
Serena's undeniable love { Chapter 1 }

{A year ago}

♪A thousand years - Christina Perri♪

"A young pretty girl hummed a cherry tune to her favourite song playing on the radio while removing the tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. The scent of sweet chocolate chip cookies wafting around made her want to take a bite but she managed to subdued the instinct to take a bite from it."

"She then lifted the still warm cookies off the baking sheet on the tray and placed them onto the cooling rack very gently afraid of crumbling them."

"While the nicely golden brown cookies were cooling down on the rack, in the meantime she prepared breakfast for her parents. The cookies were cooled down a little until the simple breakfast, scrambled eggs with turkey bacon and french toast was prepared."

"She then picked up a cookie and took a bite from it to taste it with expected enthusiasm. 'They must taste the best.' She mumbled to herself while bitting into the cookie."

"She carefully chewed onto the soft yet crispy cookies and hoped the cookies were made just as she expected them to be, 'Less sweet just like he likes it' she smiled proudly at her success of adding the right amount of sugar in it."

"Feeling satisfied with the perfectly baked cookies. She began filling the cookies in the box until she had to stop when she got distracted by the figure that entered the kitchen."

Baking cookies for young master, darling ? "Her mother walked into the kitchen wearing a pleasant smile on her pretty face that had very close resemblance to Serena."

"Emma's smile grew wider when she looked down at the opened box filled with tempting golden brown cookies sitting in front of Serena."

You love him don't you? "Emma smiled knowingly, her eyes gleamed with tenderness when she looked at her daughter. It is said that nobody understands you better than your mother. It is indeed true, Emma has seen how her daughter Serena does every little things that young master loves just to see the smile on his face. Just to be the reason why he is happy."

"Serena nodded at her mother and ducked her head, smiling shyly. The smile on her face began to fade and turn saturnine when she realized her feelings for young master and how he possibly has no idea that she has feelings for him."

"Callum is someone who would never even think of falling in love' She reminded herself. Her face that was glowing with happiness turned gloomy when she thought of all the reasons why they are not meant to be together."

"Since callum's father passed away when callum was only 11 years old. He was brought up by his austere grand father. His grand father was a workaholic and he enforced the same mindset to his only Grandson."

"Having a wife and kids can be a distraction and expensive.' Said Callum's grand father."

"Callum have always been the smart and good looking young lad who eschewed the ordinary things anyone at his age would do, preffering to work on pursuing his grand father's dream of him taking over his company as soon as he turns 21"

"Serena still hoped to make callum fall in love with her but when the time is right. In the meantime, she wants to support his and old master crawford's dream of making callum a capable person who could take over the huge empire that has been passed on for generations by his grand father and his late father but Serena can't accept the fact that she most likely doesn't stand a chance because they were not of same status."

"Callum came from a rich family and Serena was a daughter of the bulter who worked for the Crawford family for decades. How can someone so poor and average be a perfect pair to someone who is handsome and rich?."

Mom I have prepared breakfast for you. "Serena said while carrying the plates and placing them on the dinning table." I'll be having breakfast with old master and young master.

"Emma nodded at her daughter with a smile. She understands why Serena would seldom have breakfast with her family because she liked to have breakfast in the Crawford Mansion with young master and old master crawford. They too insisted her to come to the Crawford mansion every morning to prepare and eat breakfast with them."

"Callum has always been a picky eater growing up. Surprisingly he isn't picky when it comes to the food prepared by Serena."

"Serena goes to the Crawford Mansion early morning every day and prepare delicious breakfast. Before Old master Crawford and callum come down to the dinning area the food would be readily placed on the table."

"Old master crawford was the first to enter the dinning area, he greeted Serena 'good morning' and sat on his chair. While the house maid served him breakfast."

Serena sit down to eat breakfast with us. "Alexander crawford insisted to Serena. Usually only people of high status is allowed to eat with the crawford family."

"Although David was a butler of the family but he was treated with respect by the people in the mansion as if he was the right hand man of old master crawford. Naturally everyone in the mansion treated Serena like family too."

Yes Old master I am waiting for call- I mean young master. "Serena said shyly with her head lowered down. 'Did I just almost utter callum's name in front of everyone..' Serena cursed herself internally for having a glib tongue."

"It was callum who wanted her to call him by his name eventhough she kept refusing since it is not appropriate for her but under callum's pressure she eventually got used to it."

Good morning young master "David stood up and bowed, signifying his reapect towards callum who just entered. Serena gaze sought callum standing a few steps away from her. Her gaze roved over his well defined body. Long thin legs, wide waist with broad shoulders that made him look even more bulkier with his muscular biceps. He was the opposite of imperfection like the sweet lord took his precious time to create an executive beauty like him."

"Her wandering gaze stopped at his beautiful dark pupils that were already staring back at her. She immediately retracted her gaze feeling her cheeks warm up."

'How could such pretty eyes stare at me' "her heart began to hammer against her chest in unsual rhythm. Serena attempted to compose herself but almost failed to when she saw callum approaching her with a knee-buckling mile wide smile stretched onto his face showing his cute dimples."

"Serena's knees shievered, she felt weak in her knees when his familiar fragrance filled her lungs. Everything about this man enticed her."

"She needs distraction before she falls to the ground she needs distraction!! Serena screamed internally like a little girl getting excited over her crush. Fortunately, something that old master crawford said distracted her. Old master crawford put down his fork and waved his hand towards the butler to sit down."

No need to be so formal he is just like your son "Old master crawford said sternly. David was like a father figure to callum he had taken care of him since his father died."

Grand father is right. You don't need to be so formal towards me uncle David "Callum reconfirmed while walking in and taking a seat next to David. David smiled at young master and gave him a light pat over his shoulder like a proud father. He felt proud to know that despite their status differences callum always respected him like an elder."

"Callum gaze scanned at the sumptuous, luxurious breakfast sitting on the huge royal antique dinning table but he was looking for one thing in particular that is far better than any food on the table. When he failed to find it he glanced up at Serena."

"Callum didn't need to ask what he wanted. Serena understood it even though nothing was said. She briskly tottered towards callum and gently pushed the plate of food that she prepared for him in front of him."

"The auromic smell of breakfast that touched callum's nose as soon Serena lifted up the plate that was covering the food made him drool. He licked his lips hungrily like he hasn't eaten in a long time. Picking up the fork and knife he shoved the food into his mouth in one go without hesitating."

"Serena giggled and watched him, as if contemplating his every movement on his face. She waited in patience, a smile crossing her face as she noticed the expression on callum's face change."

"The expression of pleasure faded on callum's face replaced with an ugly frown lines on his forehead, with disgust written all over his face."

"Callum's taste buds were dancing on his tongue when the foul taste of food spilled onto his mouth. Why was this food so salty? He lifted his head and looked towards Serena with a deep frown."

"She had a mocking smile on her cute face. His eyebrows arched up in surprise when he realized that she had done this purposely just because he had complained the food didn't have enough seasoning in it the other day."

"So she added more seasoning this time. Did she empty the whole bottle of salt and pepper? Callum thought angrily, aghasted by her cruelty in feeding him spoiled food intentionally. Serena wasn't a professional chef but she did cook very well. Although by chance she might forget to put seasoning in something but it's less likely she adds more into the food that's not like her."

"Callum understood that she has done this purposely to annoy him."

What happened callum do you not have appetite? "Old master crawford asked when he noticed the weird look on callum's face. Callum was afraid that old master and David would be upset if they found out Serena has messed with the food."

Yes grand father I do "Callum said covering his mouth with a napkin and gulping the food down his throat forcefully. Under the pressure of old master crawford and the butlers gaze who stared at him intently. He hesitatly took another bite from the food."

"Callum didn't like the food at all he felt like his tongue was burning but he made a pretence of eating some more of it since he didn't want Serena to get in trouble."


Young master.. are you trying to tell us that my food is not tasty? " she asked him purposely. Serena paused and her voice took on a sardonic tone." I have seasoned the food well this time

"He was chewing a piece of overly seasoned roasted chicken with difficulty. He almost chocked and gagged since he couldn't eat something that is overly seasoned but this naughty girl is purposely annoying him."

"He angrily lifted his head to look at Serena when she spoke, clearly mocking him. His brows came down into a barely perceptible frown which forced a giggle out of Serena who could see she succeeded at taking a revenge."

"Serena sticked her tongue out and mocked him. 'Complain again I will spoil the food for you' Serena squinted her eyes and shot a warning glare at him."

"Callum anger instantly faded when her sweet giggles reached his ears but not for long until it resurfaced back when she sticked out her tongue. Testing his patience and mocking him further."

"An evil smirk formed on callum's face when he decided on the ways to punish her. Serena took a look at the smirk that appeared on Callum's face. She stopped giggling instantly because she remembered the consequences she could inherit by mocking him further."

"After everyone finished with their breakfast. Old master Crawford and David the butler went into the study to discuss about the business. They were going to join a partnership with one of the well known real estate business. Since the Crawford group is a conglomerate business. They have many small to bigger shares in most companies around the state. Naturally the bigger business would be honored to work with a group that is old with many connections in the business field."

"Since Serena had nothing to do she decided to stroll around in the hallway. Deliberately avoiding Callum since she was afraid of his pranks. 'He must be with Old master.' Serena tried to reassure herself. Even though callum was still studying but old master crawford advised him to get into the business and help him around so he can learn by experience too."

'Might as well eat his cookies too' "Serena thought resentfully when she recalled his angry face and the evilness reflecting on his face he was mostly likely going to punish her. If he is going to do so then he doesn't deserve these cookies. She opened the box of cookies she packed for callum."

"Just when Serena gaped her mouth to take a bite. A hand landed on the nape of her neck and dragged her with the other hand covering her mouth so she doesn't scream for help."

"Serena was scared shitless. Who were these person who were trying to abduct her in broad daylight. What did they want to do to her? Many horrifying thoughts flooded her mind."

"She tried to wriggle out of the masked person's grasp but failed to do so everytime. Her innocent eyes widened in horror, why are these people taking her away from the mansion? She tried to scream but the hand was tightly pressed over her mouth making her face turn red from pain and suffocation."

"Adrenaline hit her as she realized this was dangerous she was most likely being abducted by some creepy men and God knows what they wanted to do to her."

"When the grasp around her loosened a little bit. She took the chance to spun around and kick the person in the groin"

Fuck "The person cursed under his mask. Serena widened her eyes when she somewhat recogonized the voice but she didn't care if it was someone she knew, she have to escape from these baboons."

"When she turned around to make a run for her life. She realized she was surrounded by those masked men from all sides. They were pointing at the box of cookies in her hand."

You want this? Take it... "Serena tried to negotiate with the masked people. She gave it without hesitating. She wouldn't mind trading a box of cookies for her life. Serena handed the box of cookies to the masked men and watched them open the box desperately. Each of them took the cookies from the box, fighting with one other over who is going to eat more of those and munching away as if they have never had cookies in a long time."

He-he-he you guys seem nice... if you let me go I'll bake more cookies for you "Serena smiled sheepishly. She hoped they would let her go. Seeing how they were eating so greedily they looked like they were a bunch of hungry men wanting some food maybe that's why they abducted her because they needed a box of cookies, Serena thought naively."

Idiots! "A strong voice bombed in the air. The men holding and munching away the cookies stopped instantly. Serena stared at the group of masked men clearing way for a very tall muscular man. He lurched through them and approached Serena with slow and steady steps."

Yo-you.. who are you "Serena stammered, scared of the masked person approaching her. He was way taller and more intimidating than the other men present there. Serena looked like a deer in headlights among those people who were standing like predators in front of her."

How dare you.. m..my father will kill you "Serena snapped trying to keep a brave temperament when the man kept coming closer to her. The smirk that was tugged at the corner of the person's perfect lips stretched wider. He ignored her warning anf lurched closer, intruding her personal space and pinning her petite figure onto the wall of mansion."

"Serena's heart hammered on her chest when their faces were only a few inches apart. The masked person leaned very closer almost until the tip of their noses were touching. She could feel his warm breath fanning her face which made her feel extremely uncomfortable."

"Serena closed her eyes shut. Trembling all over. The brave temperament she put on was breaking apart. She was too scared to even attempt to do anything under the claws of these masked men."

"Just as she lost the last bit of hope in her and accepted her defeat, surrendering herself to the evil masked people. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the man in front of her when he whispered into her ears."

How dare I..? How dare you.. "the person whispered, his masculine deep voice purred beside her ears, sending a wave of chill down her back."

What..what do y-you want...? "Serena stammered and leaned her back further onto the wall trying to move away from the predator like man."

You... "The man growled deep and low."

{ End of Chapter 1 }

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