack and manager Rebeca in order to take care of mica.

In the morning mica wake up to find the CEO sleeping in the

chair next to her and she rubbed his hair while smiling thinking that he look

like a child when he sleep. The CEO waked up while looking at her he said if

she is trying to seduce him while laughing mica moved her hand fast and acted

like she did not hear him and asked him about Liza condition.

The CEO told her not to worry and that he called the best

doctors in the country and he will do everything they can to save Liza while

hugging her to make her feel at ease.

CEO "you have to care of yourself the doctor said you need a

lot of rest and you look so thinner I bet you did not eat a lot these last


Mica "I am fine, it is just am not hungry this days"

CEO "mica, once we arrive to your house we will go to

vacation to relax so pack your things ,I already told

your family and they agreed to it"

Mica "what!!"