

Hello! everyone I am....

Ohhhh,sorry I forgot to turn on camera. I am becoming useless day by day. Ahh! now it's okay. Let's start again.

Hello! everyone I am Alex and this is my video diary and now I am going introduce you to my odd family.

Firstly, let me made it clear that by saying odd it doesn't mean that kind of odd. It's another kind of odd which I still can't understand.

Now, let's continue. First let me introduce you to my mom she is part-time housewife and finance manager of my family. She is also semi-bread earner of my family.

(Loudly Alex mom says,"Hey!! son what nonsense are you talking about, don't waste your time on unnecessary things focus on your study.")

Sorry mom and sorry to everyone I should have said that. But later you will understand what it meant.

And let's move toward our bread earner in this family my father. Who is always busy in work? He is very busy member of my family. I can't even meet and greet him properly.

And now final member of my family, my cousin brother. "Due to his family problems he lives with us since he was small". (In small voice Alex says)

Since we grow up together we are like brothers.

Ohhh! I forgot to introduce myself properly.

Let me begin, and I am last member of my family.

Do you think every families in this world have rank chart? I don't think so, but some of them may have it. In that some of them my family also lies.

If you don't understand rank chart of family, I will explain it to you. It is a rank which is obtained by family member and rank 1 is the top rank. The decision which is made by rank 1 is the final decision in family.

Do you want to know rank chart of my family?

The it is like this:

Rank 1- my mom

Rank 2- my father

Rank 3- it me

Rank 4- my cousin brother

Isn't it amazing a family containing ruling ranks.

As I have introduced my family member.

Let's Enter to real story.