
My Girlfriends Can Kick Your Ass (And Look Good Doing It)

This novel has everything you love about harem. Harem novels are great if the girs are depenable and has their own quirks and appeal...And perfect if each of them has different tastes and different behaviors...The girls are highly skilled as title suggest but mc is unyielding .....................................................................------------------------------------------------- Haruto Kurogane's life takes an unexpected turn when he joins the debate club at his new school. Little does he know, this seemingly innocuous decision will lead him down a rabbit hole From the alluring and cunning Yumi to the stoic and observant Rei, each woman holds a piece of mystery to it Due to a sudden Dat- hanging out going wrong...Haruto has been exposed to the supernatural world and survives...After waking up from the hospital his life changes- "Join the dark side...I have million cultists " The mysterous leader emerged "Which colour is your buggati " Akira says by slapping everyone with her own money "It's not like I like you or something " Yumi during their wedding day "Ohoho Haruto you can run away from a goddess " A familar goddess known to haruto speaks "Don't worry Haruto....I will protect you...." Rei whisperes to him while caressing him. I am the bane of my own existence Mind is my body and Holy is in my blood, I have used and discarded thousand objects Neither created nor destroyed I have withstood pain to get this far Yet those conflicts will never end So, As I want, Never ending wonderful life Tags: #oyakodon#Harem #Mystery #Goddess #Assassin #Cult-leader #No NTR #No-Yuri #Proactive mc #Strongfemalelead #Supernatural #Vampires #Ghosts #Mythology #Demon #Witch #magic #system Contains 3 books Book1-ongoing Inspired by higurashi and Grisaia series from frontwing

DaoistXslFRK · Urbain
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35 Chs

New home

After being discharged from the hospital, Touko gestured me towards a car waiting outside. It looked costly but I didn't much about cars. It is unusual for a boy like me....Because I never dreamt of entering one myself. As I would be rather picky, because car is car. But apparently I think I should know

"What's this?" I asked.

Touko grinned, "It's my car, Haruto. I'm taking you to my place."

To be fair I asked for the model but I guess I will learn it myself...I check around it I have not noticed any signs of car brand....I guess it is custom-made. I didn't know Touko-san is that rich. But something is off

Perplexed, I questioned, "Why are you doing this?"

If she is that rich. Why is she taking me. I am a stranger she treated. She is a stranger I don't know. Most likely she does have some motive or has a reason.

Her smile softened, "Because you're under my care now, and I want you to feel at home."

I guess I didn't ask the proper way. Afterall whatever her reason she is doing me a favor. I will know the reason sooner or later, and even if she has some reason she won't tell me. I guess I should be natural but be observant.

I hesitated for a moment but eventually got into the car. Touko settled in behind the wheel, adjusting the AC. "Do you want it on?" she asked.

She is clearly diverting the conversation, I guess I can ask in indirect way, the way that is very proper and has relevant and logical question a adopted child can ask. What it could be?

I replied, "Touko-san can you tell me about yourself. Turn on AC"

She playfully pulled on my ear, correcting, "Call me mother, Haruto." She has started the engine and geared up

Surprised but touched by the gesture, I grinned, "Alright, mother. What do you like, and what questions do you enjoy?"

"Mom," I started, curiosity getting the better of me, "what's your marital status? Tell me about your life."

Touko glanced at me, a flicker of nostalgia in her eyes. "Mom....I like the sound.....I'm a widow, Haruto. Now, I have a daughter, my pride and joy." She took the 2nd gear

I couldn't help but sense a bittersweet note in her voice, . Wanting to know more, I asked, "How's your daughter? Do you get along well?"

A tender smile played on Touko's lips. "We do get along, though she can be a bit difficult at times. You know how teenagers are – navigating that balance between independence and still needing their mother." The affectionate chuckle at the shared experiences between mother and daughter. She said while taking a U-turn

"You also need a parent figure in your life. It is sad that you grew up not knowing whom has birthed you and how you treat as if you are fine with it," Touko remarked, her tone carrying a bittersweet edge. She kept on driving while overtaking cars

I sighed, "I'm fine with it. It doesn't feel wrong."

She suddenly stopped the car, I don't know if said something outrageous or we came to the destination. I didn't feel like what I said was taboo subject.

Touko's response was swift, a little louder, "It's not fine, Haruto."

Caught off guard, I blinked, surprised by her intensity. "But I don't see it that way. I've managed just fine."

Touko's gaze turned serious as she explained, "It's not about managing, Haruto. Every child deserves to know their roots, about whom you came out of and to have someone they can call family. It's not just about survival; it's about having a sense of belonging, of knowing where you come from." Her words resonated

"I find the idea of living a life without knowing how your roots and without the sense that you belong to someone is unthinkable for me...You deserve someone who loves you.....Haruto. " She responded

I felt a surge of emotion, like water droplets forming at the corners of my eyes, but the liquid never came out. Didn't know my eyes can produce water, this phenomena can solve the water problems in africa. In a quiet whisper, I said, "Thank you. Same to you."

Touk- No mom is right, something is wrong with me. I can't cry and I can't even give a straight answer and ask what I meant correctly. I never realized what's so wrong with me

Afterall my thoughts are not like a monolgue in which I can recheck and deduct what is wrong...My thoughts are like a whispers which fades away unless I pay close attention to it. I wish my thoughts were as easy to read as novels I read

As I looked at Touko, her expression seemed distant, lost in the echoes of her own experiences. Trying to divert the mood, I asked, "By the way, Touko-san, how old are you?" This might work as good distraction. I wonder she is at age of consent and hopefully not too above my age.

"Ara~ Why you ask " For some reason a forced smile is one her face, with a dangerous atmsophere on her face....Is the ac too cold. The coldness is increasing my member and I feel horny....Hmm..maybe being in dangerous atmoshpere exictes some people and I am that someone.

Touko's forced smile lingered, and she glanced out of the window for a moment, as if contemplating her response. The tension in the air seemed to thicken.

"Why do you ask?" she repeated, her voice maintaining that dangerous edge. The atmosphere hinted at a storm brewing beneath the surface, leaving me unsure of what had triggered this sudden change.

Trying to ease the mood, I chuckled nervously, " I wish to know more about our age difference.....And you look young, so I can deal with you better if I know much many years you have experience in this world. No hidden agenda here."

 "Are you for real.....You are inconsistent....For someone who don't have tact, you use reassuring words " She says while taking note of my words

Her eyes met mine, and for a brief moment, I caught a glimpse of vulnerability before she sighed. "Haruto, sometimes, it's best not to pry too much into a woman's age." The weight in her words suggested a history, a story she wasn't ready to share.

"I don't want to look like a old hag to others....especially men...Especially since... " She said with a pained look on, she didn't want to continue so she drove the car.

In an attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere, I blurted out something embarrassing and heartwarming. "Well, Touko-san, you don't need to worry about looking like an old hag. I think you're hot! You don't need to worry about something like age" 

Touko's eyes widened in surprise at my unexpected compliment. A silence followed before she responded, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "W-Well, um... thank you, Haruto. That's... unexpected."

Touko, with a thoughtful expression, began to share her insights . "Haruto, women often appreciate sincerity and kindness. A well-placed compliment, like the one you just gave, can make someone feel appreciated. However, it's essential to be mindful of the context and the person's comfort level."

She continued, offering guidance on navigating the road. "Sometimes, a gentle approach can go a long way. If a topic seems delicate, approach it with care. And remember, not everyone reacts the same way, so paying attention to cues and adapting your communication style accordingly is crucial."

"Sounds hard but I will try....Love you mom " I replied 

Touko's eyes softened, and a warm smile graced her lips. "I appreciate that, Haruto. And I love you too."

The car slowed down, and Touko announced, "We've arrived at our destination." I looked out, realizing we had reached her home So this is her home..Huh

Looks like a grand pucca house. With two floor bulilding and a roof and chimney...Isn't she rich?

As I stepped out, Touko locked the car, her eyes briefly scanning the surroundings with a hint of unease. "Haruto, there's something I should ask you" she said, her voice low and serious.

A mysterious tension hung in the air as we approached the entrance. Touko hesitated before unlocking the door.

"Do you know anything about someone named Haruki Kuroi," Touko murmured, her gaze fixated on the shadows within. The silence that followed was broken by a distant, haunting melody playing from somewhere within the house.

"Never met her " I told her

"I never mentioned their gender " She replied with a doubtful look on her face..