
My Beloved is a Yandere

After slaying the hundredth hero, Reo finally returned to Earth. The only thing Reo wanted to achieve after returning was peace and tranquility, but, could he achieve that when his wife was a yandere?

Myururest · Horreur
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17 Chs


Chapter 15 (Fifteen). Leftovers.

John turned to look at Zane, he squinted his eyes and recalled the time he met her.

After trying to familiarize himself with both his system and his new failed evolved body, he found himself abruptly be attacked by a green skinned creature who actually bore the beauty and wonders of a westerner.

A large slit was formed in that zombie's neck, which wasn't too deep but was able to quickly kill someone, therefore John quickly realized that it wasn't a work from another zombie, but from man instead.

"Gr...." The zombie growled, her hands with fine sharpy nails were talon like as she tried to advance again. John hastily side stepped as he inspected the attacker more.

Despite the greenish skin hue and the wound by her throat, the zombie was oddly lovely. Her blonde hair was still wavy but with the tinge of stiffness, her eyes should used to be blue, and her being was clad in a nun dress.

Right after he finished looking, the zombie attacked again and this time, her movements were swifter and killing intent appeared.

"Wait, wait, hold up! Quit attacking me for fuck's sake, we're both zombies!" John broke from his trance and shouted, he then ducked the upcoming attack but wasn't able to when another attack came.

"Apollo, why is she attacking me? Aren't we not enemies?" John called out for his system as he conjured a flame from his fingertips, ready to counterattack.

{That is, Host, zombies are naturally enemies too. Although the fights would only occur between high ranking zombies, which was a form of their defence to others that tries to overtake their rule and area.} Apollo said in a hurry.

"So she's a high ranking zombie?"

{Perhaps she is, but rather she is a zombie Queen. Not yet, but in other words a Zombie Princess. She is about to ascend her throne when Host suddenly came and intruded her territory.}

"What happens after she ascends the throne? Does she evolve?"

{She would most likely advance to 'Holy' , and would become comparable to sub-deities.} Apollo paused a bit before adding, {But considering the predicament, she is currently a level lower than the host and can activate the special reward from completing the system's stranger quest.}

"A reward?" John wondered. He had not heard of anything about this, moreover there weren't any quests. The system did not take long before answering, { The stranger quests [Receive the Goddess' blessing] is a difficult adjective to be achieved, however Host had succeeded.}

Following that, John received the reward (Contract). Without any second thoughts he used this reward on the future zombie queen before him.

The strange female zombie felt something binding itself inside her consciousness. The pain could be said to be thousands of ants biting you at the same time, but instead of flesh pain, all the awful treatment was directly affecting her soul.

Her soul that had yet to vanish was being tormented. "Aah!" Cried she.

She fell into the ground and kneeled in front of John. While through, her unstable eyes began to regain clarity. She looked at John, "Lord..." She was stranded into this first part of the sentence while pondering indecisively.

John did not mind how she called out to him. His eyesight purely stagnated on the occurring changes made onto the zombie before him.

Her dark green skin began to lighten and the wound on her neck began to heal. Her being became whole again and although there's parts signifying her identity as an undead, it wasn't as horrible as they first met.

The zombie closed her eyes for a short moment, then respectfully looked at John again.

{Congrats Host, you have binded 'Zane' as your servant¹} The system, Apollo said to him. John smiled ecstatically 'Wasn't this the same as those mangas I've read before? It wouldn't be too long before I make myself a large harem and then get that Goddess!'

Apollo listened to the thoughts of its host and it's avatar unhappily furrowed it's brows. It has told it's host countless of times not to dare yearn for that Goddess. If something happens in the future, it is not to be blamed.


"Reo, Reo, look at that!" Emelia applauded and yelled excitedly. There was a fight on going before them — it was a battle between an awakened and a higher level zombie.

The man who took lead had bright blue hair as his hands formed visualization of ice. The ice fragments were pointed and sharp, therefore each time the high level zombie approached, it was scarred.

"Roar!" The zombie screamed shrilly as it took a step back. The broken road showed trails of blood left by its bleeding wounds and feet that was equally mutated as his being without recognition.

Today marked the sixth month after the apocalypse began.

"Oh that's awful. How could the undead be on the losing side." Emelia pouted and clasped her hands beneath her chin. If her husband would have allowed it, these undeads wouldn't be pushovers to the human race, especially that they had bypassed human limits!

Yuki, "But Madam, if the zombies always take the upper hand, the human race might as well disappear." She often wondered why her boss always like to side with the ugly zombies that brought chaos to the world.

"Humans had always thought they were the apex, and if it continues as so, it'd be boring." Emelia humped and then looked at her husband who was finally enjoying a bit moment of tranquility without the topic of cleaning up garbages going around.

"I...I don't think it's necessary to continue talking about who should be on the winning ot losing sides, as far as I understand, the would doesn't favor any, it just wanted stabilization." Reo commented.

After he spoke, the zombie was pierced by the ice fragment and it's body fallen near to where they looked from.


An ice fragment was shot close to them, and the blue haired awaken looked at them with an alerted expression. "Who are you!"

Emelia covered Reo and let Yuki take the lead. Yuki nodded and went out from the hiding place and looked at the man.

School started shalalala.

Creation is breathtaking, come cheer me up!

Waiting for the next release to come will take a few days, Internet is also unstable today. Grumpy.

Myururestcreators' thoughts