
Jacks moving day

Beep beep beep!

The jarring sound of an alarm clock filled the room, jolting Jack awake. Rubbing his eyes, he reached over and silenced the relentless beeping. It was a new day, and Jack had a lot on his plate. With a stretch and a yawn, he made his way downstairs in search of breakfast.

After satisfying his hunger, Jack stepped outside to tackle the task of moving. Several boxes were already piled up, waiting to be loaded onto the moving trucks that would arrive shortly. With determination, Jack began to move the boxes, preparing them for their journey to the new house.

An hour later, the moving truck pulled up, ready to transport Jack's belongings. As the boxes were loaded onto the truck, Jack hopped into his trusty old Jeep and bid farewell to his old house.

Eight long hours later, Jack arrived at his new destination, an old house full of promise. However, the moving trucks were scheduled to arrive two days later. Undeterred by the delay, Jack stepped out of his Jeep and approached the front door. He turned the key, pushed the door open, and ventured inside.

To his surprise, the interior of the house was clean and well-maintained. However, the exterior told a different story, with overgrown bushes and litter scattered about. Jack shrugged off the initial disappointment, thinking about the possibilities that lay ahead.

"Well, I suppose I should take a look around and start planning where to put my things," Jack mused to himself.

With curiosity in his eyes, Jack began exploring the rooms one by one, tidying up any dirt or dust he encountered. As he made his way through the house, he decided to venture up to the attic, wondering if any treasures or forgotten belongings awaited him there.

Pulling on a cord, the ladder descended from the ceiling, allowing Jack to ascend into the dusty room above. He coughed, feeling the weight of the accumulated grime in the air. It appeared that remnants of the previous occupants were left behind, hinting at the someone once lived in this space.

Jack's gaze landed upon a small red stone lying amidst the forgotten artifacts. Intrigued, he reached out to pick it up, only to slice his finger on its rough surface. Dropping the stone in surprise, he watched as a drop of blood fell from his hand.

Suddenly, an overwhelming fatigue washed over Jack, and his legs gave way beneath him. Collapsing onto the attic floor, his eyes grew heavy, and darkness enveloped his senses.

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