
1. Mr. Suitcase

I still remembered the first time I laid my eyes on you. It was early September, at the end of summer days, the weather was still warm and balmy, and the leaves have yet turned green. I just landed at Nice Airport, France. As a foreign student newly matriculated in the Nice Business School, I didn't know anybody, nor had the school arranged anyone to pick me up. So I wandered out of the airport by myself, dragging my two extra large Samsonite suitcases with me. Being poor student, I thought I skipped the bus and saved myself some euros, you know, and anyway, the address didn't seem to be too far from the airport on the Google maps. So I walked along the road leading out of the airport towards roughly the direction of the city center. The road merged to a big avenue, with palm trees on both sides, and on the right along the avenue was a beautiful promenade connecting to the rocky Nice beach. I stood there to admire the view; palm leaves being swayed by the strong beach wind; men, women and kids strolling on the promenade; couples lazing on the stony beach, that repeatedly kissed by the waves from the endless azure blue Mediterranean sea. I realized then that I stood on Promenade des Anglais, the most famous road in Nice, and where my apartment was supposed to be, too. I continued walking on the promenade, trying to fit in with the locals, but somehow with my two big suitcases, long flowing skirt from China, wide brimmed straw hat and a very Asian face, it proved to be challenging.

Suddenly... whoosh! You passed by.

You were zooming out of nowhere with your in-line skates and bumped on one of my suitcases. You tried to balance yourselves, but I lost balance from the bump, you see, so of course I grabbed you, and we ended up falling together on my suitcases.


I fell face first right on top of your, ahem, crotch.

"Ouch! Ew crotch!" I screamed, then looked up to an annoyed, but the most beautiful face I have ever seen. I think I spent a total of three seconds staring dumbfounded at your face, until you snapped me out of my reverie. "Um, could you get off my.." you motioned your crotch.

"Oh yes, sorry.." my face was as red as a boiled crab. I stood up quickly, but managed to study your physique in those split seconds you tried to stand up on your in-line skates and got ready to go.

You had thick dark hair, strong jaws, sharp nose, absolutely kissable lips, and beautiful pair of dark eyes. You're about 186 tall and weighed about 76kg (yes I could tell all those in those split seconds. Women's keen eyes are scary, huh?), slim but sporty built, slight muscles on your arms (strong enough to carry your demure ladies, like me if lose five more kilos) and a washboard stomach. You had a mixture of Asian and European face, and that was just perfect on you. All in all, you were simply the most beautiful man I had ever seen, and I thanked all kinds of Gods in heaven that I got to fall onto your crotch.

"Just stick to pedestrian lane next time," you said, as I was still staring at your face. I was usually not an idiot, you know. So I tried to look away from you, but my eyes ventured involuntarily to your crotch. Oh damn eyes! Where are your manners? I cleared my throat and looked back up to your face (better than crotch, i thought). "Ahem...yes, thanks...I didn't know that," you had that effect on me, made me all nervous. "I just arrived in this country, you know..."

Then you gave me your coolest thin smile. Thin, but a smile that melted me all the down to my insides. "Yes, I can tell." you said. I thought I died and went to beautiful men heaven.

"Do you know where you're going to?" you asked again.

Of course I grabbed this chance. I put up my saddest and most worried face you'd think I was hunted by a gangster. "No...I have no idea where I am..could you help me?"

"Um.." you're hesitating. But you underestimated keen and mischievous women on a mission, like me.

"I'm lost," I was about to cry. "Could you just show me where my apartment is?"

You sighed. "Oh, okay. Tell me the address."

"Erm...it's 194B Promenade des Anglais.."

Your face lit up. "Hey, it's just right across this road!" You pointed at the row of 19th century apartment buildings across the promenade. I cursed at heart. Damn apartment, why must you be so close? "But I don't know how to cross. Could you help me?" I stared at you all puppy-eyed and innocently. You sighed again, then started to zip along the promenade towards the pedestrian crossing. I skipped happily along, trying to keep up with your pace, humming quietly while dragging my poor suitcases. As we arrived at the crossing, surprisingly, you didn't stop there. You crossed the road with me, and slowly skated down the roadside along me, until we arrived at the 19th century yellow and white building that was my apartment.

"194B, here it is, princess." You gave teasing smile. Aw...I melted again from it. "Could you come in with me?" I pleaded.

"I could ring the bell for you." You bargained, then proceeded to press the gold colored door bell on the left side of the double doors.

"Oui?" Someone answered from inside.

You mentioned in French, that you're bringing a new resident who just arrived. "Which apartment?" You whispered hurriedly. Not only my apartment number, I'd happily give you my spare key! I thought. But being a proper lady, I only answered demurely, "No 5."

You continued to talk to the man on the intercom, and after a while an old man came out to open the double doors. The old man was the housekeeper and after an exchange of pleasantries and paperwork, he gave me my apartment keys. You stayed to translate everything for me.

"Could you help me to carry the suitcases upstairs?" I made my puppy eyes to you again. You gave me a look, but I insisted to keep my puppy eyes, then you gave up and took one of my suitcases from my hand. "Good thing there's a lift here, young lady." You murmured. Meanwhile I gingerly followed you, impressed by the way you walk up the front steps with your in-line skates and large suitcase in tow. We squeezed into the tiny lift, I happily, of course, you less willingly, but I made a note not to be so obvious like squeezing too close to your broad chest and sniffing it. I hope I didn't sniff, did I? At least not so obviously?

We made it to before my apartment door, and you put my suitcase there. "I suppose you can manage from here on." You said with that gorgeous thin smile. Is it over already? I didn't want it to end! "How do I thank you? Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" I asked with an urgent tone. You looked at me with your deep dark eyes, then shook your head. "No need. Happy to help." At that moment, you broke my heart. You already had a girlfriend, didn't you? That's why you're not interested. Oh how could you not? No girl would leave such a gorgeous man alone. "Well thank you," straightened up and kept my dignity. "At least tell me your name, my hero."

You chuckled, thought for a while, then winked. "The Man Who Helped with Your Suitcase."

"That's a long name." I played along.

"You could call me Suitcase."

I giggled. "Alright then, Mr. Suitcase." I gathered all my guts, walked up to you, and tiptoed to give a peck on your cheek. "Merci beaucoup."

You looked at me with surprise, and my face was brimming hot from embarrassment. Then you smiled mischievously and kissed me back on the cheek. "De rien."

Just then, you left, taking my whole heart with you.
