
Chapter two: new beginnings

"Whaaaaa" the cry of a baby is bear in the hospital room as a new life brought into this world, the baby as you could probably guess is our main character Shane.

???: Honey what should we name him?

Ok so I guess this man is my new father then again I can barely see so I don't see why I care so much I will see them later

Mother: His name shall be Shane J Anderson.

Father: It is a lovely name just like you honey.

And on that note put main character 'chose' to fall asleep as he didn't want to see this kind of stuff so soon into his new world also he just when through birth

* skipping two years into the future*

I have been learning about my new world over the past two years while also learning to read and most likely thank god the only language in this new world cause why have twenty different languages but like I said this world speaks English so I was pretty lucky that god is kind and merciful*wink*.

I have discovered how this world is full of hero's and villains and how 80% of the population have a superpower or as they call the powers a quirk I was a little disappointed at first to know that there where so many hero's in the world but I soon realized how it just means I will have to try harder to gain reputation as a hero

*time skip two more years last time for this chapter*

Today is my 4th birthday and also the most important day of my new life because today I go to get my quirk tested so I can know what my quirk will be and if I can be a hero or not become one right now I am waiting at the doctors office with my mom waiting to be called into the office for our appointment

Nurse: miss Anderson the doctor is ready for your son's appointment now.

Mom: thank you miss come on Shane let us go in now.

With that we head into the office and the appointment goes as I expected it to go as I awaken a quirk that lets me use a naturally forming energy to transform my body or body parts into whatever I can imagine. The potential of the quirk seems to be almost limit less because even if I lose a body part then all I would need to get the body part back is a equal amount of mass to be turned into a replacement because without the equal amount of mass then with my current power output level as I train my quirk I may be able to turn my energy into matter but currently I can only use my energy to morph my body into my desired form.

Doctor: so what do you want to call your quirk Shane

Shane: I will call the quirk 'thought transformation'

And with that the doctor tells us that was all he need and stats writing down the knowledge of my quirk and other physical attributes of me. Knowing what and how my quirk works I decide it is time I start to train myself so I can be physically stronger. As we were walking home it started to rain so I hugged mom close to means turn my free arm into an umbrella for the rest of the walk home letting me experience my quirk and not let me or mom get wet from the rain of course this let to me getting scolded for using my quirk in public but also a kiss on the forehead and a thank you from my mother.

So context for the last little bit about the rain, I was actually getting rained on when I was writing this on my way home, walking of course so all that came to mind was I wish I had it an umbrella and I put a little bit of my thought into the story

_Jesse_creators' thoughts
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