
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantaisie
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202 Chs

50. The Games we Play...*

We waited until the man sold the fruits creating space in and on top of the wagon and spare our horses from the excess weight.

They ended up with over 110 silver coins.

It was way less than supposed to. The merchants were crafty and only bought all, if a significant discount was considered.

Even with that...110 silver coins.

They were large as Ilianna hands and wheight a nice amount. King Chensler's likeness, etched into them.

Alex was busy counting and him doing math was suspicious enough. " We can give half a silver coin each at home. And 55 to Zephyr."

" What are talking about Alex? "

He smiled and packed the silver into separate sacks.

" All said, to give half of their earnings to Zephyr..it makes sense, if you consider he picked every single one of these, alone with no help. He deserves it lik.."

" He will hurt you .."

He stopped packing the silver and looked up concerned.

" No..no? What I'm supposed do then? " - he waited until my firm nod before he defended his words. " They all wanted this..how will it sound me telling them.."

" You will hand out the full amount to everyone including yourself!! And if you do it silently, I promise not to even mention this oversight, to the man who loves you as a brother. How's that sound? "

He put all silver in the same sack and roped it on his body. Demelza came over..

" I told him so..."

" I know you did."


We walked slowly to the Inn and bought some of stuff from the general list the others gave us. We had to make several round trips to the wagons to put everything down.

Sacks full of spices and coal, sheers, pick axes, heavy plows perfect for the fertile but, heavy clay soil. All of the highest quality.

Couple of requests that will be done before heading back..mostly hot food and those taste best fresh, well as fresh can be after almost two day.

The owners were delighted to have so much business out of season.

I saw a shop Demelza told me about.

I knew of it..just ignored it before. It was owned by some ladies from a far neighbouring kingdom called Lentila.

They brought their own customs and traditions but, most importantly fabric.. used for underwear they created, that my Zephyr liked so much.

I grabbed my sister and Demelza and sent the others ahead to get us rooms.

Inside was a shook for the senses.

The smells were intoxicating and the different colours and shapes of underwear were lewd and everywhere. Eli and me still had our eyes plastered all over when Demelza was already browsing.

Soon two identical looking ladies walked out from the back and greeted us. They had an exotic air around them.

Long brown straight hair, beautiful olive skin and larger eyes than most, almost unnatural. Beautiful woman from no matter where you looked.

" Welcome to Jadoren how can we help? Anything special or specific?"

" Colours preferred? "

" Fabric of the highest quality perhaps silk?"

" Satin? Or animal skin? "

" Husband and boyfriend.."

" Wifes and girlfriends they all love our selections. "

"" Please let us know when ready. ""

They spoke in perfect sync and said a bunch words, I didn't get. But, I saw some very revealing ones in the back..I searched and found the black ones he wanted.

" Excuse me? Can I see something similar to those on the wall? "


What strange women.

They went to the back and I looked at Eli eyeing a golden one that could be said..too mature for her?

I sneaked behind her and took it.

" Heeyy! Give it back..or just put it back down. I don't care."

" Ohh you don't huh? Then guess what? I just let Zephyr, tear it off from me tonight."

She was quick as a cat and snatched them back in flash.

" I see.. Lucian and yellow..who knew?"

Demelza laughed with me at Eli discomfort.

She didn't confirm or denied anything. Which confirmed everything. She smiled and had a glint in her eyes. Is that how I look when my dirty thoughts getting me hot?

Soon the ladies returned with some..spicy choices.

I searched thoroughly and took out all those he would die for. I lifted one that had the most convenient slit ever put on any fabric making sure undressing is never an issue or needed at all.

" Are you seriously considering those ones?"

Eli voiced her disbelief.

" It's perfect what's to consider ? Dem you want some of these? " - I gave her a pair and picked some more of those.

" ..This shop sure has everything."

The ladies smiled in anticipation at our laughter.

" I would like these ones..but I need all you have in the colour, black. Also these other colourful ones here...an some of these of course. " - I picked up Eli golden one. "Uh,uh..if you have these in black I also take them too. And whatever this two buy."

Was it a shocking amount? Sure..but I won't be back until November and out of all the things in this city..Zephyr wanted more of these soo..

" So when you said rip it off you meant.."

" Rip it OFF.. yes."

The ladies didn't move. I saw this coming. I exchanged some bronze coins to silver cause it was easier to carry and pulled one out.

" Please do it now...my beloved might be waiting already. "

They disappeared like water vapour and left us alone.

" Lylly you don't have to buy me anything."

" I do Demelza..I used almost all those you lent me..besides Zephyr told me to also buy you the same bed we be..using so please don't worry. " - it was the minimum I could do considering everything she done for me, I stopped my sister protesting. " Don't say a word and consider that I'm your older sister. Also..we won't be back until November and you can't borrow any of mine."

They both relented once hearing my sound arguments.

The olive twins returned with ..a mountain of underwear.

" Hmm..those will do. I been meaning to ask. Why only panties? No sets? "

They looked sad and it was a scary sight seeing those smiles disappear simultaneously.

" The reason is the same as with almost everything these days. People can't afford them." - she picked up one from the pile. " It cost almost 20 times the same material so understandably it will cost almost 20 times as much. We long realized theres no market for full sets."

I was thinking..

" ...but you do have some right? Maybe in black? "

They looked delighted and nodded furiously running in the back again.

They were looking at me like a lunatic.

" Calm yourself...I won't let him rip this one off."

They brought back incredible..art.

So well made and detailed with flowers. One especially caught my eyes. It was lovely material and instead just hiding the breast the fabric covered some of the stomach too. I wondered ..what kind of face would he'd make, seeing me in this ?

" I'll take em all that fits and of course all the others."

" He is a very lucky man, your husband my Lady. He won't be able to keep his hands off you."

" ..Hmm,Hmm."

" Oh sis, you doing it again.."

That's 50 =)..I thank each and every one, who took the time. There is plenty to come. Enjoy.

NLoranecreators' thoughts