

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
25 Chs

chapter 5

"Be kind to one. Let's live in two. Now, one."



"Let's live!"

"The voice is small."

"Good thing!"

Is it hell?

This is the first thought I got right after the coachman got up. The body was

heavy like a wet cotton ball, and my head was spinning around.

In the meantime, the screaming shout continued in the distance.

"Let's live!"


… … It must be hell. After hearing the grim voice of the grim reaper, the

screams of the dead followed without fail.

"Good thing!"

With his eyes closed, he shed a tear. Coming to hell. If I knew I would

scream like this, I would do a lot of siju between the nodes.

'Ah, mother!'

The coachman began to cry reluctantly.

He couldn't even notice anyone looking down at himself.

"excuse me."

After three seconds or so, the coachman's heart, which had paused for a

while, started beating again. He grabbed his surprised chest and shouted.

"I almost died because I was surprised!"

After speaking, something is strange. The coachman put his hands on his

chest with a blank face. Jump. His heart is beating.

Is that all it? There are horses, and there are carriages. My body trembles

with the cold wind in early winter.

"Are you alive?"

No way, he looked back and saw a man with one eye blackened. How come

his expression was weird... … It must be. It is a living person.

I am alive!

"I lived! I lived!"

In an intense embrace of joy, the man pushed the coachman away and

replied with trembling.


"Black. Thank you so much. But who... … 「

"Oh that. I saw you for a while before."

earlier? Who? The people of Honghwaru are the faces that everyone knows,

and Taewon Jin family's maniac was the first guest of the day.

Where did you see this grateful traveler? The coachman who was looking at

his face took a breath.

"That bandit earlier!"

"Yes. That's it... …

"It was next to the big guy! Five stupid-looking guys!"

"… … Yes."

The shortest among them!"

"The most ugly!"

"A little guy with stuff too?!"


With the cry of a bandit, the coachman woke up. What did I just say? Soon,

regret and despair flood like a tide.

'I'm really dead now.'

I'd rather be dead already.

At least there will be no pain.

By the way.

"Stop being bullshit and follow me."

The bandit, who was like an evil spirit, quickly calmed down and started

walking in the lead. The coachman, who followed him in a mess, felt a sense

of deception.

,It seems like you will be informed about this. ,Compared to before

fainting, it is a polite attitude because it is not modest. The coachman

squeezed all the courage and opened his mouth.

"Well, where are you going now?"

"I'm going to big brother."

The coachman's face turned white.

I remember what I said to the Heavenly Power.

By digging the eyeballs and grinding the limbs with a mortar... … .

'I have to run away even now.'

But the next moment, my legs trembled and cold sweat poured out like rain.

Not even one step could move.

Dark red blood splattering everywhere.

Legs appearing to be corpses were popping out in the grass next to the road.

'These crazy guys.'

No way, but it kills people in broad daylight, and that also kills the child of

Taewon Jin family.

The coachman intuited death.

Until one person walks through the grass.

"Uh, are you awake?"

In the background, bandits who wore shoulders were gasping for breath.

He put a bruise around my eyes to get along.

"What do you do, man. Can't you see your colleagues are in trouble? Join


? large."

"A real bitch. I told you not to call it formation."

The coachman, watching the situation, thought.

First, I saved my life.

"That's why it's like this."

The eyes of the coachman who heard the story sparkled like a flash.

Uh, noonbong. It's hard to see because it's dazzling.

"Sir, maybe."


"Aren't you really young master Jin Mu-kyung ?"

"… … Please stop."

How many times do you say Jin Tae-kyung?

It is an NPC that makes people ill in many ways. Should I view this as an

achievement of artificial intelligence technology or a failure?

Even if I thought he was only driving a wagon, I left it earlier.

"Are all the preparations done?"

The coachman answered with the final knot.

"Yes. Now it's all over."

What knot is it? It is a rope knot that ties the hands and feet of the five


The groaning of sadness never ceases at how tight it is.

"Hard. Could you just loosen it a little?"

"Huh. No. Please don't change it. Here it is."

"Please give these younger a chance to serve a formation… …

"If you say that it is one more large, it allows you to enlist the Great King


Leaving silence behind, I climbed into the carriage.

The weapons they had were confiscated earlier and put them in the

inventory, and the level-up effect made them in top shape.

"I will start."

As the coachman grabbed the reins, the Sadducees began to move.

It is a mountain trail as well as the trailing mountain trail. A cool breeze

and mountain air flowed through the window of the carriage.

'It's amazing no matter how much I look at it.'

I shook my head.

Science. Technology. Whatever you call it, it's an incomprehensible area for


Moreover, this kind of thinking is also extravagant in the current situation.

'How the hell did this damn game work with the time multiplier?'

There is something called time multiplication in virtual reality games. If the

time magnification between reality and virtual is 1:3, even if you have three

hours in virtual reality, only one hour in reality will pass.

That's why I dare to endure three days at Honghwaru.

At this point, someone will bring it out, hope

'Sung Jin-ho what the hell is this human doing?'

A deep sigh flowed out. At the same time, quietly anxiety raises his head.

Isn't this a huge difference in the time multiplier?


It can't be. Previously, Jinho hyung said that the time multiplier is

proportional to the capsule's performance and price. These junk capsules

don't even have a jaw.

Of course, the performance is better than I thought, but

'No, this is really good.'

I've been building games and walls for several years, but I'm not too blind to

know this much. [Murim] is definitely a fairly high-end game, but the junk

capsule works without difficulty.

That alone is amazing enough. So.

'Now let it be no more surprises.'

please. He muttered the words like a spell and opened the skill window.

[Lv.11 Jin Tae-kyung]

cultivation method: Jin family cultivation technique

martial arts : Jin family spear method / Jin family footwork method (not available)

Muscular bone: 70

Muscle vein: 50

Points Remaining: 10

-Distribute the remaining points.


He hasn't practiced martial arts for a long time, so he has forgotten about

the phrase.


You can view information about your skills.

It is amazing to see it again. You can't use martial arts without training.

'How long would I have to play'

With a sigh, I moved on.

The first is the remaining points.

It looks like 10 points are given each time the level goes up by 1. Probably

the same with the status window.

'If you combine the skill window and the status window, is it 20 points at a

time to level up?'

Something ambiguous. I pushed the distribution of stats back and touched

the last sentence.

-Would you like to view your skills?

'View all.'


[Jin family's spear method]

Class: First Class

Restriction: Those who have learned the [Jin family's cultivation method ].

Mastery : Unknown

Effect: unknown

Description: Taewon Jin family's home appliance martial arts.

It can be learned through non-payment.

I can't use the current phrase is forgotten.

[Jin family's footwork method]

Class: First Class

Restriction: Those who have learned the [Jin family's cultivation method ].

Mastery : Unknown.

Effect: Unknown.

Description: Taewon Jin family's home appliance martial arts.

It can be learned through non-payment.

I can't use the current phrase forgotten.

[Jin family's cultivation method]

Grade: Peak.

Mastery : 2 stars.

Limit: Direct line of Taewon Jin family.

Effect: You can use and accumulate Qi efficiently

Description: Excellent stability, but slow Qi accumulation.


First of all, the first thing I saw was grade.

Singing and walking are first-class. Only true simplicity is the climax. It is

only cultivation method that clearly describes the level and effect.

'I couldn't even use the Jin family's spear method and the walking method. The true

feeling is... … It's okay.'

What does the speed at which Qu build up matters? Very good

stability. That's all it takes. My motto for life is thin and long.

It was when I was thinking about that.


[Tutorial-Step 4]

Now you can manipulate your Qi using Qi circulation control .

However, the uncontrolled Qi is a double-edged sword.

Don't let go of tension until the end!

Rating: Tutorial (Final)

Limits: Player.

Mission: Qi circulation control .(Incomplete) Reward: Item box.

Acquire [Enjoyment]

[Main Quest].

In case of failure: abnormal status [Mount coin]

Uh [death]

-Do you want to accept the quest?

Accept / reject

I answered without hesitation.

'Huh. I will not.'

reward? You don't have to accept that much.

There's even a lot of crazy guys playing around. Deal with game items and


-The answer is being delayed.

Look at the shallow tricks. I did not care about the coachman's gaze and

pronounced it clearly.

"roughness. part."

-Can't you reject the tutorial quest? .

"F#$#@ ?,,

-Do you want to accept the quest?

Accept / accept.

"I refuse! Why do I accept only two!"


The quest has been forcibly accepted!

"Hey! This, O son of a bitch! "

The dualism that I had endured broke out.

* * *


Start [Qi circulation control .].


Stability is greatly increased due to the effect of the [Jin family's cultivation method].

I have never missed my family like now. My dear mother. Lovely younger

sister... … Ha-yeon, who is freaking out, is far from him.

When your brother goes out, I'll feed you the chicken belly.

'If you just go out.'

-For the first time, the Qi circulation control . assistant will be executed.

It's not like putting on a knife and applying medicine... … .


Do you want to skip the helper system?

Accept / reject

I pinned my trembling gaze to the message window.

"No, no."


Keep running.

Maybe just a coincidence? Yes, it must have been a coincidence, before the

steaming feeling disappeared, the view was turned upside down.

And the place to wake up. It was a strange gray space.

-Come here.

When I turned my head in amazement, Wen old beckoned.

If a grandfather who looks like that in a dream tells him to come, he will

run and run, but this is a game.

'That old man is your helper.'

Without such a calculation, it would have followed without a doubt.

It was strange to think of myself, but I thought so. Somehow the familiarity

you don't know. And trust.


Get the most comfortable position.

Eh? When it comes to luck breakfast, isn't it?

As if he had read my thoughts, the old man replied.


Originally, weak guys do this and that, and stickers don't.

It smells in a cool tone. I smell.

This is the smell of coriander. The real thing appeared this time!


Uh huh. That guy.

I thought my wrinkled hand was approaching, and then it disappeared. uh?

widely. Tak Tak.

The next moment I wanted something to pass, I just stopped.

Is the invoice that you open your eyes like this? I can't really do it.


It's a simple point, so don't be surprised and focus on it now.

The old man touched my back with his horse. And in a low voice, he

quickly spit out.


Qi circulation control . is the most important training for unmanned people. This

is because not only accumulating energy, but also being able to cultivate

spirit, spirit, and deity to advance to a higher level. so… … .

I listened to it, but I can't understand anything behind the scenes. Except for

the fact that breakfast is very important.


Keep your mind focused and draw the flow by clearing your mind like a


Then, let me tell you the trick of the true heart method.

Then, without a break to dry, it screams at a fast speed like roasting beans... … I hear it. It feels like the foreign language you hear for the first time is

automatically translated in your head.

'what is this.'

That's exactly 318 characters. The moment I felt that the phrase of sincerity

was perfectly imprinted in my mind, a change took place.

-Go down.

A word from the old man.

Where are you going?

Before the question I heard at the moment disappeared, I was getting sucked

into something deep. No, it seemed to be being sucked.

Obviously I'm closing my eyes, I can see. I can feel it.

The wind blows and scatters, the sunlight, the breath of the coachman and

the horses throwing away... … .

I pushed it all away. Only one place. I focused only on my body.

-Start your circulation with [true feeling].

Follow the glowing blood.

I couldn't feel the old man disappearing or the system voice ringing.

The mind awakened from the head slides downward. I didn't know that the

dots shining like stars were blood. Just, everything was familiar as it has


And finally reached Dantian.

Small but pure energy. It is 10 years of effort.

'But that's it?'

A corner of Dantian, something else that is hard and big like a rock.

I realized instinctively.

'It's another Qi.'

It was the energy that I, Jin Tae-kyeong, had not yet dissolved with his own,

and it was large enough to be similar to the existing Qi.

'If you absorb that?'

Needless to say, it can be strong.

But for me now, it's a reckless challenge, a purposeless adventure.

'You can't go there while putting a bunch of numbers.'

I cleared my mind and created arousal. He slowly led his aeronautics along

the path the system voice told him.

In the meantime, it seems like I heard someone's voice looming.

-That's a good judgment.


You have completed [Qi circulation control .].


You have completed [Tutorial-Step 4]. Reward is paid!


I realized the skill, [QI SENSE]. You will be more free to take care of your qi and

understand your opponent's energy.

-A small amount of impurity has been discharged.


You have completed all of the [Tutorial].


[Main Quest] has been created.

With the final voice of the system said the coachman.

"Im here. This is Taewon's true value."

okay. finally.