Author's Note

I'm going to follow the canon but with a little twist to make it more exciting since this is my first fanfiction.

P.S. I'm using a phone to write the story.

No Harem - I don't know how to write a story with many girls falling in love with the MC and I don't even know if there is romance in this story.

Pace Update - I'm creating this when I have time on my hands.

Grammar Error - Correct me if you see an error in my paragraph.

Frequent Update - If you see my story updated but don't have a new chapter it's because I'm editing the chapters that has Grammar Error.

Criticism - I would like your opinion of my story but please don't bad mouth me because you don't like my story, I'm creating this for fun.

*MC status*

Age - 15

Height - 182cm/5'11"ft

Weight - 173lbs/78.47kg

Quirk - Brave

Birthday - September 22

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