
Something Is Wrong

(My eye infection intensified and now I can't look at screen without wanting to gouge my eye out, so there's won't be any updates for couple of days. Sorry.)

I have four wives. Kind of.

First is Shen Xi: Cold. Stoic. Reserved. Proud.

Special Observation: She is little weird.

Second is Qin Kexin(Little Waifu): Tsundere. Proud. Aloof. Taciturn.

Special Observation: Too proud to show any feeling.

Third is Xia Qingyue(Half Waifu): Cold. Proud. Indifferent. Cultivation Maniac.

Special Observation: She is a mom-con.

Fourth is Feng Yue: Soft. Dignified. Noble. OP.

Special Observation: She sometimes give onee-san vibes.

Special Case: Nanhuang Chanyi(Wife in making?): Hot. Reserved. A Traditional woman.

Special Observation: She thinks of me as everything after I took her.


That was how things were supposed to be for some time. Then how come I am bowing together with Wuyao?

"With this, you are husband and wife."

By the way, did I say I have four wives? Make it five.

*Newlywed* Fifth wife is Chi Wuyao: Unknown. Smart. Proud. Ambitious. Seductive. Charming.

Special Observation: She is wild. Need to be little careful of her.

"Hey what are you playing at?" I sent a transmission to the woman in red robes beside me.

"Come on, you agreed to it."

"I don't remember!"

"Did you not say I can throw anything at you?"


Well the arrow is already shot. No going back now.

"Fine. But why are marrying in front of whole Northern Divine Region. And how did you assemble every leader so quickly?"

The corner of her lips lifted. "Of course, I want to flaunt my husband. And assembling these fools is very easy."

Like hell I will believe it.

Right now I was in my original form. No one knew I was I was same man from Colosseum. I went with her wishes to discard my disguise since I wanted to know what she wanted, but it seems like I am being seen as a pushover.

This woman needs to learn her place.

I pulled her chin towards me roughly in front of the whole crowd, looking into her eyes 'kindly', I said, "...you could have asked about this from me, I would probably have agreed. But... you didn't. I don't like it when someone uses me without my permission! So I will have you refrain from doing that. Do you understand, woman?"

My kind smile was accompanied by a pressure of True God which appeared on her for a moment. I could feel her charming body shudder in terror. She nodded instantly.

"Good." I let go of her chin and smiled, returning to my usual self. She was still a little shaken, but she was anything but a normal woman and resumed her Queen demeanour just after some seconds.

The ceremony and meeting with other people passed by very slowly. I was getting bored from all the facade but somehow the day passed.


Nuptial Chamber.

Finally I will get some action. Seeing Wuyao in her tight red dress whole day, I wouldn't lie, I was waiting to peel them off her slowly.



I looked at the scene inside the room with blank face. Then I back out of the door, close it and looked around the corridor to see if I was really in the right room.

The excessive amount of flowers and lavish decoration signified I indeed was in right place.


I took a deep breath and opened the door once again.

Seeing the same scene again, I said, "something is wrong. I only remember marrying one woman. So... can anyone explain why there's ten women here?"