
She Knows Everything?

"What do you mean?" Max repeated, unsure as to why she would call him an assassin out of nowhere, he had never shown anything remotely close to his real divination even while fighting, so this didn't make sense.

"Don't play dumb with me," Camelia replied, "you lied about your divination, stating that it's the [warrior] while it's the [assassin]."

'She knows,' Max was surprised, he didn't know the reason why she knew, but he decided to consult with his divination first, 'is she the target?'

He held the rapier in his belt close to his hand while awaiting confirmation, he didn't care that all suspicions would fall on him, if she was it, then he would take this chance.

His divination's response came after five seconds.

[She is not the target, even I don't know how that is possible]

"I am right, aren't I?" she asked, breaking the silence between the two.

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