
Multiversal: The Shop

In the shop, we have everything when we say everything, means everything but of course are you willing to pay the price for receiving them? There's nothing free, everything has a price. --- Alexander Barthomeloi, previous name [Unknown] before reincarnating as Alexander, he was nothing more than a poor average human in earth with nothing special, that was until 'God' a mistake and killing him by accident. Thus 'God' offered to compensate him for his mistake, it was to go to heaven or be reincarnated in another. And he choose the latter choice with the condition being born in a rich family and nothing more, however 'God' felt like was lacking for his compensation. So, 'God' decided to give him an extra blessing which is 'The Shop'. [ Warning! ] The story is a first person POV for Alexander. While the others are 3rd POV. Current Crossovers - Nasuverse Tada-kun wa koi wo shinai! Bocchi the Rock! Kumo ga nani desu ka? Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement (There would be more in the future) Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful. P@.treon/charlottes143 There's currently 10 advanced chapters there. Update 1 Chapter Daily. The cover isn't mine, credits to the original artist.

Charlottes · Anime et bandes dessinées
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119 Chs

Akashic Records

Since technically Bocchi is now my girlfriend, I decided to spend the entire morning with her, a house date is what this is called.

As her boyfriend it's only natural for me to do this, however, one problem when I try to do more than talking, like skin contact for example, is that her entire existence would start to glitch from the world.

I know she's an extreme introvert, but damn this is on another level!

Either way, this clearly is a challenge. I would gladly overcome this situation, I'll make sure of it, my determination was on the roof at the moment.

So for an entire morning, we did nothing aside from playing Nintendo Switch. 

I'm seriously glad that D left us alone, or else it would be more chaotic, literally thankfully she didn't bother our 'date', whether it's out of goodwill or entertainment, it doesn't matter.

I'm thankful for that, besides playing games makes me distracted, with my meeting with the 'Root' tonight.

After an entire morning of playing Mario Kart, my house date with Bocchi ended and I escorted her back to her house. We didn't hold hands all the way there obviously, that's too high level for someone like Bocchi.

So no unprotected lewd holding hands.

At the end of the day, nothing changed in our relationship aside from the fact that we are officially dating, leaving Bocchi said. "T-thank for escorting me…a-also sorry if i-i was boring with our d-date…"

She bowed her head out of shame, however, I wasn't having it and replied. "No, you weren't. I actually had fun with our date."

I really did, because it's not every day I play with someone. It rarely happens now that Luvia, my gamer best friend, is a few counties away from here.

Bocchi's eyes widened in hope and happiness. "R-really..?"

"Yes, let's do it again next time if you want?" I said with a smile.

"Y-yes!" Bocchi quickly answered with a wide smile, honestly making her more attractive in my eyes.

"Anyway, see you later Hitori." 


I stopped in my tracks and shifted my attention back to Bocchi who did something I never thought I'd see her do.

My eyes widened significantly as I saw Bocchi, boldly unzipping her pink tracksuit and lifted the white shirt inside it, showing me world-class tits that I wouldn't forget anytime soon.

I couldn't stop my jaw from literally dropping from my mouth, as my mind blanked at the sight.

Her round, firm breasts literally took my breath away for a second. Although she's wearing a white bra, it doesn't make it less attractive, instead, it only made me turn on. Also, her nipples were hard, it was painfully obvious at the moment.

However, she quickly covered herself out of embarrassment. I don't know what possessed her to do this, but I certainly wasn't complaining!

It's surprising that she didn't pass out from that bold display, and said. "I-i heard it from social media t-that b-boys like it when girls show them our breast s-so…"

Bocchi's face was dangerously red at the moment that I started to worry her blood vessels might pop at this very moment.

"T-that's all! Bye!" Instantly she went inside her house and dashed toward her room, not looking back.

And here I am standing outside like an idiot, only after a few seconds I managed to recover and exhale the air that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Woah…that just happened…" I muttered in disbelief, this was the first time I've seen her large breasts without a shirt. Honestly, they're bigger than I thought.

Her pair of tits could give Luvia a run for her money, so far those were the biggest tits I've seen from a teenager literally. 

"Must be nice to have that pair of massive tits…" Whoever said that clearly is envious of Bocchi's wonderful pair of breasts.

…Wait a minute!

I snapped my neck toward the suspect, and saw that it was D. I blinked a couple of times and spoke. "Oh, it's just you."

"What do you mean it's just me?" D huffed at my words in annoyance.

"Nothing, also why do you sound so envious of her breast? You know with your capabilities you could also make your breasts bigger." I don't understand why she didn't do that if she's envious of having a smaller pair of breasts.

"That's not the point! I want it to be natural!" D protests in annoyance.

I don't have the slightest idea what she meant, to begin with, nothing in her body is natural, maybe I'm too stupid to understand, either way, it's irrelevant to know her reasoning.

"Anyway, are you going to bring me now?"  I quickly changed the subject.

D nodded, knowing exactly what I was implying, she waved her hand above and the reality itself was ripped.

"You just need to step inside here and you'll meet Root-chan," D stated and went directly inside the hole.

Without hesitation, I followed her inside the hole.

Different from what I expected, the place wasn't in complete darkness, instead it was a grass field. There's also a sky, bluer than Earth definitely. I stared at the horizon but I couldn't see the end of it, as if it was endless.

Aside from the endless grass field, there's a single tree a few feet away from me. The tree itself wasn't massive, honestly, I have seen bigger trees, but unlike any other tree this one is unique, because…because…each branch contains a single universe.

'How the fuck do I know that?' I thought in shock.

"Because I transmitted that information directly into your brain." 

As I heard that unfair woman's voice, I shifted my attention toward the culprit and saw that it was a woman, who was in her early twenties.

She had short black hair that reached her neck, wearing a traditional high-quality japanese kimono, and in terms of appearance she looked like a traditional japanese beauty, except for those eyes.

I felt like with every single secret I had been exposed to, I felt naked even though I wasn't, now I understand what D meant before.

'Eyes that make you feel exposed.'

She certainly wasn't exaggerating, so this 'woman' in front of me, is the 'Root' or at least part of it.

"So, you're the 'Root'." 

"Indeed." Root nodded, as she continued to stare at me, honestly her gaze was uncomfortable.

Root started to approach me, and started circling my spot, and said. "D was right, you are an anomaly."

"I know right!" D suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Root attention shifts at D, it was obvious that she was displeased with her interruption, but didn't show it openly. 

"So Root-chan, about the favor you owe me…" D approached Root and stopped an inch away from her, looking at each other eye to eye.

From my perspective, they look like rivals gazing at each other without fear.

"Hm, yes I did recall the favor that I owed you, but are you really using it for something like this?" Root averted her gaze away from D's, and looked back in my direction.

"That's right." D smiled and wasn't bulging from the matter.

"I see, there's no changing your mind, so I'm dead set on this. I wonder why you would use this favor, a precious favor that you probably wouldn't be able to have again, for an interesting mortal." Root continues to gaze at my place.

"Hm, I see your curiosity is justified, but it's nothing special really. It's just for my entertainment that's why I'm doing this." D admitted without hesitation.

"You still haven't changed for eons, you prioritize entertainment above everything else, and that entertainment is what led you to create the [ Throne Of Heroes ] with me." 

Hearing that statement from Root, I couldn't stop myself from being shocked. 'What?! Are you telling me that D is one of the creators of the Throne Of Heroes?!'

"Indeed, so I'm using that favor, to make him a magician." D pointed at me, who was getting uncomfortable with the attention from these overpowered beings.

I mean, I'm used to D's presence, but after hearing the newest information I couldn't stop myself from looking at D in a new light.

"Alright, a favor is a favor and now I'm willing to do my part of the deal, usually I won't grant this power to just anyone, especially to someone who is clearly anomalous even to me, but since it's a favor I must give it to you." Root suddenly kissed my lips without a warning, making my body stiff in surprise.

"Oh?! What's this? Are you also adding Root-chan in your harem?!" D shouted excitedly in the background.

'Shut up! You're not helping D! I have o idea what's happening right now!' The kiss between the big boss of Nasuverse and myself lasted a full minute before separating.

"There, I have transferred you the First True Magic, you are now capable of creating everything you desire," Root said nonchalantly.

Those words made me recover and immediately tried to create something. 

It was a pair of gloves, not just any ordinary gloves either as this pair of ordinary gloves is conceptual, as they could erase everything in existence with just a single touch.

'Damn, what a sweet power this is…' A massive smile formed on my face, I could tell that I didn't use any prana while creating this conceptual item par with some divine construction.

"I could tell that you like it." Root mentions.

There's no point in lying and admitting. "That's right, I like it very much."

"Hopefully you won't misuse that power I gave you, I care not if you destroy several realities with it, what I mean is that you won't be foolish enough to use it on me, know that I can take it back anytime I want."

I gave her an incredulous expression and said. "Why would I do that?"

"Trust me, few tried." 

I couldn't help but scoff at those people and thought. 'Humanity's stupidity knows no bounds.'

"As you noticed by now, your true magic is a bit different from normal, it is expected as I took several restrictions from it, unlike usual magic, it's less complicated and more direct, the only limitation from that power is that you can't create a soul," Root stated.

I shrugged it wasn't much of a big deal for me, it's not like I'm planning to create life anytime soon.

"Now that you obtain what you want, let's get out of here." D looked at me and said.

I nodded as there's no reason for me to stay here either.

Before leaving, Root suddenly said. "You are an anomaly Alexander Barthomeloi, your existence from all possible timelines is unique, this wouldn't be the last time we'll see each other."

Before I could probably digest her words, I was dragged away by D and exited from the 'outside world'.


After they left, Root was still in her spot staring at the spot where the two left and she said. "What a unique soul that person has…"

Then her eyes shift at the tree in front of her, as this tree is 'her', the entire nasuverse.

All possible timelines exist in this very tree, as it is an entire multiverse.

"Someday we'll meet again." Root was staring at the future that no one other than her could see.

A/N: This was way longer than I originally intended honestly, anyway he's officially a magician now! 

The First True Magic is back in the world baby!

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters there

Also join my discord so that you could give me suggestions! 
