
You Are Wet

You see the mountain of people laying on top of each other and your stomach makes a turn. You know that you can not afford to throw up now and you have to get your head in the game. You look around the room and you see one of them laying by themselves. You know that this might be the first person they tried this virus on, or whatever it could be.

You bend down next to him and take out your kit. You take a sample of blood and then put it in a sample bag. You must get this blood under a microscope to see if it is contagious or not. You know you need to look for certain markers. Usually, the blood that has a contagious factor moves more freely than dead blood cells.

You stand up and walk out of the room, closing the door behind you. Nick wants to come closer but you stop him.

"Please, just stay there for your own safety. I do not want you to get more sick if this is indeed contagious. Please be patient. I will let you know as soon as possible if it is contagious"

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