
Underground Organizations (2)

"Kyaaa!" Layla screamed suddenly.

The man had touched her buttocks.


Layla turned to the man and slapped him.

"LAYLA!" Nolan shouted angrily.

Layla turned towards Nolan with tears in her eyes. "B-But Boss..."

"Enough!" Nolan shouted again. "Apologize to our honored guest immediately."

Layla stared at Nolan blankly. This was not Nolan she knew. Nolan she knew would never tolerate something like this.

Without a choice, Layla turned towards the man and lowered her head. "I-I am sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. It was a reflective reaction."

The man stole a glance at Nolan.

Seeing Nolan's cold expression, a smile spread on the man's face.

"Hehehe! You don't expect to pass just with an apology, right?!" The man shouted, grabbing Layla's hand and pulling her into his lap.

"No!" Layla screamed, resisting with all her strength.


The chair on which the man was sitting broke, and both he and Layla fell on the floor. But even on the floor, Layla was still in his lap.

"Let go!" Layla screamed with tears in her eyes. "Boss, please help me!"

The man ignored her screams and raised the bottom part of her white hanfu, revealing her long, white legs. He pervertly caressed her thighs.

"Boss, please help me." Unable to break free from the man, Layla begged desperately.

"Enough!" Nolan slammed the table. "Let her go!"

The man frowned and let go of Layla.

Layla immediately got up from the floor and hid behind Nolan.

"What do you mean to let her go? Are you going to let her go that easily after humiliating me?" The man screamed at Nolan. "If that's what you want, then forget about getting more infor..."

"Enough!" Nolan shouted again. "I don't plan to let her go that easily after humiliating you. She will serve you tonight."

Hearing Nolan's words, a smile instantly spread across his face.

"B-Boss, what do you mean!" Layla screamed.

"There are consequences for your actions! Whether you like it, you will serve our honored guest tonight. If you don't want, then get lost from my restaurant." Nolan spoke coldly.

"B-Boss," Tears flowed down Layla's eyes.

She stormed out of the chamber.

"Don't worry," Nolan said. "She will definitely serve you tonight."

"Hehehe! Thank you, thank you." The man took another chair and sat.

"However," Nolan's expression turned even colder. "Don't even think about touching her before giving me all information you know about the underground organizations."

"Hahaha. That's only natural." The man smiled. "Now then, where did I stop?"

"You finished explaining about The Black Rose organization that is active in the east of the city." Nolan reminded.

"I see." The man nodded. "The last organization is active in the west. The Dark Moon organization. Not much is known about this organization. Their leader is unknown. The only thing known about their leader is his nickname, The Demonic Assassin.

This organization is said to be the most dangerous. They have very strong martial artists. And while the other organizations have various sources of income like gambling facilities, slave businesses, and brothels, the Dark Moon organization has only one source of income, assassinations.

This organization is so powerful that it has branches in other cities. And it even has a branch in the capital of the empire, the Rowan city." The man explained.

"Why is he called the Demonic Assassin?" Nolan asked.

"He got his nickname because of his cruel way of killing his targets. He rips their heart out and stuffs it in their mouths."

"I see. This is my last question for you. Answer this, and you could enjoy Layla all you want." Nolan said. "How can I get in contact with the Black Rose organization?"

"You can't find them. If you go to the east part of the city and ask around for the Black Rose organization, they will find you." The man replied.

"Thank you." Nolan stood up.

"A-About the girl..."

"Don't worry. I am a man of word. Since I promised you to enjoy her, I will keep my word." Nolan reassured the man. "Wait here for a moment. I will bring her here."

"Hehehehe. Sorry to trouble you."

Nolan left the chamber.

He headed downstairs, searching for Layla.

Unable to find her in the restaurant and assuming she didn't go to the gambling facility, Nolan headed to the kitchen.

Just as he entered the kitchen, Nara greeted him while Layla hid behind her.

"Nolan!" Nara shouted. "Explain yourself!"

"There is nothing to explain," Nolan said coldly. "Layla, follow me."

"If you want to take her, you must pass me first," Nara said seriously.

Nolan ignored her and stretched his hand to catch Layla.

However, Nara grabbed his hand.

"Nara," A voice came from outside the kitchen. A few seconds later, the door of the kitchen opened, and inside entered Harley. "Don't interfere in the men's business."

"What are you doing here?" Nara asked.

"I wanted to check on Nolan," Harley replied.

"What do you mean not to interfere?" Nara asked again.

"Since Nolan wants to take Layla, don't interfere. He must have a good reason."

Nolan broke his hand free of Nara's grip and grabbed Layla.

"Let go of me!" Layla screamed.

However, Nolan ignored her and dragged her away.

Nara wanted to go after them, but Harley blocked her way.

"Harley, step aside!" Nara roared angrily. But Harley didn't move. "Nolan wants to give Layla to that disgusting man. That man is going to dishonor Layla. Are you going to let that happen!?" Nara shouted again.

Harley was startled by Nolan's plan for a moment. But still, he defended Nolan. "Honey, don't worry. Trust Nolan." Harley said. "He is a man who despises perverts like that man the most."

"Are you sure Nolan will not let that man dishonor Layla?" Nara asked, a little calmer.

Harley smiled and nodded. Though he didn't know Nolan's plan, by now, he had immense trust in him.

"Alright. But If that man dishonors Layla, I will hold you accountable."


Nolan dragged Layla upstairs.

"Let go of me!" Layla screamed as Nolan dragged her across the corridor on the second floor.

"Don't scream. You are going to chase away our customers." Nolan said through gritted teeth.

"I don't care!" Layla screamed again.

"Listen. Shut up and just do what I say. I promise no one is going to hurt you."

"I-I don't believe you!"

"Shut the fu.ck up. The next time you scream, I will slap you." Nolan threatened with an emotionless voice. "If you think I don't dare, feel free to try."

Not wanting to test whether Nolan dares to hit her, Layla shut up.

They arrived before the door of the chamber in which the man was.

Without even knocking, Nolan directly entered the chamber.

The man sat on the same spot as when Nolan had left the chamber. He had a wide perverted smile on his face. And, of course, seeing Layla behind Nolan, his perverted smile widened even more.

"I prepared a special place where you can enjoy her in peace, follow me," Nolan said seriously.

"Hehehe." The man stood up. "I can't wait."

Nolan took an oil lamp from the chamber and led the way downstairs with Layla beside him and the man behind him.

As they walked, the man touched Layla's buttocks.

However, Layla remained silent. And no, not because she didn't want to chase the customers away, but because she started believing that Nolan would not give her to this perverted man.

Her reasoning was simple. If Nolan intended to let the man dishonor her, he would have thrown her in the chamber and closed the door.

But instead, he said that he had prepared a special place, which he had no time to prepare.

Nolan led them out of the restaurant.

'Just where is he taking us?' Layla thought.

Coming out of the restaurant, Nolan didn't stop and headed behind the restaurant.

Behind the restaurant, they stopped before the storage building.

"HALT!" One of the two guards guarding the storage building shouted.

"It's me, Nolan," Nolan said, raising up the oil lamp close to his face, lighting his face. "Make way."

"Ahh. Sorry Boss, we didn't recognize you because it was dark." The other guard said.

"Make way," Nolan repeated.

"Yes, yes." The guards opened the door of the storage building and moved aside.

"Follow me," Nolan said to the man and Layla.

He entered the storage building, and Layla together with the man followed.

Inside, the little oil lamp weakly lighted the storage building.

"What's this?" Seeing the bags of grain, flour, and other ingredients, the man asked.

"Layla, get out," Nolan commanded.

Layla didn't wait to be told a second time. She immediately ran out of the storage building.

"You two close the door," Nolan commanded to the guards.

The guards immediately closed the door.

"What's the meaning of this?" The man asked.

"Wyle, Wyle." Nolan shook his head as he put the oil lamp on the ground.

"H-How do you know my name?" Wyle trembled. "What do you intend to do?"

"Sword," Nolan muttered calmly. The sword appeared in his hand.

"Wyle, I am going to kill you," Nolan said, unsheathing the sword and dropping the sheath on the ground.

"B-But I told you everything I know!" Wyle shouted.

"Your biggest mistake was that you dared to touch Layla. And your second mistake was revealing every piece of information you knew. You told me everything I wanted to know. Now, you are worthless to me, and what's more, you want to dishonor Layla."

"I-I will forget everything that happened here. I will apologize to her. I won't dare to even look at her anymore. Please let me go." Wyle fell to his knees.

"I can let you go," Nolan said. "But, I don't recommend that. I recommend dying here. If you want to apologize and leave here alive, you need to leave those two hands of yours that dared to touch Layla's body, and those two eyes of yours that dared to look at her with lust."

"No, No, No! You are joking, right?! Right!" Wyle screamed.

"Just die. You will become cripple, and in the end, you will die of hunger because you can't work or feed yourself anymore. You can't even beg without hands."

"NO! NO! You monster! Let me live!" Wyle sreamed.


Nolan swung his sword at Wyle's right hand.


Wyle's hand fell on the ground.


Blood splashed around.

"AghhhHHHH!" Wyle howled in pain.



Nolan cut off Wyle's other hand.

Wyle felt tremendous pain and the worst was, he couldn't even scream anymore. He lost his voice.

"Now, now, now." Nolan played with his bloody sword like a madman. "Shall I puke out your eyes, or do you want me to directly cut off your head?"

"K-Kill...me," Wyle muttered in a weak, barely hearable voice.

"What?" Nolan acted as If he didn't hear him.

Wyle gathered all his strength. "Kill me!" He shouted.

An evil smile spread across his face. "As you wish!"


Nolan cut off Wyle's head.


The head fell to the ground while the headless body was still on his knees.

Nolan sheathed the bloody sword and stored it in the inventory.

He then picked up the oil lamp and left the storage building.

"Nolan!" Harley shouted worriedly. "What did you do?"

"What are you doing here?" Nolan asked.

"The guards heard screams from inside, so they came and told me," Harley explained. "I and Nara immediately came running here."

Nolan looked down. "Ehh?" He got the oil lamp close to his clothes.

"Ahh. I destroyed my clothes again." Nolan said, looking at his blood-stained white-blue hanfu.

"D-Did you kill him?" Harley asked.

"I did."

"See?" Harley turned to Nara. "I told you Nolan will not let that man dishonor Layla."

"I-I am sorry, Nolan." Nara bowed to Nolan. "I should have trusted you."

"No," Nolan bowed ninety degrees to both Nara and Layla. "I am sorry I didn't tell you about my plan. I am sorry about the way I acted."

"It's good that it all ended well," Layla said. "But why didn't you tell us about your plan?"

"Well, as an old saying goes. If you want to trick your enemies, trick your friends first." Nolan said.

Harley smiled. "That makes sense."

"Alright now, let's go to your home," Nolan said to Harley. "You should have spare clothes, right?"

"Of course we do," Nara said.

Since Layla and the slaves they previously bought together with Kelton lived in the chambers on the second floor, Nara, Nolan, and Harley left the procedure of closing the restaurant and cleaning the bloody mess in the storage building to them and they headed towards Harley's and Nara's house.


A/N- Just so I don't cause any confusion, Nolan had already used [Inspect] on Wyle. That is how he knows his name.

I felt there was no need to write Wyle's status window in the story.

But for anyone curious about his status window, here it is:

[Name: Wyle]

[Age: 64 years, 9 months 2 days]

[Personality: Pervert, Gambling Addict]

[Occupation: Gambler]

[Martial arts: None]

[Strength: 7]

[Stamina: 6]


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