

Xavier drove through the long lane of Qin Empires till he crossed the silver gate.

"We could have just ordered some food, or gone to the company's restaurant. You're wasting my time," he said in a flat tone, with his gaze still on the road as he drove.

"Don't you just love the beautiful scenery of the tall beautiful green trees?"

"Oh, I love the scenery... of not seeing you around," his eyes widened at what he just said. He was wondering if he had the Xander flu but he doubted.

"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone and I can bet that," she said with so much confidence. "By the way, the beautiful green trees remind you of my eyes, right?"

"More like poison," he mumbled under his breath. Now he was so certain that he had the Xander flu, and here he was thinking that he was immune to it. She just chuckled.

"I'll just take that as a compliment."


They arrived at the restaurant in no time. They went through the back to avoid any unnecessary attention and went straight to the VVIP eatery. And since Xavier was familiar with the manager of the restaurant, they had no trouble getting there.

"If you were that hungry, you could have just ordered food from the company, that's what normal people do, instead of making me drive all the way here."

"C'mon it was just a ten-minute drive, it's no biggie and I know you were enjoying the sight of the bright blue sky and evergreen trees."

They sat down at a table and a waiter quickly approached them with unsteady steps. Just the sight of this duo alone can melt and freeze any soul at the same time.

"W-what can I get for you? Sir, ma'am?" he asked with a trembling voice. He had come across many powerful people as a waiter but this two just held a different feeling altogether.

"Expresso," Xavier replied without even taking a glance at the menu as if he was sure that they'll have it.

"Noted, s-sir," the waiter scribbled on his notepad.

He waited for a while for the lady to say what she wanted. Instead, her gaze was fixed on the menu, scanning and scrutinizing every single food on it. She stared at it without a care in the world, not minding that the waiter was waiting for her.

The waiter soon gave up his silence and decided to call her to his attention.


"Get me a cheeseburger... hm extra cheese, with fries, of course, some pasta, fried rice, plain vanilla ice cream along with some ice tea... and make it snappy."

Xavier's head snapped towards her, looking intently at her. What sort of weird creature is this?

The waiter who was in utter shock was scribbling as fast as he could on his notepad.

"I-is there any other thing you would like? Sir, ma'am?" he felt stupid asking the lady. How would she eat any other thing for days with the amount of food she ordered?

Xavier waved dismissively at the waiter and he bowed slightly before turning to leave.

"Wait," someone called out. It was Ivy and the waiter's head snapped towards her. He tried as much as possible to avoid her gaze but he just couldn't. "What about your dessert? What's on the menu?" she asked even when the menu was right in front of her.

After all that she ordered she still had the mind to ask for dessert.

The poor waiter swallowed a very hard lump in his throat before he spoke.

"W-well... Uhm... we have chocolate cream cake, red velvet slice cake–"

"Cake, cake, cake. Not like I don't like cake. I love it, but don't you have any other dessert?" she cut him short which made his heart jump involuntarily.

The lady was very eye-catching and hot but her aura was what scared the waiter to the core. He just knew that she was not someone to mess with.

"Y-yes we do. Our very special pu–"

"Get me the pudding. How much does it cost?"

"1500 ma'am," he replied and she didn't say anything else. He summoned a lot of courage and took in a deep breath before he spoke again.

"I'm sorry ma'am for the inconvenience, but the amount of food you've ordered... the table is too small to contain it."

"Okay," she said simply. Her eyes caught sight of a bigger table and a small smile crept up to her face. "C'mon let's go," she said standing up. She grabbed Xavier by the arm and strode towards the other table.

She made him sit down at one end and walked to sit down at the other end. Her eyes met with that of the waiter's.

He has been admiring her since she stood up, he took the chance to admire her when she wasn't seeing him. But when their eyes met, he quickly looked away. She wasn't a fool to not notice what he was doing.

"Hey! What are you standing over there for? I want our order to be ready in less than ten minutes, okay?" she raised her voice so that he could hear her. He nodded his head frantically and scurried away.

When the waiter was gone, Ivy smiled at Xavier who did not even bother returning the smile.

"And may I know who's paying for all this?" he finally spoke, his elbow resting on the table with his fingers intertwined for support of his chin.

"We're on a date obviously. I may not know a lot about all of these, but my best friend is an actress and she's based on romantic movies. So I know a thing or two about this and according to what I know, you're to pay," she replied nonchalantly.

"So you're telling me that I'm going to pay for lunch of almost 5000, not to mention that we aren't even close," he replied maintaining eye contact with her. She just nodded slowly with a smile on her lips.

He rolled his eyes at her and brought out his phone from his pocket to keep himself occupied.

"You really need to learn manners," she replied. He didn't even bother to say or react to acknowledge what she had just said. Even at that, she continued.

"When you go out on a date, your attention should be on your date and nothing else."

"Well, I'm sorry for being bored. I need company from an eye-catching and interesting source," he finally spoke.

Ivy blinked in surprise. "Are you trying to say that I'm uninteresting and... unattractive to you," it was hard to say that because she never once thought in her life that she would be unattractive to anyone, not even to her brother. But this man indirectly called her unattractive.

He laughed lightly. "I didn't call names or are you guilty of it?" he questioned her, sparing her a glance.

"Guilty conscience? Very funny, but I'm not."

"I didn't say that either. You keep putting words into my mouth. Looks like you really have a guilty conscience."

"Wow, I didn't know that you talk this much," Ivy remarked, catching him off guard. His attention quickly diverted from his phone to her.

He didn't say anything else and she just smiled to herself in satisfaction.

I've been sick lately guys, but don't worry I'll try as much as possible to upload chapters this weekend. Please pray for me to get better.ಥ‿ಥ

By the way, I just wanted to let you guys know that you can contact me on Instagram at @laurel jeon, for any recommendations or if you need any clarity on a chapter or scene. Have a great weekend (*^3^)/~♡

Lili_Jcreators' thoughts