
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Camp and New Partner

After making the promise to Rain, we moved back into the cave as the sun had finally set down. Looking at all the pokemon nearby, I invited all of them to sleep with us in the cave. I don't know why, but the Ekans was greatly attached to me. I gave up on thinking and believed that he would leave the next day along with his parents. The girls, however, just clung to Ho-oh. It was a funny sight seeing them paste all their tears and snot onto the feathers of Ho-oh. Finding the mood inside the cave to be too depressing and sad, I decided to depend on my repertoire of music I had heard and used an uplifting music "Legend of Eternal Love". Again getting too engrossed, I ended up playing pieces of same taste for a long time. This time, when I opened my eyes and looked at others, I found stars in the eyes of the girls, along with a faint blush. The music pieces did have a romantic flavor to them so I guess stuff like that does appeal to the girls. I saw Rain and saw his respect for the music I had played for all of them, as he realized that I was somehow trying to sing of his undying love for Oracion. The music party ended at a high note and all of us went to sleep. The girls, instead of using the cocoon covers I made, nuzzled into Rain's embrace and fell asleep. I apologized to him for the inconvenience and asked him if he was ok with it.

Rain-" Don't worry kid! They're kids. Their reaction proves their innocence and pure heart. I can see that you hold them in your heart. Take care of them and don't make the mistake I did."

Me- "Every person close to me has a place in my heart. I vowed to protect every person I hold in my heart. That means you too Rain!"

Rain-"I'm not weak enough to have you protect me! Don't get cocky brat!"

Oho! So Ho-oh's a tsundere.

I went close to him and gave him a hug, which he returned while mumbling something. Guess, letting your love story leaked out to children is embarrassing even for the great Ho-oh.

I moved to my cocoon covers which were shaped like a big sleeping bag. Ekans and Pichu snuggled into the bag with me along with a few Mew, who just lied down anywhere on me. Growlithe went close to my head and lied down on the ground. I then fell asleep after that.

In the morning, I woke up quite early and saw Rain already up, looking helplessly at the duo of Cynthia and Serena, who were huddled together while being surrounded by different pokemon. I even saw a Beedrill clutching Cynthia's leg. It was quite a sight. I asked Rain if I could take a photograph of the scene, but he denied it.

"The best memories are better kept in the heart. They have more meaning that way."

I tried to wake them up, before being stopped by the Mews who brought an egg to me.

Rain-"This is the egg of the last alive Mewtwo. The Mew family trusts you and they decided to give this to you. It has been kept in a hibernation state from before the time humans were even born. You saw that battle, right? All the Mewtwos sacrificed themselves in that battle to save this world from destruction. While we were fighting on the sidelines, Mewtwo's tried to stop the fight by directly entering it. They were a race that wasn't documented or discovered because nothing of them remained, even their ashes. The egg couldn't be hatched because Mewtwo is different from Mew. While Mew are psychic Mewtwos are cosmic. I bet you know what cosmic pokemon is, right?"

Me-"Yeah! Bodhi is a cosmic pokemon. But isn't Mewtwo an artificial pokemon created by Team Rocket?"

Rain-"So you know about it! The pokemon could be created in the lab because it had a possibility to exist. Also, you'll see things later which work only for Mewtwo but don't belong to Earth."

Me-"Are you talking about Megastones?"

Rain-"So you know that too! I don't like kids who know too much."


Rain-"Megastones are an existence older than human civilization. Since mewtwonite is natural, Mewtwo is also a natural pokemon. The only problem with that created Mewtwo is that he hasn't been able to use his cosmic powers. But you're going to rescue it, aren't you? That Mewtwo could be created only because the Mews put some of the shavings from the shell of this Mewtwo egg into the material used by Team Rocket as a base. So, technically, that Mewtwo is a brother of this one. The hatching of this one requires cosmic energy so I hope you take it and train it so that the race of Mewtwo can be brought back."

Me-" I don't mind, but, is it ok? I mean I'm happy to receive this egg but is it Ok with you?"

Rain-"Brat! You forget who I am! I'm the rainbow Pokemon who only appears naturally in front of those with a pure heart. That has been my fate. If I encounter someone, that person is trustworthy. And If you're not, I'll chase you to the ends of the earth coz you know my secret."

Laughing out, I stored the egg in the space so as not to show it to the girls. Ho-oh then gave me a bag of Pokeballs. All of them were colored like the night sky.

Rain-" These Pokeballs were used by Mewtwos to rest. Use these for your mini-Arceus and the two Mewtwos as they can't be kept even by a great ball. Use others as you wish."

I then proceeded to shake the girls awake who looked quite cute with them being covered by pokemon. After a short while, all of the inhabitants of the cave woke up and started departing with goodbyes. Now, when the turn for Arbok family came, Ekans who had stuck to me refused to go. The Arbok family just nodded to me and told me briefly to take care of their son. I was quite perplexed as they let go of their child so easily. But then I remembered that originally Cobra children are left to live on their own, in order to become strong, I welcomed him to my team. I had almost formed a strong team before even going out on my journey. Maybe a complete team before going on a journey won't be bad. The problem was that I couldn't train them in the forest as I still wasn't an official trainer.

Then it was time finally for Ho-oh to leave.

The girls gave him a hug and a peck on his face before saying their goodbyes.

Cynthia-"Goodbye! I promise to come and visit you after I become a champion and have my match against Ash"

Serena-"Goodbye Ho-oh! I will miss you. Please remember me as well. I'll be sad if you forget me."

Ho-oh looked at me one last time before expanding his wings and plumage before taking off majestically, dropping three of his rainbow-colored feathers.

The three of us kept one feather each. The feather was a memento of the adventure we had. We started walking back as Serena, Cynthia, and Gible were all recovered. Gible however was being given his deserved respect by Pichu and Growlithe as they allowed him to ride Growlithe, who never allowed anyone to ride it.

Me-" Your Gible is quite lucky. He's the second pokemon whom Growlithe has given a ride."

Cynthia-"Of course he is. Don't you know it's my friend? Btw where's the giant white pokemon who looked so beautiful with the long nose? "

I was happy to hear her talking proudly about her Gible.

"He's gone with the Mews. Don't tell anyone about it. Ho-oh said to keep him a secret."

Both of them agreed to it.

She then proceeded to ask me.

"Hey, Ash! I wanted to ask you something. I felt that the taste of the skewers you made yesterday was a bit familiar. Who did you learn to cook from?"

Me-"My Mom?"

Cynthia-"Are you by any chance related to Delia Ketchum of "THE FAIRY FOOD COURT"."

Me-"I'm her only son."

Cynthia and Serena were wide-eyed for a short while and roared together.

"You're going to take us to the famous restaurant, Mr Rich Guy"

Me (facepalming)-" The restaurant is indeed famous and earns a big sum of money. But it's my mom's restaurant, so she's rich. I receive only a small sum of pocket money. I'm not rich by any standards. Do I look like rich to you?"

Girls-"Makes sense"

I was amazed at how two girls who met each other last evening could be so much in sync.

We arrived at the camp a while later where the group of girls latched onto Serena and broke down saying 'sorry' again and again. I had told Serena that the girls were genuinely quite worried about her, so she just told them not to worry. Cynthia and I however were in for quite a scolding as both Cynthia and I had run deep into the forest alone. After having an earful of scolding, I went off to meet Professor Oak who was stared at me blankly.

Something told me that something very very nasty had happened.

I heard a phone ring. Professor saw the screen and gave me the phone.

"Did you tell mom?"

Professor nodded lightly and before I could say anything, flew off. It was the first time in my two lifetimes that I had seen a Tom and Jerry style disappearance in real life.

Gulping hard I picked up the call.


"Mr Ash Ketchum! You better not run off before I give you a piece of my mind! What were you thinking? Running off into the forest! Who do you think you are? I had your word to not enter the forest young man. Is the value of promise so light in your eyes? And apart from running off? You had the audacity to spend the night in the forest!...."

I listened to her scolding like an obedient son until the end when she said, "Take care of yourself, will you? What would mom do if anything happened to you? I know you love pokemon, but I love you too honey! Please don't just run off every time I allow you outside. Come back home soon. I love you, honey."

Me-" Love you too mom. See you soon."

Cynthia-"Quite a loving mom you have there. You're quite a mama's boy, aren't you?"

Me-"Yes I am. And I'm proud of it."

Cynthia was quite shocked as she thought that I would be shy and she could enjoy teasing me.

Cynthia-"Why? Shouldn't you be embarrassed? Isn't it normal that kids look up to their fathers?"

Me-"I don't have one. Neither I need one."

I gave a short reply and just moved out of the room and went out to sit under a tree.

Cynthia was a bit perplexed about my reactions.

"Ash, why did you say you don't need a father? Do you have some issues with your father? Tell me, Ash"

Me-"I don't even know if my father knows he has a son or not. He may be dead for I care! Neither do I have any memory of ever having a father, nor do I have any memento of him. Maybe he's doing something very important so he can't contact us. If so, he's a failure as a person responsible for that job that he doesn't have the skill to keep his family together along with his work. He should just abandon his job because if that's the case he's going to fail at his job. Or maybe, I've been a mistake that my mom bears the punishment of. I do remember my mom being jeered at by her own employees, taunted for being a single mother. She worked overtime at her own restaurant to raise me. She'd go for weeks sleeping only for a few hours in a couple of days. I remember her once falling asleep in a park by just sitting next to a tree. She's been raising me when She could have just abandoned me when I was a small child, just like my father did, but she didn't. That's why I love her and her status in my eyes is greater than Arceus. She made me who I am and I am proud of it."

Cynthia POV

I looked at him talking about his life. Not realizing when I had become too engrossed in his story of life. I may have teased him on a whim, but he wasn't a bit shy about acknowledging that he loved his mom. I can't say that to anyone. I haven't even told the best of my friends that I love my dad or mom. Maybe that's why he acts a bit mature. He has his childishness because his mom loves and spoils him. He has his maturity as he has seen his mom struggle and the harsh truth we call life. Could I remain silent listening to my mom if she'd scold me that much?

As I keep on thinking, I'm mesmerized by his outlook. He could've matured quickly to help his mom and become a dependable man but would've failed as a son who failed to give his parents the joy of raising a child. He, however, decided to ignore everything altogether and just focus on supporting his mom emotionally. He allows his mom to spoil him, love him, and scold him as well.


After lying in the shade of trees I fell asleep. I was free for the day as I and Cynthia, as punishment were banned from entering the forest for the field trip and were supposed to stay in the camp premises.

I woke up in the evening, been shaken up by Serena who had come back from the field trip.

Serena-" You know, I met Grandpa Venusaur again. He gave me berries. The Bulbasaur ate up the berries I stored for you. And then we met the Arbok. He just looked at me and took all of us to a lake in the forest. We met a family of Goldeens in the lake. There was also a grandpa Blastoise. He and Grandpa Venusaur...."

She gave a long description of her entire trip which was quite entertaining.

The next day arrived in a flash and I asked Cynthia and Serena when they'd be leaving. They told me that their parents would receive them from Pallet Town at the weekend. There were a few days left and then I asked them where they'd stay. On being told that Professor Oak would arrange for it, I asked him about it. I proceeded to tell him that I wanted to invite them to my house. He then had a chat with mom about it and told me that their stay was decided to be at my house. I told the news to the girls, who were happy to receive the news.

In the afternoon we were standing in front of my house. I opened the house to see that a Chansey was present.

"Hi, Chansey! How're you?"

I received a smack on my head and a scolding, which I accepted cordially. Then I introduced the girls and my new partner Ekans to Chansey. We had a small lunch with whatever was available in the refrigerator.

Later in the evening Mom arrived back and welcomed the girls in the house.

She still gave me a stern scolding, which I accepted without questioning anything. Then she just ignored me and focused on the girls.

"Oh my! Such a beautiful child. You weren't picking up girls, did you?" She said while petting Cynthia's head, who accepted it bashfully.


Mom-"You can call me Aunty if you wish so."

Cynthia-"I'm sorry for getting Ash into the forest. I went ahead and challenged some powerful when Ash rescued me and my partner Gible and took us to a cave where he treated us. He also taught me a lot of things about training. Then we met the legendary pokemon Ho-oh, who spent the night with us. I'm jealous of you though."

Mom (confused)-" Jealous of me! Why?"

Serena-" You know, Ash played his flute. He was so good at it that all the pokemon came to meet us. They were singing and dancing to Ash's flute. Then the rainbow Bird Ho-oh came to listen to the music. Look, he gave us three of his feathers. And then, Ash played his flute again. This time he played it so beautifulyyy."

Serena went into dreamland with stars in her eyes. She looked at me and I affirmed by showing her the feater of Rain.

Cynthia continued-"He played the flute so beautifully that we were able to see Ho-oh's tragic love story. Even Ho-oh was shedding tears when the music ended. All the pokemon were huddled up and crying. And then I and Serena slept with Ho-oh"

Mom-" You owe me some explanation, Ash."

Then we had our dinner that completely conquered Cynthia and Serena. Both of them were drooling buckets by the time dessert was served. After dinner, both the girls urged my mom to listen to my flute. I gladly obliged as I wanted my mom to relax. I chose a relaxing music piece and again got into the zone. This time it was only my flute and the occasional rattle from Ekans. At the end of the music, I received a big hug from mom and a kiss on my forehead. She then bombarded me with a command.

"OK Ash, You've successfully coaxed your mom. But you'll be getting a punishment. You'll be sleeping with your pokemon only. The girls will be sleeping with me."

I nodded and picked up Ekans to go to my room along with Pichu on my shoulders and Growlithe.

"Goodnight everyone"

Mom/Cynthia/Serena-"Goodnight honey/Ash"

I then proceeded to go to my room and finally decided to start serious training from the next day.

Author Note:

The names of music I used are all real. And more importantly they are not songs but pure music.

Healing by Jyc Row

Are you the queen of my heart by Efisio Cross

Legend of Eternal love by Ashaneen

Keep in mind that I borrowed those names as they are great artpieces but they aren't actually flute music. I just imagined them as ones.