2 Mar 5, 2014 - My first dream

It was late evening around 11pm. I went outside wanting to go out and go malling. I changed mu clothes and went outside the door. I slowly walked on the road and while I am going down the small hill road, I saw a coffin floating in the intersection of the road blocking my way. I felt scared, I slowly walked towards it and remebered what my grandfather used to say, if you see a coffin blocking the road, you go under it and never look back for safe passage. So I crawled under the coffin and walked and walked straight without looking back. I can feel it following me while I was walking, I had goosbumps and fear starting to rise, I always reminded my self not to look back. I dont wanna die. Then I woke up.

Since these dreams started, Im starting to see things I'm not suppose to see. I started seeing shadows, independent shadows, they walk on their own and I can feel fear creeping over me. The more I felt fear the more they follow me. I thought I might be imagining things but I'm not.

I can see them following people, sometimes they stay in place. If they following someone, that someone acts irrate all the time, they are like bitter people, full of negativity, it seemed like life itself is so depressing, like there's nothing to be thankful about. These people schemes to other people for them to feel happy. They would feel satisfied if they had brought someone down. They are happy when others are sad. I did not understand this at first but As I grew older I finally understand that these shadows are attracted by negative energy, resentments, failure that people are holding, unacceptance, jelousy, you name it.

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