
At the pub

Next day Mrs.jane leaves early for the vacation, arranging necessary things for Riya.

Riya wakes up early and helps Jane in packing. After Jane left Riya fills in loneliness and doesn't understand what to do.

She freshes up and prepares breakfast.

She prepares the toast with fried eggs and calls Lilly for the breakfast.

Lilly comes to Riya house and calls Riya

" Good morning Lilly. get in".

"Good morning Riya, Are you alone In the house?".

" Yes, Lilly my grandmother went on a vacation so I need to be alone for a week".

" Oh, I see. So shall we go to the library then to the class?".

"Before that let's have our breakfast" and brings plates for both of them.

They speak about various topics while eating.

Lilly was curious about Riya's life before she came to London(current location) and asks her

" So Riya why don't you tell about yourself?".

Riya was not so happy with Lilly's question as she understood that Lilly was asking about Riya's past life.

She hesitatingly replied

"Nothing much. Was just flowing with the stream".

Lilly was surprised with the way Riya responded and decided to skip the topic and ask her later as it seemed so obvious that Riya doesn't like to share about her.

They completed their food and left to the Library.

Both of them had a good day.

While leaving they decided to go to a pub.

Though Riya didn't want to go, her friends forced her and she left with no option other than going.

Riya asks Lilly to pick her up in the evening and they both depart.

Riya reaches home and informs the servants not to come for a week.

Riya doesn't like her works to be done by others.

She cleaned everything by herself as she enjoyed doing her works by self, then she takes a long shower and walks out from the warm bathtub.

She dressed into an off-shoulder black dress above her knees, a simple white pearl set and dressed her hair.

Finally, she gets ready and as she was about to text Lilly, she hears the doorbell.

It was Lilly at the main door who was always on time especially when she wants to enjoy.

Lilly and Riya both looked very pretty. They both teased each other in a funny way.

Lilly regretted herself for not being a guy as she was completely adorned by Riya's beauty.

Then, they both leave for the pub.

At the pub, Everyone's eyes were on Riya. They looked at her attractive appearance and even her friends were jealous of her except Lilly(who already showed enough earlier ;) ).

They danced the whole night and her friends offer her a drink. Riya Doesn't drink as she feels humiliated but her friends forced her.

Once when she started to drink, Riya couldn't control herself and started dancing. she was totally lost on herself and was feeling dizzy. Seeing Riya's state her friends took her and made her sit on the couch.


Ben comes to the office and waits for the private lift.

A Man who is standing in front of the lift asks Ben to use the normal lift which is assigned for employees.

Before Jack could answer him, Ben interrupts Jack and waits for the person to finish his yell.

Finally, Ben asks for the name and the designation of the person, The Person proudly shouts out his name.

Ben was blown by the person's arrogance and immediately fires him.

Few other people come to the lift lobby, greets Ben and escorts Ben to his cabin.

That Man, Still froze for minutes after listening that he got fired was completely shaken to know that Ben was the CEO of the company.

Ben goes into his cabin and waits for the manager who is out of the cabin to meet him.

Jack gives him some files and walks out leaving Ben alone.

The man walks towards Ben's office and on the way, he feels nervous about seeing everyone gossiping about him.

He hears some conversation from the background.

"He is really a fool losing his job for a silly reason."

" Really sorry for him".

He couldn't control himself And feels very embarrassed.

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