11 Hiatus note

[There are some spoilers ahead]

Guys, I have been writing for just a few days, honestly, it was an interesting experience, but it wasn't exactly how I expected it to be.

Maybe it was my approach to certain matters, maybe it was my writing style, or maybe it's just how webnovel works nowadays compared to one or two years ago. The thing is, I'm not that satisfied with how things turned out.

So, will I keep writing?

Answer: Do you want me to? Let me just be honest with you that kept reading up to this point, my main objective with this fanfic was to tell the story of two characters overcoming their weakness and flaws and eventually being together.

Some of you may have even noticed this, while others may have not, so unless you want MAJOR spoilers avoid reading the comments of this paragraph. [ SPOILERS ALERT: DON'T READ THE COMMENTS OF THIS PARAGRAPH ] You were warned,

Well, with that being said, I can pretty much predict what many will feel, 'so it wasn't a power fantasy?', 'Wait, you're telling me this was all about romance then?', 'Are you f*cking kidding me?'

My vague answer to most of the questions you might have is that it was a study case for me, the objective was to tell the story of a character 'Wanting to be the best', but not exactly the best hero, nor the best Hokage, or any other thing that may be similar, it was a story about wanting the best of yourself, to overcome the loneliness, that empty feeling many of us have inside.

It was supposed to be about friendship, love, hard work, and victory. Not just becoming the strongest, the richest, but I won't lie and pretend I didn't insert some parts related to this, after all, I needed some plot devices to give him the opportunity to actually enter higher tiers since most of those things were unrealistic if I went full-on with canon worldbuilding/rules/plot up to this point.

So, RisingCaos, what were you trying to do exactly in less complicated terms and words?

I wanted to practice writing elements you would find while reading through real shounen stories.

Did I succeed?

In parts I would say yes, and no. The thing is, if you read through all the chapters right now, I bet the only times you see most of those elements I mentioned before being applied successfully, are in just some of the chapters. Not that applying then every chapter was necessary, but some of them I still wanted to make you have that feeling, however, for this I would have to continue writing, show you all how he, the protagonist, one of two main characters, was still wearing a mask, how he was still hollow inside, how that front was a fake, how he still had to get out of his shell, and be confident about who he truly is, about his likes, about his personality, and admit at some point, that he truly believed that being stronger and having a better body was what he believed to be the solution.

And even then, Blake had to be explored even more for that to work, you would have to understand his past, and I would have to find a way to make you guys truly feel the saying, 'you die as a hero, or you live long enough to become the villain'. And that point was what would serve as the gate to the title of this story, redemption.

But the more I write, the more I push forward, the more I feel like this isn't working, besides, my college classes are just around the corner, I have so many little things to take care of now, like studying, going to the hospital to do some check-up, I have to start exercising so I don't die of diabetes because of... well, laziness in general. The list keeps going but that doesn't really matter.

With that being said, I'm not motivated to keep writing, it was fun, I felt the story growing at the beginning, I felt people were liking it, but then I saw a drop in interaction, and publishing new chapters doesn't seem to work, if anything, I feel like you guys either felt wronged or disappointed.

With that being said, if you want to read some shounen story in the future, with many characters, maybe a silly plot, focused more on romance or doing what's right because I really like 'heroes', please, do remember this account's name, RisingCaos, and check it out in the future for maybe other fanfic for the purpose of practice, or just fun, or (hopefully) an original novel.

A huge hug for all of you that kept reading this novel from the beginning to the end, and also those who interacted through the comments

From your silly author,


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