
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantaisie
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202 Chs

74. Eggs, Cinnamon and Excuses. *

I woke next morning having Anna nudged me.

I was so surprised she had to repeat her words.

" ..aid get up! DAD made breakfast. He said hurry up."

She bolted out but, it didn't escape me.

She was clean and dressed and..did she say he made breakfast?

While getting dressed and washed my face so I could truly wake up, walking downstairs something incredible hit my nose. What was that??

" Morning my love come try some of this." - he smiled dressed in a comfortable black open shirt and matching pants and boots.

I walked up behind him and looked over his shoulder.

It was bread..just yellow.

It smelled so good. He put some sugar on top and handed to me a plate with a very tasty kiss.

" What is this? And since when did you cook? "

I sat down joining our princess stuffing her face with the bread..

" Sweetheart slow down..it won't run away. "

I took one bite and almost pushed the rest of the bread in like an animal. It was delicious and sweet and..

" Is this the cinnamon?"

He smiled and stole some bread with a another kiss.

" I told you that his fish ancestors were geniuses. It weren't just weapons but recipes too. " - he leaned down and watching me with my mouth full and giving the backstory of this delicious concoction.

" One was sugar and cinnamon into eggs and covered the bread and fry it in some fat. There you go. Here some fruit and juice...princess slow down."

He threw a grape hitting Ilianna in the head but, finally slowing her chewing.

Getting cooked delicious food, taking care our kid..most of my frustration was swallowed with each sinful bite.

We didn't invite anyone..plus it was ungodly early and yet soon Alexander and Lucian arrived with my sister and Dem.

The smell must've covered our home.

" Brother..what are you doing? "

" He cooks dear...what's the real question is dearest brother in law..what are you cooking?"

He greeted them and turned around inviting to seat.

" Take a seat. I'll make some more."

Demelza and Eli came to me. Lucian like with everything, wanted to know how Zephyr done things. And Alex was just probably hungry.

Eli leaned close from the left " What is happening sis? "

" Taste this you guys.."

I pushed some into their mouth and watched the same reaction of wonder and surprise I had.

" So sweet and..what is this cinnamon? Oh it's on the top as well." - Demelza examined one piece.

Zephyr arrived with some freshly made ones and put then on the table sprinkled some sugar on it.

" I mixed some into the sugar the cinnamon. On it own ..it's horrible like eating fine sand. " - looked liked he had an actual close call eating it. " But adding it to things its like magic. Go enjoy. "

They devoured the first piece with their loved ones like animals too.

Anna reached for her 3rd piece. I was finished with my second with momba juice to wash it down. It was so filling, I couldn't eat anymore..after the 3rd one.

Zephyr was just explained to them how to make it which was ridiculously simple sounding and yet also incredible, like everything he does.

I did had some anxiety in me. I mean..it should be me there right? Making breakfast and taking care of everyone..I shook off my depressing thoughts before it ruins this morning.

But those thoughts stayed with me even if somewhat buried.

The morning sun now fully claimed the sky and gave some warmth.

It was the end of September, and the early morning cold arrived. Not bad ..but just cold enough to always wish for the sun to shine on your skin.

" ..I'm not sure but, latest on Anna birthday. Do me a favour and follow through with some warm up with everyone? " - Zephyr was cheking the saddles for the horses and talking to Alexander and Lucian. " We been working hard but not exactly training so time too get some of that back."

" Don't worry brother, if they like me and young Lucian they secretly kept up with the basics at least. " - he tapped his shoulder. " Go enjoy yourself and try and take your own advice and rest."

" I'll do my best. Alright thank you two. Take care."

He hugged his brothers one by one and my sisters done the same with me.

I was helped inside the wagon by Zephyr and put Anna there.

He sat in the driver seat and put a farmer hat on to cover his blue hair. It's been weeks the news of him being who he is must've spread far around by now.

Anna leaned close on my lap. " You look great Dad..you're a farmer. "

" She is sure right. "

" Thank you ladies. Get comfortable you two. We be going non stop...final pee checks."

" Check."

" Check. "

We waved those got up early to say goodbye and were back on the road. My 3rd time in two months.

It was a nice sunny day with some of the last weather like this for a long time.

Anna soon rocked back to sleep by the road and I sat closer to talk to Zephyr.

I wanted to satisfy my curiosity from last night.

" My love..were you up last night? "

" When exactly? "

He sounded genuinely surprised but, I couldn't see his face so I can't be sure if he actually was.

" So you were not playing?..I was.."

I looked and made sure Anna was sleeping before I continued.

"..last night I was ready for... But, then you fell asleep. I have a suspicion you knew and trying to punish me."

" Punishment for what love? "

He did turned around and looked sincerely out the loop. Maybe, I'm just losing it. But still..

" For ..when we didn't..on the tree? I told you to stop.."

He looked somewhat disappointed and turned around towards the road.

" I'm hurt you thinking I would be so petty. Also..would it make sense?..Think my love. " - he tapped his temple without looking back. " Why would deprive myself from one of my favourite activities? Honey, I was tired after Anna told me a great story. "

I felt guilty reading so much into this.

Me refusing sex and him turning it down as punishment..Absurd.

" Zephyr..I'm sorry. It's just we were so busy and with the sudden trip which was my fault..."

" Don't worry about it my love. We have plenty of time to make up for the loss. "


I slipped close enough to reach him and rested my head on his shoulder enjoying the wind and the view.

The beautiful view serene view, no animals nor people..just some trees without eyes.

" You know..Anna is sleeping . We could just stop the wagon.." - I leaned back a little to kiss his neck.

I slipped my hand on his chest and felt his muscles under his shirt.

" I wish..but, we are in a time crunch love. We already late and we barely got going..."

He was right..we can't be that rude.

" Then maybe tonight.."

" Oh no,no,no...that won't do.." - he sucked the air threw his teeth. " I have to guard you two at night, while riding and then next morning straight to Malai to make it. Sorry love we won't make it back otherwise. "

All he said made perfect sense but, the way he said it. His body language...those were excuses.

What if he indeed trying play and punish me. What if he is that petty? Wht..What if I am actually losing my mind?