
The Attack 1

A few days have passed you become more comfortable with the routing of the day. Nick and his team aren't back yet and you're starting to miss his presence even more but then you remember John.

You go to your banker after a long day at work when you see a letter on your bed. You stand still for a little while just staring at the letter in front of you.

You know from who it is...John. You open the letter:

My dearest Kim

I know that I need to write you a letter but I don't know what to say to the only woman, I've ever loved?

I miss you more than the sun misses the moon. Every day that goes by I realize more and more that I won't be seeing you for a very long time. I won't be able to hold you or kiss you goodnight... You've been so long in my life and now...now nothing...

I don't know if we would be able to make it. I hope so, with my entire heart...

Yours forever


(Oh John...I miss you too)

You fall back on your bed with the letter on your chest. You feel tears falling down your cheeks. You know what you've always known for a long time, that this relationship won't survive such a long time apart. You fall asleep with tears still flowing down your cheeks.

Suddenly you feel your bed shake. You wake up and all you see is red lights. Then you hear the voices around you. You get out of your bed and another shake rocks you off balance. You're thrown against the wall, bumping your head on the pipe. You sit for a little while, assessing your own pain. You touch your forehead with your hand and you see blood on your fingers. You stand up slowly to see if you can. You find your feet and then hold on to the wall to stabilize yourself.

You hear a loud bang and then the ship rocks again. This time you're prepared and you're holding tight on the pipe you hit your head against. The door burst open and Nita stands before you with her life jacket on. On the other hand are another life jacket. She throws the life jacket to you while holding on to the door.

"Kim! Put that on!! Now!!"

"Why? What's going on?!"

You take the jacket and put it on, making sure to follow the instructions they've drilled into you the first few days.

"We're under attack!!"

You feel your heart is beating so loud that you feel it in your throat. You freeze and you can't seem to put your one foot in front of the other. Nita shakes you.

"Kim!! We have to go!! Now!!"

You realize you've stopped breathing.


You take a deep breath. You look at Nita, her face is white as snow and there's a permanent frown between her eyebrows. She pulls you forward. "Let's go!!"

"I'm coming!" She turns and grabs hold of your shoulders. "Just follow me, okay? Can you do that?"

"Yeah...yes!!" You remember all the things they've taught you about how to act in an emergency.

(They told me to stay calm, put on a life jacket, follow the red lights, don't run and get outside)

"Listen, we need to attend to the wounded as fast as possible. The Admiral said we aren't in any immediate danger and we should stay inside. They'll come and evacuate us if necessary. Can you do that? Can you help people now? Your head needs to be clear? Can you do it?"

You're listening to every word she says. You're looking in her eyes but you aren't there. You know what she says and what she wants but all you can think about is your family and Nick. Everything around you fades away and you only hear your own breathing. You see Nita's mouth moving but you don't hear her voice.

(Kim...Kim...Kim!!! Now's the time, now's the time that shows you who you are. You can do it, you knew this could happen...KIM!!!)

It's like an invisible hand hit you behind your head and you wake up out of your trans. You suddenly have a renewed energy coming from somewhere. "Kim!! Can you do it??"

"Yes!! I'm ready!"

"Okay, prepare yourself..."

You open the door and walk into the sickbay. All you see I soldiers on beds and more being brought in. You almost want to turn around and run away but then start to see your reason for being here. This is what you've signed up for. You're here to save the soldiers that save your life on a daily basis. Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. You know they can't do much without your guidance. Everyone comes to you, all at once but you can't answer them all.

You look around for a chair to stand on. You climb up, knowing very well, you could fall very hard, should another shot be fired at the ship.

"Okay, Listen up!! We're going to do triage. Tracy, get the stickers. Red should be immediate attention and blue...well, they should have a peaceful passing. I'm going to the operating room, send in the most severe patient first, and line them up. Now, let's get to it people, it's a beautiful day to save lives!!"

You just got off your chair when another shot is fired. The ship rocks heavily and everyone grabs a patient. You fall against the wall but luckily you could brace yourself in time. You quickly stabilize and run to your OR. You clean your hands and they help you with your gear. The first patient is waiting on the table. You stop for a moment, you take a deep breath, closing your eyes and you visualize. You usually think about the ranch and the peacefulness of it but this time, you see Nick...

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