Yamiru is an ordinary man who spends his days cooped up in his room, until one day he wakes up in a different world called Wysteria, where magic is abundant and leveling up your abilities is the key to survival. Unfortunately, Yamiru possesses one special ability that allows him to see the abilities and levels of others and is weak at the start. But he is determined to survive and face all the enemies in his path, even if it means starting from scratch. As he explores the new world, Yamiru meets a variety of characters who help him on his journey. He learns about the different types of magic and how to harness them and starts to improve his abilities through intense training and battles. Despite setbacks and defeats, he never gives up and continues to push himself to get stronger. As Yamiru gains more experience and levels up his abilities, he becomes a respected member of his community and begins to uncover a deeper conspiracy that threatens the safety of Wysteria. With his newfound strength and the help of his friends, Yamiru sets out to stop the evil forces at work and protect the world he has come to love. Through his journey, Yamiru learns that even an ordinary person can become a hero with hard work, determination, and the support of others.
I woke up, the same old habits. I sighed at how much I hated my life and how dull it has been. All I've been doing is going to school, doing homework, eating and sleeping. It was a continuous cycle and I wanted to feel something different. I wanted to do something new.
I got dressed, smelt my shirt to see if it was smelly and when I didn't find it too smelly, I put it on and headed out to get some breakfast. I'm going to be late for class so I had to rush to the eatery as fast as I can.
I ran as fast as I could, crossing roads, turning corners, bumping into a bunch of people who sneered at me for doing so, I was merely focusing on the road but all of a sudden. I saw a young girl standing as a school bus was about to hit her. I held my breath and took a leap of fate. I jumped to save the little girl before she got hit but in doing so. I didn't realize how it made me the target of the impact of the bus.
I saw a bright light as that bus was about to hit me. My life was flashing before my eyes as I thought that I would have a normal day of getting out to get some food would turn out to be my end.
As I slowly opened my eyes, I noticed that I was not in my room anymore. Instead, I found myself in a completely different area and place. The room was dark and the only source of light was coming from a small window on the opposite wall. I sat up on the bed and tried to get a better look at the room. It was very spacious, with white walls and a dark wooden floor. There was a large wardrobe on the right side of the room, and a small desk with a chair on the left. A bookshelf was attached to the wall above the desk, filled with books and scrolls of all shapes and sizes.
I slowly got out of bed and walked towards the window, trying to figure out where I was. As I looked outside, I noticed that the world looked different than what I was used to. There were floating islands in the sky, some of them small and others very large, and the landscape was dotted with mountains and forests. It was then that I realized that I was in a completely different world, one that I had never seen before.
As I turned around to inspect the room again, my eyes were drawn to a portrait that hung on the wall above the desk. It depicted a young boy, who looked like me, with a mother and father. I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity looking at the portrait, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Feeling even more bewildered, I turned my attention to the mirror. As I looked at my reflection, I saw the same child from the portrait, only much older. It was like I had somehow traveled through time and was now living as my past self.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. A woman's voice called out my name, Yamiru. I was taken aback to hear that the person I had reincarnated into had the same name as me. I hesitantly answered the door and saw the woman from the portrait standing there. She greeted me warmly and invited me to join her for breakfast.
Suddenly I hear a knock from my door, a woman's voice is heard. Calling for my name. "Yamiru!" she shouted, making me realize that I had the exact same name as the one I reincarnated into.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I was in a completely different world, with different people, and yet somehow I had memories of this place. Memories of my childhood, of my parents, and of my life. It was all so surreal.
As I followed the woman who had called me downstairs, I took in the surroundings. The walls were painted a soft blue, and the furniture was a mixture of modern and traditional styles. Everything looked familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time.
When we reached the dining room, I saw a long wooden table surrounded by chairs. The table was set with white plates and silver cutlery, and there were glasses of water at each place. My mother sat at the head of the table, smiling at me warmly.
I took my seat and looked around the room once more. The walls were decorated with paintings and photographs, just like in my childhood home. I noticed a picture of a younger version of myself with my parents, just like the one in my bedroom. It was all so strange, yet so familiar.
As we began to eat, my mother started talking about how it's going to be my first day at the Golden Gates Academy. I was confused - I had no memory of this school. But as she spoke, I began to piece together fragments of memories in my mind. It was as if my past and present were merging together.
And then, my mother snapped her fingers and a plate of food appeared in front of me. I jumped in surprise, wondering how it was possible. She simply smiled and said, "Is something bothering you? Do you not like the food?" She asked me concerned.
"No it's okay. It's just.. the plate it just floated towards me. That's really strange." I assumed that this was something normal in this world, considering that she isn't too fazed about what just happened.
"Oh it's just a little magic dear. You're acting really odd today, is everything alright with you?" She asked me.
Magic? My mind was reeling. Was this world really one where magic existed? I took a bite of the food, and it was delicious. It seemed as though everything in this world was just as extraordinary as the magic.