

A typical day finds high schoolers studying before school begins at about 8:00 A.M. Classes run for 50 minutes each, with a morning break and a 50-minute lunch period. The afternoon session resumes at about 1:00 P.M., and classes continue until about 4:00 or 4:30 ,followed by cleaning the classroom which is mostly done by the janitors in their school .Students may then take a short dinner break at home ,or maybe eat at school.

Students return to the school library to study or attend private schools or tutoring sessions until between 10:00 P.M. to midnight depending on the student's will to study .This is how strict their education system is .To be honest no one liked it at all it was just too much but what could they do ? Nothing of course but swallow all their complaints and keep them to themselves .

Now you can imagine how relieved everyone is, it being a Saturday ,taking a break from everything related to school .Everyone apart from Ha-Jun and Asher .While others were sleeping in ,relaxing ,having fun and others settled on doing the homework ,Asher was busy being punished by his uncle .If last night he thought that he had just been spared ,he was wrong very wrong .Punishment was inevitable .If his uncle let him go easily then Asher would grow horns and become rebellious more than he is right now .

While Asher was receiving his punishment ,Ha-Jun was dragging his feet to work .He woke up early that day as if he was going to school ,did all his homework ,prepared breakfast ,and then prepared himself for work .

During weekdays every time at 10:45 pm he would have already left school for work .As I said earlier he worked at restaurant which wasn't close to his home nor school and sometimes he would arrive late for work but his boss wouldn't complain since they were somehow close .He wasn't strict not old just twenty nine years old but his looks could fool anyone thinking that he was a university student in his first year .To top it all he was very understanding of Ha-Jun and they got a long pretty well.

After his shift was over he would go home tired and his sister would always welcome him with never ending tantrums .

On Saturday's he would work at a nearby cafe from morning to evening only having lunch breaks .His life is actually pitiful if you ask me .How he manages to juggle school life and his work life is surely a miracle .

Asher who had been told to clean the library a punishment from his uncle without help again ran to his cousin to complain of course after he was done .He was a spoilt brat all thanks to his dad who was trying to correct that through his brother who gladly took that task .Spoilt brat meaning he got what he wanted ,punishments were rare and everything was done for him but at his uncle's house nothing of that sought happened .

"You know my weekend could have been peaceful if it wasn't for you ,"Dae-Jung said who was walking beside Asher .It was true he could have had a peaceful day in his rooms together with his games but no Asher couldn't just leave him alone .

"Stop complaining you know you love me ,"Asher said as he opened the door to the coffee shop for his cousin like a 'gentleman 'he was ."You are being nice to me ,spill it what do you want?" Dae-Jung asked while they took their seats near the window ,where they could watch the street .Normally Asher would open the door for himself then 'accidentally' bangs it in the face of his cousin .Thanks to him getting used to it he managed to avoid having a swollen nose for an entire week .

"Come on don't be like that ,"Asher said as he took the menu which was laid on the table and went through it .The main reason he drugged Dae-Jung with him was so he could pay his bill after he ordered .You can't blame the kid .Leaving in a luxurious villa ,being driven to school every morning with different types of car ,going to a rich school everyday but still have empty pockets .Rich but poor was Asher .As a matter of fact ,he was poor nothing of his things belonged to him since he didn't toil earn money and buy them.

"Can I take your orders please ?"asked the waiter who had his 'uniform' on which was his bright beaming smile that made his cheeks ache since it was forced .He was tall enough ,a head full of jet black hair which wasn't neatly combed but didn't look disheveled ,pair of cerulean eyes ,snow white skin ,plump and soft just like mochi ,naturally small pink lips like a scattered sakura petal .Plump and fresh reminding one of the warm spring and lastly his perfectly toned jaw .

Asher didn't know if it was the face or voice that made him recognize the guy standing beside him asking what he would like to order ."You work here?"Asher asked Ha-Jun taken a back a bit .He didn't expect this guy to be working here .He has never seen him the many times he dropped at the cafe.

"No I don't I am here to play waiter ,what would you like to order sir?"he asked Dae-Jung ignoring Asher .Who knew that that jinx would follow him to work .Ha-Jun had one thing in mind that was today won't end without anything going wrong and his prediction was proven right by Asher.

"coffee please ,"Dae-Jung said as he kicked Asher's leg under the table signaling him to order .

" frappuccino and a slice of strawberry cake ,by the way you should make it in the house since we are classmates right ?"Asher said wiggling his brows at him .Ha-Jun tried his best not to cringe ,other wise he would ruin his 'uniform' and he might get scolded .

His smile was what attracted customers fake or not it was always beautiful and charming .Girls like hanging around even boys too on Saturday at their cafe making his work load increase but during the weekends the cafe was almost empty .Yun-Hee -his boss patted herself in the back for making a great decision of hiring that eye catching waiter.

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