
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

A new mystery

When I was about to cry from hearing the taunts of Rosania, Gilbert showed up and said to me "What are you doing here, Chris?"

I looked at him like he was my savior actually I think it's true that he was my savior. If he didn't come then, I would have been tormented to death by the princess.

I replied, "I was just having a quick conversation with the princess". He looked into my eyes and understood that I was in some problem so he showed me a sign.

Long ago when I first joined the party he showed me a sign and told me whenever I show you the sign make an excuse to leave the place or just run away from there.

So when he showed me the sign I just hold my mouth and acted like I was about to vomit and run away from there.

The Rose knight was about to catch me when I run away but Gilbert stopped him and said: "It seems like my friend is having a hard time right now so if you don't mind can you let him go".

The Rose knight looked at the princess to ask whether he should follow him. The princess looked at Gilbert and said to the knight to return to his post.

So the knight obeyed the order and allowed him to go away. When the knight returned to his post Rosania looked at Gilbert with anger in her eyes and ordered him to sit in front of her.

Gilbert obeyed her order and sat but wasn't scared of the princess. Gilbert has the upper hand here cause he belongs to the Adolescent family.

And according to the constitution of the Rose kingdom, the family members of the Adolescent family don't have to obey any formal order from the Royal family besides the King.

So it means Gilbert can also defy Rosania's order and leave the place immediately.

Rosania asked him to take some tea and said you have a quite an interesting companion at your party.

Gilbert took a sip of the drink and said it looks like you take a quite liking to my party member.

Rosania also sipped in the tea and said I just can't control myself when I see someone as interesting as himself, I hope that you didn't mind that I brought him here from the party.

Gilbert finished his tea in a sip and said what are you saying princess it's his luck that he had a chance to talk with such an important person like you.

Now if you excuse me I have some business to take care of. The princess also finished her tea and said wait Gilbert and asked "are you going to the party?"

He replied, "yes, Princess I intent to go there right now". After hearing his words she said, "I am also going there, let's go there together".

Gilbert couldn't refuse her so he also went to the party with her. On the other side, I am now in the washroom taking some breaths.

After going through that hell I need some time to catch my breath, the bitch didn't let any chance slip to insult me and moreover I have to check the crest that I stole from the princess's room.

When I was going to the royal alimento I saw a strange crest hidden behind a book. So I stole it without being noticed.

It was fortunate that there was only one Rose knight there that's why I didn't have to put a lot of effort to steal the crest.

When I first saw the crest I found it a little weird cause the Rose design on it seems kinda fake so I used my 'Satan's Foresight' skill to see through the crest and find out that there is another crest hidden inside it. So I didn't waste any time and stole it when I get the chance.

I think the other crest inside it doesn't belong to the Rose family cause when I tried to split the crest I found another crest inside it and the design of the crest shows something related to the Azaria dungeon.

When I fought the Phoenix Emperor and the Giant Ogre I saw a similar kind of design in their body that the inside crest has.

So it seems like princess Rosania has some kind of connection with the mystery of the dungeon. But what if the whole Rose family is plotting something in the dungeon?

Just by thinking about it, my throat has dried. I just wonder in my mind what are they planning in the dungeon and what if the whole Rose family is controlling the dungeon to launch a war on the other countries or something horrible than it.

But I just can't accuse them without getting solid proof so I should hide the crest now and search for more proof with the twin horns.

First I will tell my party members about the crest and will search for the answer along with them.

But after thinking for some time I decided that I will tell them about it when Itami gets here, I think Itami's time to come here is coming soon.

I will wait for Itami and when he gets accustomed to this world then we will reveal the mystery together.

Oh! I should talk to Itami when I get back home. I think it's been 2 or 3 days since we didn't talk with each other.

I wonder how the project is going over there. Is the project still in phase 1?

No, it can't be, thinking of Itami's effort the project should be in phase 2 where Itami is preparing for his Isekai ascension.

I should give him a call as soon as I get home but for now, I should get out of the washroom and meet with others.

After thinking about it I took a quick dump and leave the washroom. But to my surprise, the ladies were waiting for me outside the washroom.

Seeing me they asked me "How long it takes to take a dump?"

My face got kinda red when they ask me the question so I replied "It's improper to ask a gentleman about his washroom time".

After hearing my answer Lara got angry and slapped me in my face and said "Stop arguing and come with us".

It seems like she is super serious right now so I asked her "What happened Lara?"

She didn't tell me a thing and grabbed my hand and ran toward the exit. Some Adolescent knights were guarding the area.

According to my knowledge, this exit gate should be guarded by the Rose knights than why the Adolescent knights are here.

I didn't ask any questions to anyone cause I think an emergency has appeared when I was in the washroom thinking about the plan.

Thanks to the Adolescent knights we were able to get out of the palace safely.

After getting out of the 'Rouse' palace we get on a carriage. The carriage took us to Lara's house quickly.

After entering into Lara's house everyone take a deep breath and said: "We are finally safe".

I don't know what they are talking about so I asked them "Can you now tell me what happened while I was away".

They looked at me with a face like they were asking me, why are you asking us after making all the problems?

So I just closed my eyes and lowered my head and asked "Please I beg you guys can you tell me what happened?"

When I opened my eyes I saw Quinella beside me placing her hand on my shoulder.

She looked like an angel to me even though she is a witch. I was really happy when she stands beside me like that.

She told me in the ears that "A crest have been gone missing from princess Rosania's room and they are searching for it,

we get the information from Gilbert they are searching for everyone who visited the room and you were the last person who visited the room last so they were searching for you that's why we left the palace that quick".

After hearing the entire incident from Quinella a drop of sweat dropped on the floor of my head.

It seems like I am in big trouble so I guess I have to do something quickly about it or else the Dark Isekai Project will get into a big problem.

In my mind, I started thinking about the solution to it but that's when Lara came to me and asked me "Did you really steal the crest".

I replied immediately "Yes I stole the crest". Lara seems to get a shock after hearing it but Trivut and Quinella acted normal as they knew it.

Lara was going to ask me something again but that's when I stop her and showed them the crest that I stole.

After showing them the crest I split it up and showed them the hidden crest inside it.

They all were shocked when they saw the hidden crest. There is no way they would forget that sign carved in the hidden crest.

They looked at me and said "So that's the reason you stole it" said, Lara.

I replied "yes and said we have to uncover the mystery soon but before that, I need some time to call my friend here to solve the mystery for us".

Trivut looked kinda curious after hearing my words so she asked me "what is the name of your friend?"

I replied, "His name is Dai Itami". (To be continued)

Author's Wish: Ramadan Mubarak my Muslim brothers, wish you guys a happy Ramadan.

Once again, Ramadan Kareem