
Chapter 41: Important notice at the end. Read it!!

After leaving behind Ay and Bee. Nero headed towards the place where Ameruyi and her men were holed up.

He felt elated after such a long time, although he didn't get to fully enjoy himself, he still got a chance to get what he came here for and more.

"Ember, run a diagnosis on the armor." He instructed, Ember was his newest and most advanced AI which could perform a multitude of tasks and assist him when needed.

[Runing diagnosis. 70% converter runes are fried and 30% of the powering seals have also suffered the same fate. Repairs will take approximately 5 days so refrain from using the armor until then.] A squeeky voice chirped in his ears while a small fairy started flying around in the HUD of his helmet.

Nero nodded lightly, one thing he had realized was that his skills were still far from being at their peak, in fact he was too far from.it it was frustrating.

Even with all his knowledge he still couldn't figure out how to shed himself of the one thing limiting him. Without his nanites his powers fell to that of a genin, with his experience he could still take on higher ranked shinobi. Over the years he ran tests and realized that his nanites had weaknesses. They couod be hacked and used against him, a powerful enough EMP could leave him vunrable and if something like, say the ten tails were to transfer a quarter of it's chakra, the nanites would overheat and boil him inside out. The last time this happened the system saved him by forcefully upgrading his sytem but that was a one time deal.

At the end of the day, Nero realized he still had a ways to go. His creations weren't perfect yet since most of them were prototypes of what he wanted to create in the long run.

But the progress was there, his best invention as yet is the Arcane Circuit Operating System cores, or ACOS cores for short.It utilizes runes and seals to distribute energy, record data and optimize his suit, utilize mana and chakra at high speeds. It was also what helped him creat a powerful neuro-link with his suit, unlike a lower tire neuro-link which still had some bugs and could only achieve 70% combat effectiveness, his suit could achieve a stunning 85% combat effectiveness without risking himself. Coupled with his cybermind he could achieve 95% effectiveness.l!!

The arcane circuit was very frigile so Nero had to be careful not to overcharge it since he could end up destroying his suit. Creating arcane circuits was also a very long process that took years.

Afterall there were more than a billion microscropic runes and seals on a surface of a hollow 2cm diameter sphere. On the inside the space was increased to more than 20 meters in diameter. And every surface was engraved in a very complex array that took into consideration trillions of gigabytes of data. He had spent 15 years trying to perfect it, and even now he only had 3 of these ACOS cores.

Two were in his suits, and the last was also acting a the zero tail's container. The location of said core was kept secret even from Ichigo. Only Nero himself knew where the facility was located.

Besides storing the Zero tails, the facility also housed Nero's top secret projects, there was a lot of them. Rangig from secret weapons, space stations, future plans, fail safe's, he also kept 4 different artificially created bodies.

The bodies were fail safe's in case his original body is destroyed. He'd tranfer his mind into one of the cybernatic brains and inhabit a new body. The reason he was reluctant to move in a new body right away was because the system was tightly linked to his body and soul. If his soul were to be damaged, the system might also get affected, and if he were to leave his current body then he would need to wait for atleast a few decades until the system could be used again.

For the time being he couldn't afford such an occurance, the quality of his skills would plamet if the very medium that manifests them were to go offline. He'd retain his passive abilities, but his active abilities would be disabled.

Not to say that the bodies he had in reserve were weak, by all means thet were quite powerful. One had the uzumaki and uchiha bloodline at the highest purity he could refine, it had the potential to achieve high kage levels of power and offered other passive benefits, like massive chakra, regenaration and stamina. It offered all the benefits of two clans and didn't seem to hold any drawback for now.Sadly the way DNA worked in this world was quite annoying. If one bloodline was stronger it devoured the other to increases its own potency even then there was a limit, to mix two bloodlines successesfully they need the same potency, which was hard to get an Uchiha with a bloodline on par with Uzumaki royalty. He had to feed the Uchiha bloodline with a bunch of other bloodlines until it achieved a bearly satisfactory level. He also added organic nanites to create an adaptive organic armor similar to Jugo's but better. All his bodies had such nanites.

The second was made using nature absorbant cells, it had uzumaki genes to allow for more talent in sage training. For some odd reason senjutsu and the uchiha bloodline weren't as compantible as he'd like and mixing more than two bloodlines together was impossible since the body would fall apart. Even Orochimaru, a genius who discovered immortality and created a powerful son couldn't fuse bloodlines, that's why he opted to steal bodies. But Nero knew without a shadow of a doubt that Orochimaru couod create a much stronger and better body for himself if he had acess to even a portion of Nero's resources.

The third was the most volitile, it was fed with large amounts of natural chakra since its formation. It had destroyed and rebuilt itself over the years and only developed up to the age of 6 years old. Out of all the others though it had much more potential. It could literally fight a war against an army years without stop due to the simple fact that negative emotions fuel its chakra and in turn increases it's other parameters. Such are the wonders of dark chakra.

The fourth body wasn't made for him, it was a female body with the purest Uzumaki bloodline, even purer than the current royalty. It was also imbued with trace amounts of dark chakra to make it more powerful and a finishing touch og four pairs of eyes. Two sharingan and the second pair would either be the byakugan or a nameless doujutsu that allows her to dilate her pupils and track down enemies via the reflection of tiny water droplets.It can also augment evasion-skills during combat. He planned to gift it to Ichigo, once he had the means to safely transfer her soul in another body.


Sorry for the absence, I've been super busy and had no time to post or do anything really. I don't know when I'll be able to start posting daily chapters again hopefully soon. Till then please enjoy this chapter. I also plan to change some things in the beginning chapters.

Nothinng too major, I'll just be changing Nero's inability to use chakra due to the system not allowing him to a different reason. His body originally didn't need chakra and viewed it as a foreign force hence why he couldn't use it. I'll also add on thag if he swaps into a body capable of losing chakra the system will go into a long cooldown period. Atleast 50 years or something. That way It'll be reasonable that he'll take his time to create the perfect body before even considering swapping bodies.

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