
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantaisie
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202 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven. *

The next few day passed in peace and harmony.

Ilianna decided to never marry and concentrate on her training. Zephyr was supportive. My motherly talk with her, went very well.

Life returned to our usual routine.

Zephyr went to train himself and those wanted learn. More or less every able bodied man. Even a few wifes of his students. Including his future wife..me.

Training was..hard.

He had difficulty see me getting hurt. So, he left my training mostly to Lucian and Alex. They thought me basics and didn't hold back in their training.

Zephyr hated that too..they got beaten swiftly and took it easy on me as they would with Anna.

I soon felt better and more confident but, I also received private advice from the master after I used my.. feminine viles to get it out of him.

He told me effective training plan with early morning runs and well..more runs. I needed to build my foundation first and my current self was far from the average.

His own ability training became a show for the whole village. He listened to children's and others requests and entertainment become an every day thing.

He looked majestic, appears in the sky like a bird falling..then steps, and on the ground landing with grace. Seeing his smile at me while doing it made me well..horny and set my skin on fire but, also hated seeing him falling without wings.

The first time he done it without telling me what's gonna happen?

My heart almost stopped. He soon calmed me down..in private .. But we didn't do just naughty stuff all the time.

He also explained his ability, which he understood a lot better now.

Anything in his eyesight is a single step.

That's the best way he could explain. He feels heat in his feet, and appear wherever in his eyesight he wishes. Usually with some wind and a loud sound accompanies his arrival and disappearance.

It drained him at first bad, and could only do a few Steps a day. He soon learned to control it better and it consumed less of his stamina each day.

He continued to spoil me, our daughter and we spent time with our family on picnics and outings in the lazy summer afternoons.

Our days were peaceful and almost like a fairytale.

One morning during breakfast.

" Ohh Zephyr I forgot. Before we left Emets body. " - he pulled out a large black claw, I completely forgotten about. " I took this from him to commemorate your victory over the beast."

Alexander handed him his Emet claw.

He took it uninterested and soon handed to me.

It was heavier than looked and incredibly sharp. It's was the size of a small sword, it's hard to imagine a being with these, instead of nails.

" Thank you Alex.. I don't know what to do with it. "- I couldn't help but smile it was a priceless piece and he didn't care one bit. He turned to me for help. " Any ideas love? "

I put the thing down the table and trying to think of ways us it.

I looked at our daughter practising her kicks off some distance from us.

" Didn't you wanted some daggers made for Anna?" - I looked back and wiped some juice of his chin. " I know it's very early but, why not use this as material for it?"

" Uhhh...Divine daggers for a five year old. I bet kings never had such luxury."

He smiled at Alexander. He was probably right.. divine beast were hard to kill and even if it happened it was too far away. The continent of Longinus was vast. And besides not all blessings paired well with fighting.

" Fine talk to Olaf and see if he can even smelt it.. if it's possible, use enough for 2 small daggers " - he looked at the ladies on the room resting his gaze on me. " ...Use the rest for jewellery. Necklaces for the ladies of our family. And one for an engagement ring for my fiancee."

I looked at him quickly. He smiled and pulled me into his embrace. He caressed my back and kissed my lips gently.

" ..what say you my future wife? Divine ring..too much right?"

Hmm..he was willing to give me something invaluable. I would've loved my ring even if made out off wood. But, I do admit..I felt really special. It was..

" It's perfect... but why don't you commission something for yourself? " - I kissed him lightly and poked his nose. " That material is one of it's kind. Are you sure? "

He give me a disarming smile. And reached in his shirt, pulling out the necklace, I gave him.

"This..this is one of a kind. The only other jewellery I'll ever wear is my wedding ring."

It made my eyes watery and my heart racing..he cared so much. He loved my gift.

My happiness felt like I managed to cheat the world lately. He made everyday a little better.

I kissed him softly but, with all my love.

Yes our days were magical. So of course soon enough the rain came.


Not one week after he returned from the sacrifice. Representatives from Tori village arrived in the early morning.

I knew of the place but, not much of it's people or history. About a day ride and just like us they named their village after the divine monster resides near them. That's more or less it.

" It was inevitable my son. " - granny, who gave us the news stepped away as she patted his shoulder. " When you ready they'll waiting in the main hall."

Granny left us alone in front of our half build house. Zephyr worked with his brother and students, like a lot of them.

" Well that was fast..."

His look was that of quite acceptance. Turned to me after what I said.

" Inevitable..all right then. Let's hear them out." - he clapped his hands and got ready.

" You know what they came for. They didn't made the trip to congratulate on our engagement Zephyr. " - I was annoyed even knew very well it was coming. "..I don't even care..just hurry back. Our home takes priority. "

" What are you saying?.. you'll coming to." - he pretended to be confused and give me a sneaky smile.

" Huh?... really??"

He smiled still and took my hand.

" I'll be back soon guys..." - he turned to the others nearby mostly told those words to Alexander and Lucian.

We arrived at the main hall hand in hand just like I envisioned it a few weeks ago.

Inside were Granny with two other council members.

In front of them sitting five from Tori village. They all stood up when seeing us.

" Leader Metill this is the one." - granny and the other two followed our guests and introduced us.

" Zephyr Astoria and his fiancee, my granddaughter Lylly Wold."

Zephyr simply nodded towards them and gently guided me to the empty seats next to granny.

" Honorable Blessed. My name is Metill Emil. I'm here with my children to congratulate on your victory over Emet the Lion King. " - the man name Metill bowed while seated and after looking at me.

" And please, let us also congratulate on your engagement to this lovely Lady. "

He bowed politely towards me and his four children followed him.

Zephyr stared with the expression. ' You see?'

...Ugh..fine they did congratulate.

" It's my pleasure to meet you leader Emil. We thank you. " - he turned back with a polite smile and went straight to the point. " Tell us why have you made the ..what I'm sure was a long trip?"

Leader Emil looked to be in his 50s and a tall man. He seemed to be tired, but with kind eyes and shaved head. His children as he said were two young man sharing features with him and two young ladies Eleanor age or close.

They all smiled politely and made fearful yet excited glances at Zephyr.

" Honorable one. We're here to formally request your help, with our sacrifice in 2 days time. " - he stood up and bowed for the third time. " We ask you to help us kill the divine beast, Tori."

There it was.

Are they going to keep their heads down until Zephyr agrees?

"Leader Metill we would lie if say, we didn't anticipate this in advance." - after exchanging a quick look with Zephyr, granny went and said the same thing, I thought. " But, Zephyr here only just found out about his own blessing just a handful of days ago. Why would he risk his life so soon or at all? And for another village? "

Tell him granny!

The other elders nodded along furiously. It's true why should he go and risk his life for these people?

" Well..Lady Vistellia. Tori village willing to offer it's allegiance to Zephyr Astoria and with him Emet village."

They were the first who offered such a thing.