
First Love

My Name is Jamie Adison. I am from Melbourne. My work ? Nope, I'm still studying at Riverdale High School. It's actually a boarding school.. My dad works as an engineer and what my mom does is the most important work in life! Of course, a housewife.. taking care of me, my two brothers, my sister and my little sister which is the best work ever.

Too much of introduction makes u bored of me right?? Don't please cause this is my first page of blogging. Yup suprisingly I'm doing this eventhough my sister won't allowed it because of the feeling scared that I'll be ruining her reputation as a well-known blogger. I'll say it POPULAR AND FAMOUS!

I'm not that pretty, smart and famous like my sister.. She also got a handsome boyfriend which is my first crush in my life! But it's okay cause I hate him now. It has been a wonderful 8 years forgetting him and thinking him as my own brother in law to-be.

My love story actually starts here. When I was 9 years old, I had a crush ( which is my sis boyfriend ), he is a captain football player in our school, quite famous I say. I liked him for only two years. One day, I felt like I wanted to confess him my love but I'm too scared to say it. So I decided to use a friend of mine.. what I mean is by asking him for help. He was actually my best friend and my classmate too.

Kring kring.. it's recess time. Jackson, my bff, came to my class. I told him everything but then I didn't expect that it will be like this....

"What?!! Seriously! Omg! You just fell in love to the hero of our school.." He shouted in the class and everyone was looking at me.

It's a relief that they didn't heard it clearly.

Jackson was crazily running outside and accidentaly pushed someone and it was him. My first CRUSH!!! And the next thing happens ruin my life there for another two years .. you may not want to hear it.

After that happens, my life has been changing. I moved to a boarding school and stays there for 2 years already. I never had a feeling to any boys ever...