
Chapter 3 - Everything Happens For My Amusement! (Edited)

Chapter 3 - Everything Happens For My Amusement! (Edited)


"Mama, I'd love to attend," I spoke sweetly, my voice brimming with innocence. After hugging my mother, I dashed off towards the study, eager to revisit my favorite book.


Inside the study, numerous books lay scattered around me as I sat on the ground. I was utterly exhausted, but the accomplishment was worth it. It had taken me two years, but I had finally managed to accomplish my goal: reading every single book in the library.


Despite being part of a baron family, the lowest rank in the nobility hierarchy, our library contained a substantial collection of five hundred books.


[God watches as you've achieved the impossible]

[He takes credit, asserting that without his assistance, this feat would have been unattainable]


He was right. Had he not bestowed upon me the ability to understand this world's language from the start, the endeavor would have taken considerably longer. Without his intervention, I might have had to resort to hiring a tutor.


The reason behind my frequent visits to the library was straightforward. Even with the gift of language comprehension, I still needed to familiarize myself with this world's history, geography, and culture to effectively strategize the construction of my mafia.


"Now that I think about it, why did my Mafia System only activate recently?" I queried, expecting God to reply. But to my surprise, he remained silent for an extended period. Why wouldn't he respond?


[God has left your stream]


Wait, did I see that correctly? As per the contract I signed, God is responsible for what the Mafia System displays. Can he really ignore me like this? Is he belittling me? Is my life nothing more than a mere stream for him to observe?


"That jerk!"


[God has joined your stream]


[God wonders whom you are addressing and derives pleasure from observing you...]


Is God some sort of masochist, deriving enjoyment from being insulted?


[He wonders whether he forgot to remove your balls]


So, God deliberately turned me into a girl? Here I was, speculating about a potential malfunction or confusion.



"Did you bestow upon me some kind of cheat skill?"


[God wonders why you would need one. He asserts that you're skilled enough to stir up chaos]


His faith in me is touching, but faith alone won't suffice. Does he think I can conquer this world with just a system? I'm not interested in some cheat skill. I simply want to catch him off guard during this moment.


"Why did you let it all happen?"


As I asked this question, tension infused the atmosphere. I wanted to know why he allowed it all to unfold. What was his motive behind these occurrences?


[God doesn't comprehend the situation]


"So, you're feigning ignorance. Allow me to clarify."


"In five years, twenty million deaths have been recorded. Five disease outbreaks have occurred in three years alone. Last year witnessed ten wars: six internal and four external conflicts. What's your intention behind such turmoil? Is it amusing to claim lives?"


[God erupts in hysterical laughter]


[God: It's quite entertaining, isn't it? I thought you'd understand. You took countless lives in your previous existence, so don't pretend to be a saint before me]


This was the first time I heard God's voice since arriving in this world, and perhaps the last. His voice carried an otherworldly authority that forced me to the ground. It felt as if gravity's force had doubled upon me.


[God: Remember, all of this is for my amusement!]


Why did his voice affect me this way? I could communicate with him when I was deceased. Could this be the [Supreme Voice] I read about in one of the books?


Gradually, my consciousness waned, my vision blurred, and I collapsed onto the ground. Was this the end? Had I not even managed to survive for three years? Was God laughing at me? The thought incited fury, but I was powerless.




"Young Mistress Chloe! Young Mistress Chloe, please awaken!"


Blurry visions materialized, someone attempting to assist me. Though the voice was muffled, I couldn't discern its source.


"Sweetheart! Head Maid Claudia, what happened?"


My mother's concerned voice reached my ears. I was uncertain about the situation, but help had arrived.


Then, recollections resurfaced. The day I died. I couldn't forget that day—betrayed by those I trusted most.


"What transpired while I was absent?"


My father's voice held a mix of fury and worry. Head Maid Claudia bowed before Father, assuming the blame, claiming she had failed in her duty to safeguard me.


It was a lie! Claudia had been like family for the past two years, yet she was about to bear the brunt of my father's anger.


"Father, stop! Claudia, cease blaming yourself."


I murmured softly, yet my words reached everyone's ears. My mother hastened to my side, clasping my right hand, while Father gripped my left. Their hands squeezed mine, and tears streamed down their cheeks. They wept as if infants.


So, this was what love felt like? First experiences were always profound, and this marked my first encounter with familial affection. Tears welled in my eyes, and soon I joined my parents in weeping.


[God observes from above]


[He watches, disdain evident as he gazes upon this joyful scene]


How could God not be pleased by such a heartwarming moment? The more I contemplated, the more bewildered I became. God's behavior often resembled that of a devil.


He had almost taken my life, yet before my reincarnation, he warned me not to depart prematurely. Does he possess a penchant for chaos?

Shout out to Mr Editor for such an editorial job well done. Please leave a review and pick up a collection! And stay tuned for further releases!

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