
Chapter 8

(Coles Pov)

its been a day and a half since they took the breathing tube out of my mates throat and she is yet to awke but I'm still here.

her father has been trying to come see her but my father said she is in intensive care so no one but the doctor can go in.

its currently 10pm and im tired so I drift off to sleep.


(Ellie's Pov)

my body is hurting and I can feel something in my throat it scares me and its hard to breathe then I hear yelling and I feel it being removed.

soon after I feel someone grab my hand my eyes still too heavy to open but I fall back into darkness.

its dark when I open my eyes fully for the fist time I feel something on my hand so I turn to look at what it is its a boy all I can see is his dirty blonde hair " why is he holding my hand " I question.

I try to take my hand away but he starts to stir so I stopped I needed to get out of here but where is hear then I hear the door start to open and I close my eyes to pretend I'm asleep.

I hear a man his voice familiar but I can't quite pinpoint where ive heard it then it hit me alpha Eric he was talking to the boy next to me.

A: cole

C: yeah whats up he says tired

A: you need to sleep in your own bed tonight

C: dad please just one more night please

A: no cole you need to sleep in your bed

the boy I now know as cole sighed in defeat and I felt his hand leave mine this made me sad at the loss of his warmth and I feel as though I need his touch so I opened my eyes and yelled which it didnt really come out as a yell but more like a whisper.

E: wait pl- please d- d- dont go

Cole turns around shocked and runs back to her and he looks at her in pure delight his wolf purring in happiness that they get to see her beautiful eyes now.

she hears the alpha yelling for someone to come in. a lady come in im assuming shes the doctor. she comes ober to me smiling and asks me how I'm feeling I was about to say I was fine but instead I felt sharp pain go through my stomach.

I yelled out in agony in which I see cole flinch and get a qorried look on his face I started freaking out having a panic attack the doctor told the men to jold me down and they did but Cole was hesitant.

they did it and the doctor injected me with something and I started to calm down she asked me if I was better now and I shook my head yes.

they told me to get some rest which I did I needed it badly but before I fell asleep I looked at cole and said "sleep with me please" he looked a little shocked but then noddes yes and walked towrds me as I fell into a deep sleep.