
MY COUNTRY: The fate of a young mother

My country [A suffering young mother] Synopsis. When a young school teacher needs money to pay for her child's critical condition which surgery was needed,she seeks help from a dubious man to raise the money, then she will have to face dark consequences. This story, is all plotted in Nigeria. Will this woman, make it through the dark consequences? Will she loose her daughter?? How will life be for her?? Let's read this interesting story to find out.

Testimony_Elman · Urbain
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4 Chs

his death

Despite the fact that Matt had a bullet wound on his leg, his agility and strength was not restricted. His gang members were all around, giving support to him to aid him walk.

He was limping but still, his gang member were feeding him cigarette like it was food.

"Guys, I need a doctor." Matt said in between his breath.

"Don't worry, Mortuary and Eke has gone to get the doctor." Smally replied.

"Sharp! Take me to my house and fast!" Matt ordered.

"Okay boss." Scorpion said and lifted his left arm, placing it around her neck to aid his walk.


Police sirens were heard everywhere around kabume and the numerous police vans could be found trooping into kabume.

The police drivers had to drive recklessly so as to scare the people of kabume and also to create awareness that the whole police force and unit are raiding kabume. The tyres of the vans made screeching sounds and this made the people to take to their heels.

The police released bullets into the air, making the people heels touch the back of their heads.


**** Hospital*****

Mortuary and Eke took their riffles and badged into the hospital.

Eke released the bullet to the air making the nurses and interns shiver in fear.

'What is wrong today, first is the police and now thugs. God if you can just save me from this, I'll serve you forever ' A nurse muttered in between her breath.

"Where is the doctor!?" Mortuary half yelled.

There was silent in the hospital but not grave silent cus the high breath of the nurses and inerts could be heard.

"I'm I talking to dead bodies!?" Mortuary shouted and pointed the gun to a nurse forehead.

"He... Is .....in h..is off...ice." A brave but naive intern answered.

"Where is his office?" Eke asked.

"Over there.." the intern said while pointing her finger towards a passage.

Mortuary gave Eke a head shake sign, who quickly understood.

They headed for the doctor's office, and bundled him into their small car. Eke took the wheels while Mortuary guarded the back seat.

***** ASPS' office*****

"What did you say is that man's name again?" Mrs Preye asked

"Matt Odili " the officer answered.

"Hmmm... I see." Mrs Preye said

"Do you want him alive or dead?" The officer asked.

"I want him dead!" Mrs Preye said almost cutting his words.

The officer simply nodded, saluted her and took a back turn before leaving her office.

"Wait... " Mrs Preye said and the officer turned back to look at her.

"This is off record, unknown." Mrs Preye added.


Mortuary could be seen pushed by ten hefty police men, kicking and slapping him in turns while dragging him too.

His hands were already handcuffed and he staggered like a drunk, spitting out blood occasionally.

A police van was following them behind, blowing it's loud sirens, polluting the environment with noise.

Several painful whips lashed on Mortuary's back making him fall to the group and coughing out blood almost immediately.

"So will you tell us where his house is now?" A police asked.

"I will tell you, but please stop lashing me." Mortuary said like someone fighting for air.

"Lead us the way." A police officer fiercely said.

Mean while, on the other street, five police vans and some officers who were on feet ran, releasing bullets into the air.

Market women left their goods to seek shelter from the flying bullets, some mothers lost their children due to the hot race.

Some stray bullets landed on twenty five people in record, making cry and wailing the music of the day.


***** Jane's house****

The same number of police men who led Mortuary towards Matt's house, where the same number as now.

They entered into the ghetto-like house through a passage that looks like it was made of hard clay.

The police vans parked outside and then the officers inside stepped out all entering into Jane's compound.

Matt was on a mat grunting in pains when the police officers stepped in.

Matt furrowed his brows and looked at Mortuary with a utterly dismayed faced.

"So, Mortuary, you could betray me like this?" Matt asked while trying to sit up despite the pains he was receiving.

"Don't be vexed, I equally love my life too." Mortuary said and spat out blood.

Just then, Jane entered the compound with a heavy breath which signified she had been running.

The people of kabume has already trooper into Jane's compound waiting to see what was gonna happen next.

Jane and her mum was already on the floor pleading for mercy to officers who gave no ears to their pleas.

"Officer please, he is my younger brother, my father, my sponsor, please don't kill him." Jane pleaded.

Just as if her pleas triggered the officer's anger, he walked up to Matt and shot him five times on his head leaving him numb.

Matt's hand fell after the last bullet touched him signifying he has kicked the bucket.

With the same might, the officer walked up to Mortuary and blew up his head three times with the bullet. Mortuary became inert immediately.

The police officers hastily and briskly walked out of the compound leaving Jane and her mum in weeping.

`few days later •`

Jane was in a black gown (In Nigeria, black is a color that symbolize mourning. That is, when a person dies, the loved ones put on black to Indicate that they are on mourning period.) Walking along the road when she sighted something that caught her attention.

She saw a man looking at a poster on the wall, and this man was shaking his head in disappointment and displeasure.

She walked to the poster and saw boldly ' MISSING: FELIX THOMAS ' and with his picture on it. She used her hands to cover her mouth in shock.

★ flash back ★

At the point where a stray bullet touched a guy putting on a grey shirt and black trouser, Jane fell to her knees as she shaked the numb body.

"Felix, Felix..." Jane cried.

★ flash back ends ★

' The ones looking for you, and here you are. What do I tell them? Do I tell the police? Do I find your mum? What do I say to her? Your son was killed because of me? I'm sorry Felix, please forgive me, I know your parents are going through hell, wondering what happened, but whatever I do won't bring you back. You are in a better place, and your unborn child will live the life you couldn't , I promise you I'll make sure of that. Forgive me.' Jane said in her thoughts.

★★ Author's note ★★

Please dear readers, know that I love y'all so return the love to me by reviewing this novel and telling your friends about it.

Thank you in advance.

Much love.