
145. Deoxyribonucleud Acid

Darren stood leaning against the wall near the laboratory room, folding his arms in front of his chest while one leg was crossed to the ankle of the other.

Not long after, Calista came out with one fingertip taped with a transparent wound dressing so it wouldn't be visible if the owner ignored her finger.

"Let's sit down first." Darren didn't ask what and how. He did not want to burden his wife with the thought of the process and the outcome. Most importantly, this test will make all parties also himself. Donni, as a comparison, was called in for a blood test, and they came out almost simultaneously.

"The results will be out in less than twenty-four hours. We will call Mr. Donni to let him know the results." An officer said after finishing taking blood from the two related people.

As a result, the five people left the hospital with their feelings.