
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Enzo is Reborn

Much to his dismay, his friend hadn't woken up immediately. He remained in his still position, now bleeding even more from the wound in his neck.

The situation wasn't improving, and he could easily have been framed for killing his friend by now. If they saw him standing over him when he was in this condition, he would immediately be in serious trouble.

Thinking back, he remembered the brief conversation he had with the man he had met the day prior. Taking on his claim that he was a werewolf, maybe he could help him.

Judging from his lack of memory, he assumed that he had transformed into a werewolf last night. Why would he just lie if he was likely to have seen Lycanos transform?

'I'll take Enzo to him.' He decided, lifting Enzo up with one arm.

With his body now resting over his shoulder, he raced through the streets as fast as he could.

He made sure to run quickly so people couldn't stop him and pay closer attention to Enzo. He was still covered in blood and he could also make it harder for people to picture their faces.

He wasn't the culprit for this attack, but the risk that he would be framed as such was too high. Being on the list of suspects for his first murder, they maybe would convict him for that as well.

Luckily, he took a longer and more covert route to Jolsby Grove, rushing through the gaps between the densely packed trees.

"Where is this guy?" He wondered, still carrying on.

Lycanos had travelled several miles in his journey but felt little fatigue. He wasn't attempting to run extremely fast, and Enzo wasn't a problem for him to lift.

Since he was in the forest, there was no need to run all over the place. He had no direction and didn't actually know where this man would be.

About a minute later, the same man that he remembered from the early morning revealed himself.

"Who's that?!" He cautiously asked, rushing to his aid.

Lycanos slowly laid him down and the man immediately checked his vitals. He continuously tapped him down in seemingly random places but his movements were calculated. He remained solemn in his process, but he looked at his body with a face of concern.

"He's my friend. I found him on the side of the street like that. I think it's the gangs in Kol Heights, they're gunning for me for some reason." Lycanos explained, while he continued patting his friend down.

"Well, he's conscious and his wounds are healing. Wait… he has a healing factor." He realised, noticing the bite on his neck vanish in seconds.


Enzo took a violent gasp for air and rose up, holding his head that was throbbing.

"Urgh.. NO, BACK OFF!!" Enzo roared, lifting up to his feet.

He had his hands reached out with caution and fear, but he calmed once he realised where he was.

"Lycanos?" He asked, calming himself.

He was also quite confused about the other person that was stood next to him. He was much closer to him than Lycanos was, and this man just looked back to his friend.

'His parents really decided to call him Lycanos?' He realised, shaking his head.

Supernatural creatures lived amongst the shadows. It was of utmost importance to their health and survival for them to remain covert. With mysterious activity being linked to someone with the name Lycanos, it wouldn't make that job an easy one to complete.

"Why am I here? Who is that guy?"

Enzo had a lot of questions. He had been beaten up by mysterious individuals and now, he was in a totally unfamiliar place with no injuries whatsoever.

"You are a werewolf now." The man said, dropping down to his level.

"Wait a second, I don't know who you are either." Lycanos said, looking back at him.

The man then raised to look back at the boy.

"That's true. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Xavier. Xavier Barbero and I am a werewolf." He said, making his eyes glow their signature golden hue.

"What?! Werewolves exist?" Enzo asked, more than surprised about the whole situation.

His brain was almost being overloaded with information, and he was struggling to piece it all together. He looked into the distance with widened eyes and Lycanos could tell that he was distressed.

"I'm a werewolf?" He said, seconds later, with a lower and calmer voice.

"Yes. I know it's tough but judging from the blood, I think it was for the best." Xavier replied, with a calming voice.

After saying this, though, Xavier's head shot toward Lycanos. He looked at him with suspicion, puzzling Lycanos. He just stood there, and didn't exactly understand why he was glancing in his direction in this way.

"You're an alpha. How have you become an alpha, how old are you?" Xavier asked, now looking a lot more cautious.

He seemed defensive, and claws started to grow from his fingernails.

"I'm not an 'alpha' and I'm 17."

Xavier squinted his eyes just as he said this, still suspicious.

"How could you be just seventeen. You're an alpha, I saw your eyes."

"What about my eyes?!" He blurted out in confusion.

His statements weren't adding up to him, and it sounded like complete gibberish.

"Your eyes, Lycanos, your eyes glow red. Alphas have red eyes."

"Mine glow red?" He asked, with a raised eyebrow.

Xavier then pointed to Enzo.

"You turned him. He had a bite on his neck that resembled a werewolf bite, and his wound magically healed just like ours do." Xavier explained.

"What, can you not do that?" Lycanos wondered.

Xavier felt awfully uneasy around the boy. Things weren't adding up in his mind, and he just remained still for a few seconds. Suddenly, he leaned forward and rushed toward Lycanos. 

Lycanos swiftly raised his hands and blocked the incoming punch, that landed on his forearms. The fist whistled as it whipped through the air and cracked his forearm on impact.

Grunting in pain, he looked at his arm and wiggled around his fingers as the wound supposedly started to fade. Following this, Xavier whipped his punch around and it was a total blur to Lycanos.


Knocking his entire body off course, he was sent tumbling into a tree trunk, with a fractured jaw.

"You're not an alpha. You're a weakling." Xavier realised, shaking off his hands.

"What did you do that for?!" The boy shouted in anger and pain, spitting out blood into the grass.

"I had to test if you were an alpha." He stated, unconcerned.

"What's… what's an alpha?" Lycanos asked, raising up.

"The leader of a werewolf pack. They possess insane power and can turn humans into werewolves with a bite. Only alphas can turn humans into werewolves, but I guess that rule doesn't hold for everyone." He explained.

It made a lot more sense to him now. Alphas weren't supposed to be as young and inexperienced as he was, he surmised, and he decided to test it out through gauging his physical strength.

Then again, he wondered why he had the ability to turn people and had special red eyes. He'd never even heard of werewolf packs, let alone heard of alphas. He did think about the fact that he was titled an 'immortal' werewolf by his system.

That likely had something to do with his unique abilities.

"So, what do you want us to do now?" Enzo asked.

"Come back here tomorrow. I'll check how you're doing and see what we need to do from now on. Lycanos, keep close tabs on your friend here, and tell me about anything worth me knowing about." Xavier replied.

"Sure." Lycanos said.


The man blasted off into the distance and released a wave of air that shot Lycanos' hair up. He just smiled as he saw this man move, because that was maybe the power he was soon to have.

The two friends didn't say much to each other as they returned home. They had many things on their mind, and Enzo was forced to sneak into his house due to the dried blood across his body.

His appearance was quite the sight for those around him but it wasn't totally outlandish for Kol Heights. Much weirder, scarier things happened in the streets during the night.