
Chapter 1: Reincarnated into Akame ga Kill

~Third POV~

In the modern world where everything is the norm of just living your ordinary life there lived a young college student that finished up his English essay was turning it online while listening to some of the best anime openings to pass the time writing his essay on his personal laptop.

The college student's name is Alex Norm he lives with his family as the only son and takes a part-time job to earn some cash then save them up for when he needs it he plans to be an engineer as a profession.

Alex also watches anime from time to time his favorites were some good classics and the new ones coming out and he also reads some of the Manga counterparts of the anime to pass the time.

At this moment Alex Norm said in an annoyed tone, "God damn it, I wish my professor would stop leaving us with so much work to do, sometimes I wish to be on an adventure at times this is so boring why can't this world be more fun."

As Alex was saying this a few seconds later he received an email that caught his attention with a raised eyebrow and read to himself, "Isekai Reincarnation?... What the hell is this going on about?"

Alex clicked the email then it sent him to a website that the screen background is dark but has a display of the screen saying the following, "The first question if you had a choice to be reborn to any world of your choice what would it be?"

Alex looked below the question to see a text box waiting for an answer he just laughed a bit then decided to play along with this site and typed down 'Akame ga Kill' in the text box then pressed the enter button on his laptop.

Then the next questioned appeared again, "The second question if you were to choose any cheats what you would gain for this world to handle in your endeavor?"

This time Alex saw six text boxes below this question with a raised eyebrow at this then just shrugged and thought what would be useful in the Akame ga Kill. Alex thought for a while then smiled, he thought, 'Since Akame ga Kill just uses smarts and well-timed assassinations I might as well go for absolute power since this anime has the logic being if you have the strength to go follow one's dream.'

For the text boxes, Alex has typed down are the following while saying, "The first is use the Paramecia Soul-Soul Fruit abilities, second use the Paramecia Tremor-Tremor Fruit abilities, third use the Logia Rumble-Rumble Fruit abilities, forth use the Mythical Zoan Fish-Fish Fruit Model: Seiryu, fifth use of all the Haki abilities, and sixth is the ability remove all my devil fruit weaknesses."

When Alex finished typing, he saw that all the text boxes were loading then received a checkmark, then the whole screen finished loading then changed to the third question saying, "If you were given the choice to be reborn then who would you like to be reincarnated as or create your own version on how you would be like also what would you like to be named?"

Alex sees that the question below has a character custom screen below he just smiled at this then he thought of who should he look like after a few minutes he decided on who should he look like, "Alright after a few minutes of thinking maybe I should go after looking like Seiya from the Over Cautious Hero he looked badass when he shows his OP to the people shock."

When Alex finish submitting his character custom to the site the website finally answered the last question saying, "All has been set, the last question if you were sent to the Akame ga Kill world where would you live and what time would you like to be sent to?"

Alex looks confused about this 'all set' part but disregards it then begins to type down his answer in the text box below the question that he will be reborn in a village far away from the Empire and place himself 20 years before cannon starts when he pressed the enter button on his laptop then the site started loading.

When the site was finish loading the screen of my laptop it revealed a final screen box saying, "Thank you for our services for first-time use will let you retain all your memories of your previous life and your cheats will activate in the age of five hope you survive good luck."

Alex just looked confused on what the site meant then his laptop started to malfunction showing what all people fear that have a laptop the blue screen.

Alex got up holding his laptop showing a scared expression, "Are fucking kidding me a blue screen no, no, no, no, no, no… NO!"

Then without the notice of Alex, his laptop struck him with a few volts of electricity to kill the human brain then that in the modern world Alex dies from electrocution from his laptop while his soul is a different story…

~??? POV~

Uh… where the hell am I… wait I see the light am… I in heaven…

Then I see an adult woman speaking to me, "Welcome to the world… my baby boy you will become a great hunter, Seiya Parta."

I tried to speak to the woman but everything that comes out is only, "Waaaaaaaah…"

While in reality, I was thinking nervously, 'Wait you mean that website is real god damn it if I know if this was the real deal, I would've chosen different abilities to come to… Akame ga Kill… Shit…'

Then I see around to see my father, but I don't see him around, but I got my answer from… my mother, "Truly I hope you surpass your father since he was weak to survive on one of our hunts, it was a shame that a hunter of the Partas as strong as he dies, but he was simply that weak."

While I physically crying out loud while I thought, 'Wait did she just say the Partas clan?! That is the same clan as Esdeath isn't it!'

Then I look around my surroundings to see other people with blue hair as well then, I thought, 'Wait is everyone here has the same have the same hair color as the rest with Esdeath or Mine villages well I can see some future race differences for this.'

Looking around the area I see what I can assume to be my family members looking at me with cold eyes at times talk about a cold meeting.

Then I listen in to my mother saying affectionately, "Yes I hope he does our clan proud I just that he surpasses his father, I can't wait for him to grow up big and strong."

Then I hear the others laugh around her while I thought, 'Looks like I have a different idea to do here, that survives long enough for me to get my cheats and live.'

Then I went to sleep while thinking to myself, 'But I should get the most I can get from them before the attack that is going to occur one day here the best, I could do is get the most training I can get.'

Everyone took notice that I went to sleep they all just smiled at this and started talking to themselves.

~Time Skip 5 Years~

During these five years, Seiya Parta was learning from the best information he can about the Akame ga Kill world and the danger that resides in the outside world.

Apparently killing a Danger Beast and get a few specific parts from them will gain a huge profit from them and the use of parts of Danger Beasts was used as tools, weapons, and food supply for the entire village and cities so they usually request people who were able to handle the task get major risk rewards if they come out alive of their hunts.

The whole economy around the villages and cities was using bronze, silver, and gold coins as ways to pay like a meal or take a night in a hotel or tavern.

The most effective ways to obtain them are either hunting Danger Beasts, being a merchant, farming, hired mercenaries, assassins, or a tradesman.

Seiya and his mother both lived in a house that is filled with three rooms, kitchen, furniture, hunting spears, hunting knives, and training weapons.

During the first year, Seiya was able to start crawling while, thinking of a plan on how he should move forward in this world, then he thought, 'Well since the Empire will come to ruin why not just take the useful items before that happens, but that means I will face against the main cast and antagonist while changing canon…'

As Seiya was crawling he was thinking more and more on the subject as he finally comes to a conclusion, 'Well screw the both of them I thought before that my life was normal I want some adventure damn it, maybe if I get the chance to use my Soul fruit abilities I could create a homie out of Shambhala.'

As the years progress through the years Seiya was has been starting to train with his mother on how to be a hunter while providing valuable information to Seiya about how the world works to their degree.

Seiya was also training in secret on how to gain strength with his body while practicing with a wooden sword so he can be ready to practice his Haki because he wants to work on his fighting style while he can work his Haki tandem with it.

Over the years his mom taught him how to hunt for Danger Beasts and what parts to specifically look for, all Danger Beast have organ cores in them that allows each of them to do their respective race ability that's why they are valuable as tools and used to make weapons.

His mother also helped him in his training whether it was mental or physical training to make sure when the time comes for him to receive his cheats.

At the end of the fifth year, Seiya has learned the importance of hunting and identifying the vegetation that's editable and others that are not, in the long five years Seiya was busy training to the best of his abilities now he is going to encounter one of the major characters in the show of Akame ga Kill.

~Seiya POV (5 years old) ~

I was just finishing up my hunting on a baby ground dragon danger beast they should sell well I carried its core and scales in a bag while I talk to myself, "It already been 5 years since I reincarnated here, I can't wait for tonight to get my cheats I can just see myself styling myself like Whitebeard fighting style the possibility is defiantly fun… hehehehe…"

Remembering my encounter with Esdeath she seems to be a nice person, and everything looks so real here that I can hardly believe that it was an anime here in Akame ga Kill but looks can be deceiving here.

The next second I meet a nice girl and the next she tries to punch me while I dodge her attack but damn, she was a monster as a kid and that was only when she didn't have her fighting experience yet.

I think back to my time with my mother and I laugh at how similar I'm to Esdeath but with different ideas, "Esdeath always talks about 'the strong life and the weak die' while I was taught from my original view that weakness is a sin but because we are weak, by learning and gaining experience to achieve the unachievable."

Another thing to note is that while we maybe are strong as Esdeath likes to quote her father that just means there are fewer of us as there a lot of people plus with other people how could we ever get clothes, food, or homes made by them.

I see no reason why she doesn't consider that probably because she never had a taste of defeat or a stronger person showing them a different way, "Sigh… well regardless of what I do no matter what happens that girl is just plain crazy and with the other cast as well."

Yeah, Akame ga Kill is definitely a place filled with their own kind of crazy hell just Conqueror Haki alone is enough to beat most of them except for the real strong-willed people although I am tempted to fight them.

I guess me being influenced by my surrounding may have turned me into a battle manic I shake my head off then I continued on my way towards back the village but soon enough I got my cheats right away.

I don't know how I know it's just that I somehow knew by instinct soon enough I tried using my Logia ability of the Rumble fruits to see I turn into electricity!



Seeing this I soon a smirking expression and with that I turned it off as I think to myself, 'Alright now with my Devil Fruit abilities and Haki it's time to train the most I can out of the Partas Tribe always plan away.'

I hurried back to my village seeing the rest of them are doing their own thing hunting and preparing a feast for everyone as usual, 'You know if this tribe were more friendly it would probably do well if only the problem stems from the leader philosophy.'

Well if there was a good thing, I was born from this village is that I'm not afraid to kill at least hell my own family taught me how to kill from a very young age like seriously who teaches their kids the art of killing assassins or hunters.

As I continue on my way towards my home with my haul, I soon see Esdeath coming towards me, "Hey Seiya come over here I still owe that rematch from our matches!"

Oh yeah, I forgot that my time training is with Esdeath since she is the final boss in this world I thought it was best to spar with her time to time as kids although we do have a rivalry of sorts ever since we spar its usually an even total with one win from me or one lost.

With a smile on my face and over confidence with my new physical skills I say to Esdeath, "Oh really Esdeath? Last I checked I won the last time ready to have your ass kicked again?"

Oh now that got her angry with her face pouting well it looks like I'm going to be a bit late for my hunt to mother but I do need a testing dummy right?

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