
My Husband Is So Cold

WARNING : R(18+) Twenty five years old Alexa Martinez was forced by her mother to marry a man who is many years older than her. Without any option, she decided to marry him. At first life was good but as soon as she gave birth, everything changed. The man started to disrespect her in front of the kids and also cheat. Humble and naive, she tried her level best to bear up with his humiliation but her life changed the moment her best friend Bella dragged her in the club. In the club she met a devilishly handsome stranger whom she had a one night stand with. However after this one night stand she instead got "Obsessed with cheating" . MARK WATSON is aggressive and rude. He abused Alexa a lot and things got worse when she gave birth . He began to cheat and disrespect her in front of the kids but then he regretted it later when he realized it that Alexa had finally got a man who is young and richer than him . EXTRACT : " I can't stay in this bar, am married with three kids " , l reprimanded myself as I tried to think of something that I could do to stay the hell away from this temptation. " Let me get out of this club right now , this isn't right " , With my mind warning me , l instantly picked up my half filled up glass and jumped off the velvet leathered stool . " Here is the money ", l countered to the bartender then I turned on my heels to leave . However as I was about to walk away , out of the sudden the stranger halted up my movements by holding up my hand . " Don't go stay , do you mind if we have a drink together " , " l'm sorry that isn't going to happen , this isn't me , l don't do this , l never do this " , l murmured quickly with my heart beating harder. This was all honestly new to me and having his grip on my hand was making me to think the worst .

DaoistwiMBit · Urbain
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33 Chs

Hate this life

The days that followed everything was the same , take kids to school , clean up the house as usual . I was fine with this but the nights were worse , l spent my time awake until all hours waiting for Mark . " Why did my life become like this " , Again awake , l inwardly asked myself while staring at the clock . It was already midnight but he was no where to be seen . Right they did say that life is a bitch and everyone needs to bear up with every situation but per now it was much . I didn't want this life anymore .

I didn't want to be selfish but right now I wanted to leave , leave everything and start something new somewhere far away from this hellish life . " May be if I get help from Mark l won't be this fed up and tired " , With my eyes still on the clock , l uttered out . Right I felt guilty that he does work his ass off for us but the late night texting to his assistant was unbearable .

Right texting his assistant wasn't harmless but they even chatted in the late night . Why would they need to talk about work at that time . Though watching him chat , l didn't say anything . I have bottled it up all these years . All his weird behavior was worth of stress that was pouring out . I was sure that the instant the glass will break , it will be a mess . I will be a total mess .

With my eyes still at the clock , shook my head in disbelief . This was another night with no sleep . It read 2:45 am and as usual he lastly made his way home and laid down next to me with that perfume all over him . " Maybe sex will help us to solve this " , Silently hurt , a thought popped up in to my mind .

With that thought I reached out and began to stroke his stomach while moving my hands on his stomach slowly down below the waist band of his boxers . " Get your hand off me , not tonight " , Before I could push my fingers in to his boxers , he snapped at me angrily . Without any reply l pulled my hand away from him then sadly turned over to the other side as the tears slided down my face .

That was it another night of rejection but still I played it cool . " It's okay , he isn't in his moods even tonight " , With tears rolling down my cheeks , l inwardly murmured to myself . I was trying to comfort myself but honestly it was unbearable . I don't even remember the last time I had sex . With hurtful thoughts in my mind , tears kept streaming down my face , l didn't realize that l had fallen asleep until when Mark's alarm woke me up .

As soon as it rang , l instantly opened up my eyes . As a mother with kids , l don't usually sleep for so long , l have to do my duties . Still laid down, Mark sat up first and looked at me maybe by accident . Seeing him , l gave him a small smile but he sadly didn't return it . " Have you made my breakfast or coffee yet , I don't have time to do it myself you know it " , He furiously said while staring at me .

Hearing him say that , this sick feeling i'mmediately sank in my stomach . " No good morning , no how did you sleep honey " , he now changed in to a beast . He had a gloomy look on his face , it was as if l had said something that had annoyed him . " Am gonna prepare it asap " , I humbly retorted to him before l jumped out of the bed and walked towards the door .

While heading towards the door , I decided to turn around to have a look on the man l did call my husband but sadly l saw him having his full attention on the phone . What made it worse he was smiling , looking happy at whatever he was reading on the phone . Seing him like that , l felt my heart shatter in a thousand piesces .

He looked at me with disgust on his face but he had a smile while scrolling down on his phone . Though hurt , l kept my tears at a bay . I will not cry . I wasn't ready to let him see that he is making me sad . I reprimanded myself for a good time before I made my way out of the room . I walked all along the stairs with tears brimming in my eyes .

I currently felt like the most unwanted person in the whole world . Firstly my mom doesn't love me , the man l also sleep with looks at me with disgust . Per now the only family l have is my little children and they are the reason why am bearing up with his situation . " Mummy we are hungry , you make our breakfast now " , As soon as I stepped in the living room , Chrissy i'mmediately whined .

" Yes l know it sweetie , let me make it asap " , l smiled at her before I made my way in the kitchen . Starting the coffee machine quickly , l put Mark's favorite pod before l hurriedly put bacons and eggs on . After setting up everyone's breakfast down on the dining table including Mark , l started to pack up the kids lunch since l forgot to do it last night . " Mum aint you going to sit down and eat , you always busy " , Just as I was packing up their lunch , Chrissy broke up the silence . However before l could respond to her , Mark intervened in the conversation , digging the knife deeper in my chest .

" Your mum isn't always busy , she doesn't do anything other than watching your monsters " , He blurted out and at that Chrissy and Ivan giggled as l swallowed down the hurt . Jessica didn't giggle but she instead glared at her dad with anger . I know it that she knew what l was passing through and l was sure that If any of them speak to me right now , tears would i'mmediately stream down my face .