
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

Xeviouzzz · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Robin's New Path

(3rd POV)

At the inn, in one of the rooms, two figures could be seen having breakfast with some soup and bread. They continued eating while engaging in a conversation.

"We need to leave this island later at noon, Robin. Do you need to buy anything before we go?" One of the figures asked the girl named Robin.

"You already bought me clothes yesterday, Vanze, so I think I don't need to buy anything else." Robin replied to the figure called Vanze.

"Okay, let's pack things up after we finish eating here. I'll come to your room after I'm finished with my tasks later."

"Um," she replied with a nod. The two continued to finish their food after agreeing to the plan they had just made.


(Robin POV)

I'm in my room now, packing up the clothes that Vanze bought for me yesterday. Speaking about Vanze, he is a weird boy. Thinking about yesterday in the forest and everything that happened there, I feel embarrassed. I mean, I cried a lot yesterday.

He started telling me about his story. Where he used to live with his grandma, helping out a sister from the orphanage named Mira, his grandma passing away, his hard training, his journey to this island, even fighting with a pirate crew on his way here. He has also been through a lot. Oh, and he is also called a freak by other kids in his hometown, so we are the same. Even though he is much taller than me, maybe that's why kids called him a freak.

Asking me to be his partner all of a sudden after I wake up... Fufufu, what a weirdo.

I honestly don't know what the future holds for us, but I'm willing to give a try facing the unknown with him. He's willing to help me even though we just met; he is so nice.

Maybe I can also finish the research that Dr. Clover and the other professors were trying to find.

So please watch over me, Dr. Clover, Saul, Mom... from wherever you guys are.


(Vanze POV)


'Argh...!!! One more time, Seele. Let's do another 20 pulls.' Wry!? wry are you so cruel to me, oh gacha!

[It's already your 30th pull just for this morning alone.]

'I know, just do it!'


Congrats, you've got:


$100,000 belly 10×,

10kg of sea king meat 2×,

A fancy speedboat with a solar power 1×,

A headphone 1×,

Esdeath's whip 1×,

Minato's hokage robe 1×,

A digivice 1×,

Yuuki Mikan apron 1×,


Senzu bean 2× ]

'Finally, something's good. I got lucky with a Senzu Bean, even though it's only 2.' But why the heck did I get a Digivice? There are no Digimon in this world.

'Please help me sort out all the things I got from the gacha in the inventory, Seele. Just show me the important ones.'

[Okay, wait a sec, Vanze.]


a devil fruit

Rokushiki technique book

a letter

a bag full of clothes

A hood


$4,200,000 million Belly

100kg of sea king meat

a map of West Blue

a capsule corp survival kit

a speedboat

a solar panel with rechargeable battery 1×

trendy black sunglasses

..... (More+)


Jack Sparrow's Compass

Busoshoku Haki skill (beginner) 1×

Senzu bean 2× ]

'At least it's not too shabby. There is finally something useful, like a speedboat.' Hmm... Let's use the Busoshoku Haki skill and finally place it in my stats.

'Seele, I want to use the Busoshoku Haki skill (beginner) 1× and show my status after that.'

[ Done. ]

[ Status

Name: Ryujin D. Vanze

Age: 8

Race: High Human

Title: 'Freak'

Condition: Healthy

Tier: 7 - Enhanced Individuals


Strength: C +

Agility: B

Endurance: C +

Intelligence: B -

Vitality: B

Luck: ???


1. Kamigami no Gigan or All Seeing Eyes of God (Active)

2. Adaptability (Passive)

3. Haki:

- Haoshoku Haki or Conqueror's Haki (beginner)

- Kenbunshoku Haki or Observation Haki (beginner)

- Busoshoku Haki or Armament Haki (beginner)

4. Rokushiki (advanced):

- Soru

- Geppo

- Rankyaku

- Shigan


- None ]

(Note: the mastery is divided into Beginner -> Intermediate -> Advanced -> Master. At least for now.)

[ And you still have 88× random tickets and 2× blue tickets left. ]

'It is enough for now; let's find Robin.' Yeah, finding a training place is imminent. Oh, by the way, let's wear my black sunglasses. Let my inner Gojo out.

(3rd POV)

"Knock... Knock... Robin, are you done?" A voice came from outside the room.

"Yes, wait a minute," a girl's voice responded from inside the room. She emerged from the room, holding a small package full of clothes.

"Hmm... Give me your things. Let me store them together with mine." He grabbed the girl's belongings, and they vanished suddenly.

"Whoa... Every time I see it, it's really amazing, Vanze. And it's convenient, fufu." Robin said after watching it disappear.

"Oh, and please wear your hood again, Robin, just for safety. We don't want bad people to see a cute little girl like you, after all," Vanze said with a worried tone. The CP is still running around the island, after all.

"Okay, Vanze. Oh, by the way, why are you wearing black sunglasses today?" Robin stared at Vanze's face with curiosity.

"Because it looks cool," he responded.

"Fufufu," she giggled at his answer. Both of them went out from the inn toward the port on the other side of the town.


"Finally, we found the ship that will go near the Calm Belt," said the boy after confirming the ship's destination.

"Yes, it's hard to find one to go there. Luckily, this ship sails to the Vuldia island near Calm Belt, and it will set sail in a few minutes," said the girl.

"Hahaha, we are lucky, Robin," the boy said to the girl beside him.

"Anyway, you still haven't told me the reason we're going to the island near the Calm Belt, Vanze." Robin gave him a puzzled look.

"It's a secret, hehe. I'll tell you when we arrive. But are you really sure about going out to sea with me? There's no going back after we arrive later." Vanze looked at Robin with concerned eyes.

"Now you ask me this question? Of course, I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet. So don't let me down, partner." She rolled her eyes at him. He smiled at her response. The boat started moving away from the pier, slowly sailing towards the sea with the help of the wind.

"Haha, just leave it to me."

"Well, let's go back to our cabin for now, Robin. The trip will take 4 days if what the captain said is accurate." Vanze suggested to Robin.

"Um, let's go." They headed back to the cabin together.


4 days later

In the heat of the scorching sun, a ship can be seen sailing towards the small island ahead.

"Land ho!" one of the crew on the ship shouted the moment he saw the destination.

Inside one of the cabins, a boy could be seen explaining something to the girl in front of him.

"So, basically, your Devil Fruit will have more growth if you use your imagination on it. Imagine creating more hands in the shape of wings behind your back, creating giant arms or legs. There is no wasted Devil Fruit, only wasted users, and you, Robin, are smart and strong. I believe you will even reach an awakening in your fruit later." The boy kept explaining a subject that seems hard to understand for most people in the West Blue, but the girl listened to it attentively.

"But I'm not as strong as you, Vanze." The girl looked down.

"You will. I'll make sure of that. But it'll be tough for you, Robin." Vanze stared at Robin with a concerned look.

"Um, I'm willing to try it." She said with determination flashing in her eyes.

"Haha, no need to be serious. If someone wants to mess with you, they will have to go through me first. Hmph!" Vanze tried to look tough by saying that, but it only made Robin laugh.

"Fufufu, so dependable of you. But according to your story, I should be one month older than you. So you should call me onee-chan then, fufufu." She kept laughing while also teasing him.

"Yeah... Yeah... Whatever. We should prepare to leave; I heard one of the crew shout just now. It looks like we arrived." He urged her to prepare.

"Okay, Vanze-chan. Fufufu." She just kept teasing him.

"Chop chop, girl, we don't have time for it." Vanze looked exhausted already.


At the dock on Vuldia Island, Vanze and Robin could be seen coming off the ship and heading straight to the other side of the island. The island itself is not big, so it didn't take much of their time to arrive.

"Why did we come to the other side of the island, especially to a quiet place where there is no one around, instead of heading to town, Vanze?" Robin looked puzzled about what they were doing right now.

"This Vuldia Island is just a transit for us; our real destination is an island not far from here. But it is located in the Calm Belt." Vanze explained their purpose to her. Robin looked flabbergasted at his explanation.

"Why? There are a lot of sea kings, and there is no wind if we want to sail through the Calm Belt." She started to panic and think Vanze is crazy.

"Calm down, I have a boat if we want to go there, and I also have a way for the sea kings to not bother us later when we start sailing." He came to the shore, and suddenly, a fancy modern speedboat appeared out of nowhere.

"Woah... Is it our boat, Vanze? It looks cool. Is it really safe?" She bombarded him with questions while inspecting the boat.

"Yes, yes, and yes. We'll be fine; this boat moves really fast at 300 miles per hour. So it won't be long before we reach our destination if we follow my compass there." Vanze showed off the speedboat to Robin with a proud expression hanging on his face. His face just screamed 'praise me' kind of look.

"Uhm... Can you help me get on it? Oh, what about the sea kings?" She just ignored him while trying to get on the boat and looking around like a curious cat.

"Sigh... I'll use Haoshoku Haki to scare them off later. Even if it's only a 30-meter radius, it's enough." He helped her get on the boat, and he started to ignite the engine while taking out Jack's compass.

"What is Haoshoku Haki?"

"I'll explain it to you later. You only need to know it can scare off the sea beasts and get them out of our way. Sit here and use the seatbelt." He helped her with the seatbelt while explaining to her.

"Thank you, Vanze."

"Well, let's move, then." He started to helm the boat and headed in the direction that the compass pointed to. The speedboat moved slowly until it gained more speed and sped through the sea, leaving Vuldia Island behind.

"Oh... It's so fast, Vanze!" Robin said to him while screaming her voice out because of the speed.

"Hahaha, we will go faster. So hold on, Robin." Vanze kept adding more speed slowly while activating his Kenbunshoku Haki and KG power at the same time for precaution.

"Is it safe going this fast?" She asked out loud now.

"Maybe? It's also my first time, after all."

"Eh...!?" Robin had a dumbfounded expression on her face right after hearing his reply.


"Are you fine now, Robin? I've already slowed down the boat." Vanze looked at the pale-faced Robin with concern in his eyes.

"Urgh... I think I'm fine now, just need to get used to it. It's been 3 hours; did your compass break, and did we get lost now, Vanze?" She asked him about their current situation after sailing out from Vuldia Island.

"My compass is not broken; it has always pointed in the direction that I need. Hmm... Looks like there is an island there, Robin." Finally, they spotted an island after a 3-hour journey in the Calm Belt. But...

"Hmm... It is coming, huh?" Vanze said while frowning. He sensed something coming their way. He is ready to activate his pest repeller power.

"Huh? What is it, Vanze?" Robin felt confused the moment he said that. The sea suddenly made a big splash ahead of them.

"Don't panic; I'm here." He stared at the thing that emerged from the sea. It is a giant sea king with green scales and red eyes coming toward their boat.

"Hmph! GET LOST!!!" Suddenly, a wave of willpower came out from Vanze and started bombarding toward the sea king. His Haki stunned the beast, and it fled not long after staring at them.

"Huft..." He looked at Robin and found out that she is affected by the terrifying sea beast and his Haki. She is still shivering a little, and her pale face is back.

"Hey, are you okay? It's gone. The sea king is gone, and we're gonna arrive in a land shortly. And also sorry if you feel intimidated by my Haki just now." Vanze tried to reassure Robin.

"Um..." She just responded to him with a nod. She still looked shocked after what had happened. Vanze continued to drive their boat toward the island ahead.


After a while, they arrived on the island. Vanze could be seen storing the boat back in his inventory while Robin is sitting down far on the beach below the palm tree. Vanze came toward Robin and asked her to come with him. They walked together not far from the beach.

"Let me take out something first." He's taking out the Capsule Corp survival kit he just got from the gacha while picking one of the capsules in it and throwing it on the ground. Suddenly, there is a house coming out of the capsule he just threw.

"Woah... I started to think you are a magician now. You have everything on you." Robin stared at him with a weird look.

"Not everything... Come on, let's go in." He just rolled his eyes at Robin while gesturing her to go inside.

The inside of the house is quite spacious. It has three bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen with a dining table, and a main room where there is a sofa. Robin looked around the house curiously.

"Robin, you should take a rest first after our journey. It's been an exhausting day, right? We can talk later on, after we get some rest." Vanze gave his suggestion to Robin. He could see it's been a tough day for her, especially after the sea king's appearance back then.

"Um... Thank you, Vanze." She chose one of the rooms and opened it. Vanze watched Robin going into her room until she closed it. He also started choosing the room beside her.

"Yeah, I also feel exhausted after maintaining Kenbunshoku Haki and KG for almost 3 hours." He is taking off his sunglasses while rubbing his temples with one hand and preparing to get some rest.

After a long journey for both of them, they finally arrived at their destination, but it is taking out their energy physically and mentally. But, what will they find out tomorrow on this island? How can they survive on this island alone without any help? What is their future up ahead? It remains unseen until they finish their rest.
