
The New Wager

"You don't like it?" She inquired. It was jellof rice, and the pieces of meat were about the size of my pinky finger. It appeared to be a locally grown rice grown .

I should probably eat something before I start the day because I anticipate being busy the whole time. When she smiled at me and sat down alongside me, I responded, "I will manage." She rummaged through her drawer and pulled out a stack of folders as well as a notebook with a thick cover.

Within the notebook were written all of the names of the members of the platoon, along with lines that were ruled to allow areas for the attendance to be noted. She instructed me on how to properly record the attendees at the meeting.

The following page was another file, and it had the names of some of the recruits along with their Kg numbers. It was a list of those individuals who were required to obtain official authorization before leaving the camp. She went over the next steps with me in detail.

When the baby in the cradle began to fuss, the woman sitting at the desk to the other side got up to attend to her needs. After a few minutes had passed, she eventually left with the infant. I had to repress the urge to inquire about her identity.

As Ms. Sharon walked inside to drop off some of the files she was carrying, I finished eating the food. I began making adjustments and updates to the attendance booklet.

She sat down next to me at the desk, powered her laptop, and immediately began a game of Sudoku.

She lip-synced precisely to the music playing on the mp3 player on the laptop, which was playing several songs by Avril Lavigne.

"You like rock", I questioned her. She responded by saying, "Yes, they are my favorites." She questioned me by asking, "What of you?" "I don't have a favorite, I just like good music: whether it's R&B, rock, blues, or hip-hop, just give me a decent sound track and lyrics and we're good to go," I responded. "I don't have a favorite, I just like good music."

She gave me a grin as she gazed at me. I noticed that she was smiling at me. Something kept drawing my attention to her, and I saw that she was being very kind to me this morning. I couldn't help but wonder whether it was because of the opening ceremony or something else.

She noticed that I was staring at her but she did not say anything to me about it. The song "happy ending" by Avril was playing, and I decided to sing along with her, at least for the chorus.

My ability to sing the song so beautifully wowed her, and she complimented me on it.

She entered the room once more, and this time I observed her as she went by me with her back to me. There was something about her that morning that I just couldn't quite put my finger on. She did things like smile more, chat to me more, and be friendlier to me.

Perhaps she felt the need for some company. Does the woman who has just come back into the room have anything to do with it? I inquired as to the identity of the woman sitting behind the desk. She responded by saying that she was a deployment officer.

It would appear that the woman was in charge of assigning national service members to their principal assignments (ppa). "So she gives me the option to serve anywhere I want?" When I questioned her, she flashed a grin.

She responded by saying, "It's not that easy." I persisted by saying, "It's not simple, but it's not impossible," and she smiled at me once more. Why is she smilling a lot today, I thought inwardly ? In the end, she gave her response  "It's not impossible; in fact, many people do it." .

"You are looking absolutely radiant today." I had no choice but to tell her, and it came as a surprise to me when she stopped what she was doing, smiled as she looked at me, and then said "how?" "You look happier, more relaxed, and more beautiful." I wanted to say more lovely, but I had to keep back my instincts lest I misinterpret her signals. "You look happier, more relaxed, and more beautiful."

This is comparable to acting too quickly to make an order in the foreign exchange market because your interpretation of a signal was incorrect.

"Well, because you brought it to my attention, I can now officially announce that I have been promoted!!!" She said excitedly while she was on the verge of shrieking.

Wow! I wanted to show her how glad I was for her, but I wasn't sure how, so I just got on my feet and gave her a big hug. She gave me a hug in return, and we continued to hold one other for a few minutes before she finally let go of me. She expressed her excitement by saying, "For the past half a year, I have been looking forward to this."

In point of fact, she was conversing with me about it and demonstrating it to me in the manner of a primary school girl.

She kept grinning and demonstrating as she explained that she was passed over for a promotion the previous year because she was unable to fulfill the requirements, and that this time around, they skipped her name earlier despite the fact that she was constantly running from one office to the other...

I pretended to be very interested in what she was saying by continuously nodding my head and staring into her eyes while I listened.

She desperately required the company of another person. These are the kinds of precious times that are best spent with family and friends. I couldn't help but worry whether or not she had a husband, a fiance, or a boyfriend.

Perhaps it was the camp, in which case she would have discussed it with the other people there. I had to force myself to sound excited as she was finishing her narrative, and I managed to get the words "wow" out.

We really ought to be celebrating with some champagne right about now. I responded with something along the lines of "simply to signify that it is worth celebrating," but I was taken aback when she actually ran inside and returned with a bottle of fruit wine and two glasses.

As she yelled like a four-year-old who had just seen her mother after a long day at school, it was clear that she was very excited. I poured the wine and gave a brief lecture about how the popping will result in other instances of the same kind of happy stories.

I promised her that there would never be a shortage of pleasant experiences in her life. As I popped the cork on the bottle of wine, she yelled Ameeeennn.

We drank, and during that time I requested her to position herself for some photographs. I took a picture of her on my phone.

We sat down together, and I took another snap shot. Then I crossed my hand and took another shot. Then she leaned on my shoulder, and I took another shot. Finally, I gave her wine from my cup as she drank from her own. Then a kiss. . . Another attempt at it.


On the day of the opening ceremony, the weird guy and I departed the hostel to make our way to the parade area. He went, but not before telling me that he will catch up with me later at the parade field.

Since I was aware of the fact that he was the platoon leader, I reasoned that he must have gone to the office of his platoon officer in order to fill out some sort of form.

During the time that we were assembled there, I stayed at the parade field. We were waiting for the governor to announce that the camp was open.

I was confused as to why a camp was going to be certified open after it had been operating for four days, especially considering the fact that I had already blended.

Yesterday, the weird guy had astonished me when he came back with two used condoms in his possession. I have to adjust the guidelines in order to prevent myself from being defeated.

I needed to change that rule because it seemed as though both he and that girl would end up victorious in the wager.

It's even possible that they'll start breeding children in the camp like rabbits. When I think about it, the way I behaved was appropriate. It turned out to be the wisest course of action.

A warrior is not someone who triumphs over the same opponent over and over again; rather, a warrior is someone who has fought and won many battles.

However, the revised rule was going to have an effect on me as well. After this, my sex-relationship with Ella would no longer be taken into account. It was a pleasure for me fucking he because she was tall and well built, two physical characteristics that I lacked.

Therefore, my sex-relationship with her provided me with a sense of accomplishment, and doing so made me feel wonderful. When I looked down and saw her long legs wrapped around my frail frame, I had the impression that I was a captain steering a massive vessel.

Now it's time for me to talk to the other girls at camp. I've never had trouble attracting female companionship, so I didn't anticipate this being a challenge for me.

I never fail to receive many rejections, but there is one condition under which they are acceptable: the girl must not have had the opportunity to talk to me for at least five minutes.

My rule was straightforward: if you gave me just five minutes of your time, You will definitely sleep in my bed for the night.

After what seemed like an eternity, I made my way to the farthest corner of the parade ground and sat down there. I try to steer clear of stressful situations whenever possible; doing so has become second nature to me as a result of having spent my entire life avoiding them. I did not want any of the other camp members to be aware of my medical history.

Due to the insistence of both my mother and my father, I was at the camp with some medical paperwork. When the weird one saw the papers the morning before yesterday, I was so close to telling him that I almost did it. I had the intention of telling him. But I've had a change of heart.

I will tell him in a little while; not right now. I moved towards the back, where they sold local drinks as well as hot and dry gin and cigarettes.

At the seat made of bamboo that had been constructed, there was a young woman seated. While I was sitting with her, I smoked menthol cigarettes and drank from a sachet squadron.

When I asked her if the smell of my smoke was bothering her, she responded that she didn't mind it at all. She even added that her father and both of her brothers smoked cigarettes.

"Do you", I asked, trying to joke. She seemed to consider my question for a while, as if she couldn't decide whether or not to respond to it. Then she gave a small nod.

She said that she hasn't smoked since she came to camp because she is trying to start a new chapter in her life and become healthier. I didn't look surprised. I was aware of the reason for her lack of smoking, and it was possible that she had simply been unable to do so.

She asked for a sachet squadron, and I complied by providing her with one. We discussed her experiences at camp and how she was doing overall. It was obvious that she was born to do this by the way that she sipped the squadron. It was ingrained in her.

We continued to converse until the governor or, as I learned later, his deputy arrived, completed his business, and then departed.  From that point, we did not border to stand.

Following the conclusion of the parade, my new friend and I went immediately to the mammi. I pleaded with her to accompany me, saying, "Let's move on from sachet squadron to something more satisfying."

As we made our way to the mammi joint, she flashed a grin.

As soon as we entered the joint, I placed an order for some remi martinis. The expression on her face communicated everything. I told you, just five minutes! Or more.

She drank quite a lot of alcohol. The fish was roasted, and we drank and ate. She got up to dance as soon as the music started to get really loud.

I watched as she teased me with her dance, drawing near to me at regular intervals so that it appeared as though she was dancing on my laps or otherwise performing a lap dance for me.

The environment was completely transformed as a result of her dancing. Soon after, one or two more recruits joined her in dancing, and before long, there was a lot of dancing going on.

I joined her in dancing, and everyone else did as well. While we were all dancing, some military men and my military friend came in and sat nearby, smiling and watching us dance.

They thanked me for the bear I had ordered for them by waving their hands and said that they were looking forward to more . We continued to dance until I noticed my corner mate sitting at the restaurant that was adjacent to the dance floor.

He was chatting with a girl who had a beautiful body but a face that was reminiscent of a vampire. It could have been the drink, or the fact that there was some physical distance between us, but her face was a letdown in comparison to the fine hips and breast I was seeing.

It wouldn't bother me one bit if I were to f.u.c.k her while she had an image of Angelina Jolie covering her face. I continued to dance, but the weird guy did not appear to be paying any attention to me.

I almost let out an exclamation when I saw the girl pay for the food that they had eaten. Who in their right mind would let a girl pay for dinner? Why couldn't he just stick to buying the N25 ice cream that he had planned on giving to Joy?

Later, after the girl had done hot dance steps on me and my d*i*c*k was prodding for action, I whispered in her ears that I have a comfortable room outside where we can rest for the evening. 

As we were leaving, she gave me a friendly smile and grabbed both of my hands, but not before she asked me to purchase some Benson & Hedges cigarettes for her.