


  The house Lucien had led me towards was an old, Victorian type house. It looked like a haunted house I'd seen in movies Logan and I would watch on Spring Break.

  The curtains were drawn, and there were more than enough wind chimes ringing on the front doorstep. The wood looked carved out of—evidence of a hobby gone wrong. The lawn was unkempt and dry, the grass stalks sagging sadly. The porch steps were in desperate need of a fix and the whole house creaked with every gust of wind.

  "Where did you say we were going, again?" I turned, having to crane my neck up to look at Lucien.

  He shrugged. "Ranveer and Everest said they found your adoptive parents. Let's hope it wasn't a joke. We might get some clues from them about Darius and David." He said.

  I sized the large house up again. "Won't they be mad at you?"

  "Probably your dad. I never met your mom." Lucien agreed.